The international cooperation

Organization of international cooperation

From 11.11.2019 to 15.11.2019 teachers of Tashkent Agrarian University organized a master class on "IFRS reform: integration into the world system" for 45 hours on the basis of SKSU named after M. Auezova under the program of academic mobility. The following teachers received certificates of advanced training: Seitbekova ST, Sarkulova NK, Satenov BI, Turebaeva Zh.K., Dzhumanov AM, Atenova KA, Abdykulova DB, Akhmetova SS, Tulegenova R.Zh., Tulebaeva VT, Karibov VM, Uskenov M., Zhadigerova GA.

Head of the department Satymbekova K.B. At the Odessa National Polytechnic University of the Republic of Ukraine 11.01.-23.01.21. He took a 72-hour online course "Management of Company in the Condition of Global Economic Transformations" and received a certificate. Certificate №Т / 09 23.01.2021.

March 19, 2021 "What is Kazakhstan waiting for after the pandemic?" Teachers of the Department of Accounting and Auditing took part in the discussion of the discussion of Nobel Laureate Mike Spence. The meeting was held on the YouTube channel in two languages.

The online meeting was held on the basis of M. Auezov University. The meeting was chaired by French economist Marc Uzan, director of the Bretton Woods Reconstruction Committee. During the discussion, questions were asked and hotly debated among the participants of the online lecture. The lecture of the laureate is the transformation of the economies of developing countries and the digitization of business as part of the global economic process. With regard to the economy of Kazakhstan, Mr. Spence focused on sustainable income and comprehensive business support in the energy sector.


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