Department of Economics - the foundation of knowledge and prospects

We prepare specialists who are able to analyze, predict and develop the economy of the future. Training at the junction of theory and practice with leading experts in the field of finance and business.


The main goal of the research activity of the PPS of the department is to develop and support scientific research as the basis for the fundamentalization of education, the basis for the training of qualified labor workers in accordance with the needs of the state and society.


We teach students under the programs of undergraduate, magistrates and PhD, specializing in market analysis, strategic management and digital economy.


Many employees and graduates of the department have achieved significant success, received scientists and academic degrees, successfully work in the specialty in various positions: from leading specialists to heads of organizations. Some have worked and today work at other departments of higher educational institutions of Shymkent and at the economic departments of other universities of the republic and the CIS as professors, heads of departments and deans of the Higher School.

A brief history of creation

The department of Economy is one of the oldest departments of the Kazakh of Chemical technology Institute, which initially serves technical specialties.

In the 60s, the tasks of the department included providing engineering and economic personnel to the construction materials industry, the construction industry, as well as the chemical industry located in the south of Kazakhstan.

In the Soviet years, the department trained more 500 engineers-economics who became specialists in the economic services of large enterprises in Pavlodar, Karaganda, Petropavlovsk, Dzhambul, Uralsk, Chimkent, Alma-Ata, Navoi, Tashkent, Podolsk, Semiluk and other cities of the all-union distribution of graduates of the department.

Read more about us

Yessirkepova Altyn Makhmudovna

Head of the Department
Doctor of Economics, Professor

Address: 5 Tauke-khana street, Shymkent city, 160050,
Faculty of Economics, main building, office 422.

Phone: 21-10-36
Email address:

Departmentof Economy


The department of Economy is one of the oldest departments of the Kazakh of Chemical technology Institute, which initially serves technical specialties.

In the 60s, the tasks of the department included providing engineering and economic personnel to the construction materials industry, the construction industry, as well as the chemical industry located in the south of Kazakhstan.

In the Soviet years, the department trained more 500 engineers-economics who became specialists in the economic services of large enterprises in Pavlodar, Karaganda, Petropavlovsk, Dzhambul, Uralsk, Chimkent, Alma-Ata, Navoi, Tashkent, Podolsk, Semiluk and other cities of the all-union distribution of graduates of the department.

From 1976 to 1986, the staff of the department was significantly replenished with young candidates of sciences from among graduates: Nurasheva K.K., Kokebaeva A.M., Syzdykov I.S., Niyazbekova R.K., Kolotaeva L.P., Ikmatova E.B., Shim G.A., TalasovM.Zh., Kuttybaeva D.A. Their preparation, defense of candidate dissertations was carried out in leading educational and academic institutes, such as the Moscow Institute of Management named after S. Orzhonikidze, Leningrad Technological Institute named after P. Tolyatti, Institute Economy of Academy of Sciences the USSR and other.

From the moment of the formation of the department from 1964 until 1976, its permanent head was c.e.s., associate professor Abubakirova A.A. Over the years, the department was headed by Ishchanov A.U., Nurasheva K.K., Kupeshev S.K., Kolotaeva L.P., Niyazbekova R.K., Bayneeva P.T., Beisenova M.U.

The 90s are noted in the history of the department by the fact that many of its graduates became part of the departments of the created Faculty of Economics, to train economic specialists with high demand in the labor market. Their formation as competent specialists and scientists is the result of professionalism and devotion of the heads of the department.

Currently, the Department of Economy is headed by A.S. c.e.s., professorTulemetova A.S.

The Department of Economy successfully performs preparation specialists in the educational programs of the bachelor's degree 6B041100-Economy, master's degree 7M04110-Economy, doctoral studies 8D04110-Economy. Training at the department for three-level education is aimed at their implementation in practice of state programs of technological modernization, innovative entrepreneurship and diversification of the economy.

The department ensures the conduct of the educational process in more than 80 disciplines in the day and correspondence departments. Classes are conducted in the state, Russian and English languages.

The department has a high scientific, creative potential. Teachers work at the department, who at different times became the winners of the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the university": Niyazbekova R.K., Yesirkepova A.M., Bayneeva P.T., Aydarova A.B.; Abdikerimova G.I.; excellent students of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Niyazbekova R.K., Kolotaeva L.P., Kuttybaeva D.A., Tulemetova A.S., Aydarova A.B., Abdikerimova G.I.

For many years works on the department, c.e.s., associate professor M.K. Izmbergenov, c.e.s., associate professor Maksimova A.V., c.t.s., associate professor Rakhmetov B.A., c.e.s., associate professor DarzhanovaM.Sh.

