
Research Report and statistics of scientific activity High School "Management and Business" for 2018 research work of faculty

1. Theme research at the state budget themes.

Department of "Economics". The subject of the state budgetary research work is “Socio-economic problems of sectors and sectors of the economy in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region”, code B-16-09-07, scientific advisor: Ph.D., professor A. Tulemetova, AS . n., professor Niyazbekova RK

Department of "Business and Commercialization." The subject of state budgetary research is “Efficiency of entrepreneurship in sectors of the economy and its impact on the socio-economic development of the region”, code B-16-09-01, supervisor: Ph.D. Satymbekova K.B.

Department of "Management and Marketing." The subject of the state budgetary research work is “Management of the socio-economic development of the Southern region in the context of the new economic policy” code B-16-09-04, supervisor: Ph.D., associate professor Kydyrova Zh.Sh.

 Department of Economic Theory. The subject of the state budgetary research work is “Scientific basis for the formation and development of the integration potential of Kazakhstan in the context of globalization”, code - B-16-09-02, supervisor: Ph.D. Mergenbaeva A.T.

Department of "Finance". The subject of state budget research is “Improving the mechanism for ensuring the sustainability of the financial and credit system in the implementation of the priority tasks of the development of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. cipher code B-16-09-06, scientific advisor: Ph.D., associate professors Aytymbetova A.N., Bigeldieva Z.A.

Department of "Accounting and Auditing." The subject of the state budgetary research work is “Research of problems of management, tax accounting and reporting, as well as audit and analysis”, code B-16-09-03, supervisor: Ph.D. Seitbekova S.T.

Department of International Tourism and Service. The subject of the state budgetary research work is “Scientific and methodological aspects of the development of the tourism cluster in the Republic of Kazakhstan”, code B-16-09-05, research supervisor: Yesenova A.Ye.

2. Themes of fundamental, applied and risk research funded by ministries and development institutions.

1. Project on the theme: "AP05132706. Development of an economic mechanism for regional development in Kazakhstan based on financial regulatory instruments (in particular, municipal securities) to ensure investment attractiveness and high competitiveness of the territory." Contract No. 164-29 dated March 15, 2018. Supervisor - Nurasheva KK, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department "Business and Commercialization", SKSU. M.Auezova., Performers: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department "Economic Theory" Mergenbaeva A.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department "Economics" GI Abdikerimova, Ph.D. , associate professor of the department "Management and Marketing" Kulanova DA (The sum of the project is 15 630 171 tg., Including for 2018 - 5 107 680 tg.).

2. The project, where the executor is Ph.D., associate professor Urazbayeva G.Zh., on the topic: "AP05133582 Development of a method for calculating and designing woven reinforcing frames of fire pressure hoses to create new high-tech samples of these technical products." Contract No. 164-29 dated March 15, 2018 (Leader: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Myrhalykov Zh.U., Project Amount - 181,200,000 tenge, including for 2018 - 6,000,000 tenge)

3. The subject of research carried out under international grants - no

4. The subject of research carried out under economic contracts - no

5. Actual financing of R & D - no

6. Performed scientific programs and projects, including scientific programs and projects for which the university is the head – no

7. Analysis of the work of departments in obtaining grants, participation in competitions of various programs and projects.

       1. Project on the theme: "AP05132706. Development of an economic mechanism for regional development in Kazakhstan based on financial regulatory instruments (in particular, municipal securities) to ensure investment attractiveness and high competitiveness of the territory." Contract No. 164-29 dated March 15, 2018. Supervisor - Nurasheva KK, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department "Business and Commercialization", SKSU. M.Auezova., Performers: Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department "Economic Theory" Mergenbaeva A.T., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department "Economics" GI Abdikerimova, Ph.D. , associate professor of the department "Management and Marketing" Kulanova DA (The sum of the project is 15 630 171 tg., Including for 2018 - 5 107 680 tg.).

2. The project, where the executor is Ph.D., associate professor Urazbayeva G.Zh., on the topic: "AP05133582 Development of a method for calculating and designing woven reinforcing frames of fire pressure hoses to create new high-tech samples of these technical products." Contract No. 164-29 dated March 15, 2018 (Leader: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor - Myrhalykov Zh.U., Project Amount - 181,200,000 tenge, including for 2018 - 6,000,000 tenge)

3. The faculty of the department "Business and Commercialization" took an active part in the preparation of business projects and in the competition of innovative projects "STARTUP - BOLASHAK", as a result, 3 projects were submitted and registered with undergraduates of the MEF group 17-7kn, specialty Business Administration - Toylybay Nurtіlek and Naushan Albina

8. The most significant scientific and creative results.

D.Sc., Professor A.M. Esirkepova until September, she was secretary of the scientific and technical council of M. Auezov SKSU. By order of the Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan # 132 dated March 1, 2018, she was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council for the specialties “6D051000 - State and local government”, “6D090500 - Social work”, “6D050600 - Economy” at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic Kazakhstan.