Many employees and graduates of the department have achieved significant success, received academic titles and academic degrees, successfully work in their specialty in various positions: from leading specialists to heads of organizations. Some worked today at other departments of higher educational institutions of Shymkent and at economic departments of other universities of the Pepublic and the Union of Independent States as professors, heads of departments and deans of the Higher School.


In present time the traditions of the department are continued by a highly qualified teaching staff of 25 people, including 2 doctors of sciences, 10 candidates and 13 masters of sciences.

The department is known for scientific and methodological activity. Over the past 10 years, teaching staff of the department has prepared over 500 scientific and methodological works, which have found wide use in the educational process not only within the walls of South Kazakhstan university, but also at other universities in Kazakhstan.

The importance of the organization’s department for the educational process and practice is clearly evidenced by the results of research by its team. The scientific activity of currently working teaching staff is focused on the implementation of research projects, the development of textbooks, teaching aids, the implementation of the leadership of research work of students, undergraduates, PhD students.

The most significant of them are the textbook “Entrepreneurship” (authors UmbitalievA.D., Bayneeva P.T., Alzhanova A.A.), teaching aids -Economicsof Enterprise (authors Rakhmetov B.A., Bayneeva P.T., Kalmanova N.M.), Textbook (electronic) on discipline “Risks in entrepreneurial activity” (authors Seydakhmetov M.K., Tulemetova A.S., Dosmuratova E.E.), etc.

The main goal of the research activities of teaching staff is to develop and support scientific research as the basis for the fundamentalization of education, the basis for training qualified workers in accordance with the needs of the state and society. The teaching staff of the department carries out research projects within the framework of grant financing.

So, for example, in 2016 won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for research the project “Development of a mechanism for stimulating entrepreneurs as one of the forms of public-private partnership in the dual education system based on higher education” (supervisor: Ph.D., Associate professor Isaeva G.K. performers: Yessirkepova A.M., Beisenova M.U.); in 2017 -“Development of an economic mechanism for regional development in Kazakhstan based on financial regulatory instruments (in particular municipal securities) to ensure investment attractiveness and high competitiveness of the territory” (supervisor: doctor of economics sciences, Professor Nurasheva K.K., performer:cand.of econ.scien., Associate Professor Abdikerimova G.I.).

Over the past five years, over 320 methodological developments have been publishedand widely used in the educational process, also the video lecture sets have been developed in such disciplines as Economicsof Enterprise, Entrepreneurship, Planning and Forecasting of the Economy.

Since 2017, at the Department of Economy has introduced a dual education system under the educational program 6M050600- Economy. The classes in specialized disciplines are held in LLP “Hlopkoprom Celljuloza”, where undergraduates gain knowledge in the conditions of the existing enterprise.

Tutorial work is one of the components of the general learning process. At the curatorial hours in academic groups, issues related to the social life of students are considered: internal rules, significant events in the life of the country, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, analysis of academic performance, preparation of festive events in accordance with the plans of educational work of the university and group work.

The priority area of educational work remains civil-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of the personality of students in accordance with the traditions of Kazakh state and the policy pursued by the President and the government, both during training sessions and at various extracurricular events.

Curators are actively working in the field of legal education: the annual messages of the President to the people of Kazakhstan, state programs and other documents are being discussed.

 Students of Educational program 6B04110-Economy actively participate in the activities of republican and local youth organizations, in Olympiads, scientific projects, competitions, actions, sports competitions, shows, in student government as participants in events, as well as direct organizers.

 In order to develop student entrepreneurship, develop business relations between students and entrepreneurs, the Department of Economyactively attracts students to develop and implement youth startups.

According to the results of 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2016-2017 academic years, the Department of Economy is the winner in the nomination “Best Department of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan state university”.

In November, 2022, on the basis of the Departmentof Economy, the Nobel Laureate Rae Kwon Chung Center for New Climate Economics was opened. Research projects and innovative educational programs are being developed together with the scientist. Also, Rae Kwon Chung shares experience with faculty, students, masters and PhD students in the field of Green Economy, on topics such as renewable energy sources, energy storage systems, electric vehicles, climate change - causes, consequences and solutions.

In the 2023-2024 academic year, students of OP 6B04110-Economics took an active part in the work of the Poisk circle. Students and faculty of the Department of Economics took an active part in the 27th Republican Student Scientific Conference of the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University «Vectors of Youth Science Development» in social studies, technical, socio-humanitarian and economic sciences, which will be held on April 5-6, 2024 at the M.Auezov training base. The student scientific conference was attended by students. According to the plan, 22 reports were presented at the conference. The number of unscheduled reports is 2, a total of 29 reports were heard, and the number of winners was 6.

I degree diploma:

1. Alexander's Package – Priorities for the development of the dairy industry in Kazakhstan and the connection with the country's industrial safety. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, associate Professor Kolotaeva L.P.

With a diploma of the II degree:

1. Digital economy of the enterprise. Student of the EF-22-5tk group Orynkozhaev A.M. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Aidarova A.B.

2. The role of youth and science in the development of the country. Student of group 518-21 Torbai G.M. Supervisor: Master's degree, Abdrakhmanova A.B. Shymkent Higher Pedagogical College

3. Sources of financing of investment resources. Student of the EF-21-1p1 group Kulmuratov T. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Tulemetova A.S.

Diploma of the III degree:

1. Improving the efficiency of labor market development in the Turkestan region. Student of the EF-20-1k1 group Beisenkul M. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Abdikerimova G.I.

2. Problems and prospects of development of the flour milling industry in Kazakhstan. A student of the EF-21-1p group, A. Alieva, Scientific supervisor: Master's degree, senior lecturer I.I. Shevchenko

, the following students were awarded certificates of honor at the Higher School level:


1. The system of limits and quotas for the use of natural resource potential and performance indicators. A student of the EF-21-1 group, Serikova R.N. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R.K.

2. Economic and social consequences of inflation. Student of the EF-22-1k2 group Dzhunusova L. Supervisor: Master's degree, senior lecturer Beknazarov B.D.

The second place

1. Improving the efficiency of labor market development in the Turkestan region. Student of the EF-20-1k1 group Beisenkul M. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Abdikerimova G.I.

III place

1. Methodological principles of conducting an innovative foresight to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurship. Student of the EF-21-1k2 group Maksatkyzy A. Supervisor: Master's degree, senior lecturer Alieva E.M.

The following students were awarded a certificate of honor at the Higher School level


1. Trends in the production of basic dairy products and the self-sufficiency of the regions. Student gr. EF-20-1r S.Oryntai. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Kolotaeva L.P.

2. Methods of environmental insurance in risk management. Student of the EF-21-1p group Serikova R.N. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor Esirkepova A.M.

2nd place

1. Elements of successful development of the manufacturing industry: experience and lessons from other countries. Student of the EF-21-1p group Serikova R.N. Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Economics, Professor Esirkepova A.M.

The third place

1. Development of small and medium-sized businesses. Student gr. EF-21-1r Smanov A. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Polezhaeva I.S.

2. Analysis of the current investment status of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student of the EF-22-5tk group Zharkynbek N.M. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Aidarova A.B.

A number of students were awarded with letters of thanks:

1. Investment attractiveness of the agricultural and industrial region. Student gr. EF-21-1p1 Adieva A. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Tulemetova A.S.

2. Support for medium-sized and business enterprises in Kazakhstan. Student of the EF-22-5k2 group Alieva A. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Aidarova A.B.

3. Analysis of the current investment status of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student of the EF-22-5tk group Zharkynbek N.M. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor Aidarova A.B.

4. The essence of the "green economy" and the priorities of its development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Student of the EF-22-5tk group Zainidin E. Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Economics, Professor A.B. Aidarova

5. Typology and infrastructural approach in ensuring the competitiveness of business structures. Student of the EF-21-1k3 group Kuatova A. Scientific supervisor: Master's degree, senior lecturer Mukhamedkhanova A.B.

6. The course educational platform is a requirement of time. Student of the FI-22-11k4 group Seitzhan Kasiet. Supervisor: Master's degree, senior lecturer Koldasova L.S.


1. to interest students in discussing current issues of our time and to increase their activity in participating in the conference, to devote more time to research and development.

2. creating conditions for students to participate in term papers and research papers.

3. Conducting additional research and development classes to teach students how to present their opinions, solve problems, and analyze.

4. Organization of students' participation in national-level competitions.

 The main areas of work of the Department of Economics in the field of international cooperation are:

- carrying out activities to expand and strengthen international contacts and cooperation, as well as intensifying interaction with international and regional organizations, foreign universities and programs;

- organization of mutual exchange of teaching staff, PhD students, undergraduates and students in the development of contracts and projects of programs of long-term cooperation with foreign partner universities;

- inviting domestic and foreign scientists to give lectures, conduct master classes and organize research work.