Doctor of Economics PhD, Senior Lecturer Ye.Ebolova she had an internship at Padua University (from June 3 to June 21, 2018) under the Erasmus + program.

Senior teacher of the department "Finance" Zhakipbekova D.S. Awarded the academic degree of Doctor PhD (№0002354 from 04.24.2018).

Associate Professor of Finance, Isaeva G.K. received the academic title of Associate Professor (Associate Professor) (№502 03.20.2018).

Ph.D., Associate Professor Isaeva G.K. took part in the international scientific seminar "Using CLIL methods in the teaching of disciplines Integrated study of the subject and language."

The head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. took part in the international international seminar on the academic mobility program in the framework of the Bologna process.

The department "International Tourism and Service" took part in the program "Shymkent green city 2018-2030"

Kydyrova Z.Sh., Aydarov T.A., Iskakov KK, Tuleyeva A.Zh., Suleimenova I.A., Siyazbekkyzy B., Daurbaeva M.U., Daribayeva AS, Karabaeva Sh.A. ., Zhanabaeva G.M. Dzhetibayeva A.B. took part in the international scientific-practical conference "Science today: challenges and solutions" (Russia, Vologda, January 31, 2018) (There is a certificate of participation).

On the basis of the Memorandum of Cooperation, Associate Professor of Sumgayit State University (Azerbaijan Republic) Aliyeva AG took part in the work of the AUSEZ Readings-16 ISC and published the article “Main Problems and the Formation of Food Security in the Republic of Azerbaijan” (There is a certificate of participation).

Under the guidance of Associate Professor Aidarov TA undergraduate gr. MEF-17-2MR A. Banushoglu (Turkey) made a presentation “Personnel management in the AIC in the modern management system” (There is a certificate).

April 13, 2018 Ph.D., associate professor Kydyrova Zh.Sh. An on-line conference was held on the theme “Effective public administration is the key to Kazakhstan’s competitiveness” with scientists from the University of Narchosis, the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, TarSPU, the University, TarSU named after M.Kh. Dulati.

9. Publication of research results, participation in conferences

The faculty of higher education published 2 textbooks, 35 textbooks, 8 monographs, 495 articles were published, including: 18 articles with impact factor, 39 articles in journals approved by the Committee on Control in Education and Science, 16 other magazines, 30 articles in the collection of conferences of foreign and 22 articles in the near abroad, 195 articles in the collection of international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 175 articles in collections of papers, republican, regional and other conferences held in Kazakhstan. (Appendix P).

The faculty of the department participated in the following conferences:

1. International scientific-practical conference "Auezov readings-16:" The fourth industrial revolution is new opportunities for the modernization of Kazakhstan in the field of science, education and culture ", Shymkent: M.Auezov. April 2018.

2. International Scientific and Practical Conference “The Phenomenon of NANazarbayev: Political Credo and Initiatives”, Shymkent: SKSU named after M.Auezov. February 2018.

3. International Conference "Shymkent - a scientific and business ground for green projects." Shymkent: SKSU them. M. Auezov. May 2018.

4. The 21st Student Scientific Conference on Natural, Technical, Social and Humanitarian Sciences: "The contribution of the youth of Kazakhstan in the implementation of the fourth industrial revolution" SKSU them. M.Auezov. April 2018

5. V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Industrial Technologies and Engineering", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov and the 90th anniversary of Academician S.Т. Suleimenova, conducted in the framework of the 4th industrial revolution. Shymkent: SKSU them. M.Auezov. November 2018.

10. Publication of scientific monographs - 8

11. Intellectual property protection (patents, certificates) - 22

1. Bigeldiyeva Z.A. received a certificate of state registration of protection of intellectual property rights in the discipline of "Corporate Karzhi" (№ 3275 from 12/28/2017)

2. Knowledge of the state registration of rights to the object of copyright entitled "Economy zhene Endіrіstі Uyymdastryu" (a work of literature - a training manual). Authors: Mergenbaeva A.T., Abdikerimova G.I., Kulanova D.A., No. 1777, dated 31.05.18.

3. Aydarova A.B. copyright certificate No. 2554 dated August 6, 2018 for the monograph "Ecological and Economic Safety of Railway Transport"

4. "The method of producing glyphosphate." The conclusion on the issuance of a patent for a utility model on the application number 2018 / 0319.2 of 23.08.2018. Zhantasov K.T., Berzhanov D.S., Frangulidi L.Kh., Shalataev S.Sh., Zhantasova D.M.

5. Tulemetova A.S. for the textbook "Regional Economics" copyright certificate.

6. Tulemetova A.S. for the textbook "Fundamentals of Cluster Economics" copyright certificate.

7. Myrhalykov ZH.U., Aliyev ZH.T., Esirkepova AM, Aқberdi A.S. on the monograph: “Development of a mechanism for strategic management of an enterprise providing repair services”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IP 3538 № 2341 July 17, 2018.

8. Esirkepova A.M. to the monograph: “ңR ezbek resource-aged ң migration retteu: the theory of living machinery”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IP 3585 № 2345 July 17, 2018.