The department is working to expand international cooperation with higher educational institutions of FSU and beyond, such as the PadovaUniversity (Italy), M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University named (Russia), Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Russia), Silesian University of Economics (Poland), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Mugla University (Turkey), Marmara University (Turkey).

For the period 2018 – 2021 years, the foreign scientists gave lectures with using Zoom platform: Doctor of Economics, Professor of Tashkent State University of Construction and Architecture (Uzbekistan) - Dzhabriev A.N. The topic of the lecture: Competitiveness of industrial and construction materials enterprises/Real estate valuation practice in Uzbekistan for groups EF-18-1p1, EF-18-1k1. PhD of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) - Elena de la Posa Plaza. Topic: “Research methods in economic analysis”.

At the same time, the department implements the academic mobility of students. In 2019, 2 students of EF-17-1p1 group studied at Gedimina Vilnius Technical University (Lithuania), Turiba University (Latvia). Also 2 students were trained at the Istanbul Institute of Culture (Turkey) in 2020.

Teaching staff of the department Economy actively participates in international programs and projects. In June 2019, as part of the Erasmus + program, PhD Yesbolova Ainurcompleted an internship at Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).

From 2019 to the present, PhD, Associate Professor Aigul Alzhanova is a member of the FNIR Erasmus + “Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure of High-Speed Rail Transport”.

In September 2021, Associate professor of the Department of Economy Abdikerimova G.I. plans to undergo an internship at State University of Management (Moscow, Russia).within the framework of the project AR 09261075 –“Formation of a model of a regional food hub as a horizontally integrated structure for ensuring food security (using the example of the meat cluster of the Turkestan region)” funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the areas of implementation of the agreement of the participants of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University is the joint master's educational program “Economy”. This partnership provides for the receipt by students of state model on the education of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University and a certificate in the form of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University” Moscow Energy University (Moscow, Russian Federation).

For the 2020-2021 academic year, the chair of Economy provided for three types of professional practice:

- Educational practice, 1 course (1 credit)

- Production practice, 2 course (3 credits)

- Production practice, 3 course (6 credits)

- Pre-degree practice, 4 course (11 credits)

All students of 1,2,3,4 courses were sent to the bases of professional practice (according to the Order "On professional practice of students"), with which collective contracts were concluded.


Practise bases

Order for professional practice

Total number of practice bases


2018-2019 academic year

Educational practice

Economy department

№5-858с 24.05.2019


1 production

Department of Economy and Budget Planning of Shymkent, LLP "Su Resourcestary-Marketing", JSC "Management Company" Ontustik "of the special economic zone of Shymkent, etc.




2 production

LLP "Kaz Prom Indastry", Branch in the southern region of RSE "Gosexpertiza", LLP "Dani Nan", JSC "SKMZ", etc.





Department of Agriculture of the Turkestan region, Department of Economics and Finance of Shymkent, LLP "Yug-Stroyservice", JSC "Shymkentmay", etc.




2019-2020 academic year

Educational practice

Economy department

№839с 05.06.2020


1 production

1. Akimat of the Alfarabi region of Shymkent,
2. LLP "Zerde-Pharma",
3. Akimat of Kyzylzhar village of Saryagash district,
4. Department of social development of the Turkestan region,
5. Department for the development of human capital under the akimat of Turkestan, etc.




2 production

1. Branch of ForteBank JSC, Shymkent
2. LLP "Medicare UK"
3. LLP "Plant of soft drinks" Visit "
4. LLP "Standard Cement"
5. PSK servise LLP, etc.





1. Association of legal entities "Association Kazakh Maeta"
2. Department of Strategy and Economic Development of the Turkestan Region
3. LLP "Standard Cement"
4. LLP "Merey & LTD"
5. JSC "Management company of the special economic zone" Ontustik ", Shymkent, etc.




2020-2021 academic year




Educational practice

Economy department

№843с 5.05.2021


1 production

1. LLP "Kaz Prom Indastry"
2. LLP "Arkana"
3. LLP "Oasis-S"
4. Apparatus of akim of Shymkent
5. Department of Economics and Finance of the Ordabasy region of the Turkestan region, etc.




2 production

1. Apparatus of akim of the Al-Farabi region of Shymkent
3. LLP "Stroy Engineering Atameken"
4. "Dani Nan" LLP
5. JSC "Kazteleradio", etc.





1. LLP "Medicare-UK"
2. LLP "Production Company" Song of the Summer "
3. LLP "Barys Stroy Engineering"
4. Department of strategy and economic development of the Turkestan region
5. LLP "Eristyle-Kazakhstan", etc.




Due to the fact that the chair concludes long-term and collective contracts with leading enterprises and departments, cities and regions annually, the renewal of contracts with practice bases is 80%. The frequency of practice bases corresponds to 20% - these are large enterprises in Shymkent, with which the chair of Economy works in the direction of students for industrial and pre-graduation practice, with subsequent employment, such as JSC «Shymkentmay», LLP «Dani Nan», LLP "Plant of non-alcoholic drinks" Visit ", etc.

The work of the chair of Economy to increase the bases of practices (2018-2021)


Educational practice

I production practice

II production practice

Pre-degree practice


quantity of bases

quantity of students

quantity of bases

quantity of students

quantity of bases

quantity of students

quantity of bases

quantity of students

quantity of bases

quantity of students














































Over the past three years, there has been an increase in the bases of practices at the chair, from 2018 to 2021 by 14%. Educational practice, takes place at the chair of "Economy" SKU them. M.Auezov. For production and pre-degree  practice with practice bases, long-term and collective contracts are signed - up to 10 students per base.

In order to improve the quality of training of specialists, develop social partnership, the effectiveness of educational and research work, improve the qualifications of employees of the enterprise and teachers at the chair of Economy, there is an educational and research of production complex (ERPC). The organization of the activities of the ERPC is carried out on the basis of the standard rules for the activities of educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher professional education, the Charter of the SKU.

ERPC contributes to the promotion of the implementation of the innovative potential of the chair by involving the teaching staff, undergraduates and students in innovative activities; increases the efficiency of planning the educational process; organization of the implementation of term papers and diploma, educational research work of students related to the solution of research and production problems facing the enterprise.

The department has been cooperating with LLP "Bal Textile LLP" for 10 years. The development of the OP is carried out with administration of the enterprise together, students have practical training at this enterprise. It is planned to implement a dual educational program for a master's degree with LLP "Bal Textile" in 2024.

Educational work of the department "Economics" is based on the approved plan in the following areas:

Ø organizational work
Ø civil, patriotic and legal education
Ø spiritual and moral upbringing
Ø professional labor education
Ø formation of religious tolerance
Ø physical education and formation of a healthy lifestyle
Ø ecological education
Ø development of intellectual and communicative culture
Ø cultural-aesthetic and multicultural education
Ø development of student self-government and youth initiatives

At the Department of “Economy”, professional practice of students is carried out:

- for 1 course - training practice (1 credit);

- for the 2nd course - the 1st industrial practice (4 credits);

- for the 3rd course - 2nd industrial practice (7 credits);

- for 4 courses - pre-diploma or industrial practice (8 credits).

The Department of “Economy” concludes contracts for the professional practice of students and annually updates them with leading organizations of the city of Shymkent city and the Turkestan region - the Department of strategy and economic development of the Turkestan region, the Department of agriculture and veterinary medicine of the Turkestan region, the Department of finance of Shymkent city, Akimats of Shymkent city and Turkestan region, LLP "Bal Textile," JSC "Shymkentmai" and others.

In the course of professional practice, students collect information necessary for drawing up a practice report, study the organizational structure of enterprises, conduct a detailed analysis of economic indicators and systematize materials

The practice-oriented approach of the educational program of the 6B04110 "Economy" in the educational process solves the main task of training future specialists - creating conditions for the development of professional competence of the individual

In order to improve the quality of training of specialists, the development of social partnership, the effectiveness of educational and research work, advanced training of employees of the enterprise and teachers, the Department of Economics operates a educational and scientific(educational) production complex (ESPC). The organization of the activities of the ESPC is carried out on the basis of standard rules for the activities of educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher professional education.

The ESPC promotes the realization of the innovative potential of the department by involving the faculty, undergraduates and students in innovative activities; improves training planning organization of course and diploma works, educational research work of students related to the solution of research and production tasks facing the enterprise.

Over the years of the ESPC functioning, the faculty of the department has established contacts with enterprises and organizations of the Turkestan region and Shymkent city.

In order to involve teachers, specialists, students, undergraduates in the innovative activities of ESPC and improve educational programs, scientific and methodological seminars are regularly held aimed at training and introducing modern training technologies and means of activating the cognitive activity of bachelors and undergraduates. Various software products are used for this.

Teachers in lectures and practical classes use active and interactive teaching methods such as business games, trainings, presentations, round tables, etc. Cases, guidelines for practical exercises, task collections, business games, etc. have been developed for all disciplines.


Contact us


+7(702)-406-12-80, +7(707)-465-00-44


Mukhtar Auezov South Kazakhstan University, 5 Tauke Khan Avenue, Building B, admissions office

160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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