9. Isaeva G.K., Esirkepova A.M. on the monograph: "Public-Private Partnerships in Higher Education of Kazakhstan: Current State and Development Priorities". Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IP 3583 № 2359 July 17, 2018.

10. Niyazbekova R.K., Esirkepova A.M., Tulemetova A.S. on the monograph: "ОҚО құрылысalingardardyң importnyn oryn almastirudy ң economics tetіkterі". Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IP 3593 № 2376 July 17, 2018

11. Bayneeva P.T., Esirkepova A.M., Kalmanova N.M. for the monograph: “Aymaktyk azyk-tulik Kauіpsіzdіgіn Chamtamymyz eudіn economics қ mehanderіn zhetіldіru”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS3595 No. 2378 July 18, 2018.

12. Isaeva G.K., Esirkepova A.M. on the monograph: "Public-private partnership in the system of higher education: current state and development priorities." Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS3596 № 2379 July 18, 2018.

13. Bayneeva P.T., Esirkepova A.M., Alzhanova A.A. on the monograph: "Aimaktyk tamak өnerkәsіbіnіn өndіrіstіk әleuetin damitu strategy". Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS3552 № 2422 July 20, 2018.

14. Esirkepova A. M. About copyright and related rights. Help from the Vice-Minister N. Pan. 07.23.2018 № 10-1-20 / gu3774 № 2425 July 20, 2018

15. Esirkepova A.M. to the monograph: “Regulation of labor resources migration in Kazakhstan: theory and mechanisms” Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS3648 No. 2425 July 20, 2018

16. Isaeva G.K., Esirkepova A.M.a monograph: "Stimulate entrepreneurship": Theory and Methodology. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS3649 No. 2426 July 20, 2018.

17. Esirkepova A.M., Kuttybaeva D.A. on the monograph: “Auyl sharuashylyk kәsіpkerlіk құrylymdardy ә bәsekege іabіlettіlіgі: bogalau әdіsterі zhne zhogarylatu mechanismderi”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright IS3553№ 2431 July 23, 2018.

18. Esirkepova A.M., Esirkepova M.M. on the monograph: “Kazakhtay Kaitalam Resourcestar Narratives: Theory, Displays and Mechanisms”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS3655 No. 2432 July 23, 2018

19. Esirkepova A.M., Zhumagulova A.M. on the monograph: "Economikans" resources қleuetі: қazіrgі zhaғdayy men tiimdi paidalanu bakyttary ". Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS3654 No. 2433 July 23, 2018

20. Myrhalykov Zh.U., Esirkepova A.M. on the monograph: “Aimaktyk әleumettik-ekonomalylyқ damuyn strategyy basқaru”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS3653 No. 2434 July 23, 2018

21. Myrhalykov Zh.U., Esirkepova A.M. to the monograph: “Aymak deңgeіnde auul sharuashylyk құrylymdardy baskaru: theory, менdіsnamasy men mechanism”. Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS3651 No. 2436 July 23, 2018

22. Myrhalykov J.U., Esirkepova A.M. on the monograph: "Management of agricultural formations in the conditions of the region: theory, methodology and mechanisms." Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright. IS 3540 No. 2338 July 17, 2018

12. The results of research, implemented in production - 52

1. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Tuleletova AS, Ashirbaeva SB, Dosmuratova E.E. on the topic: "Effective use of investments in regions of Kazakhstan" - at Ogem LLP.

2. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Ashirbayeva SB on the topic: "Analysis of the main indicators and ways to improve them in the construction sector of Kazakhstan" - at LLP Abil Stroy Engineering.

3. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Ashirbaeva SB, Dosmuratova E.E. on the topic: "Analysis of the main indicators and ways to improve them in the construction sector of Kazakhstan" - at Ogem LLP.

4. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Polezhaeva I.S. on the topic: “Problems of ensuring socio-economic sustainability” - at MPK-Proyekt LLP.

5. The act of introducing the results of scientific research A. Aidarova, J. Zhusupalieva. on the topic: “Konsіporynnyң bәseke іabіlettіlіgіn zhogarylatudyң ұyymdastirylylyқ-ekonomilylyқ tetigіn ііzirleu (“ Firm “Assel” ZHSHS Mynylynda) ”- on Assel LLP.

6. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Kuttybaevoj DA, Ormanova U. on the topic: “ОҚО Sumen amtamasyz etu msesellerі men қazіrgі zhādayyy” - on LLP “Moldir bұlaқ”

7. Apsenbetov G.T. The act of implementation in the production process Demament of science and production SKSU im.M.Auezova.

8. Aimaktyk transits әleuetin zhetіldіru zhne zhezege asyrudyң tiimdіlіgіn zhogarylate. Oryndalғan gyly-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn Ondіrіske engіzu akіsі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P. Zhakeshova, A.Esentaeva,

9. лыrylys kіsіporyndarynyk ңarzhylyғ zhaddayyn taldau zhane not naryқtyұ tұraқtylyғyn negіzdeu. Oryndalғan gyly-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn Ondіrіske engіzu akіsі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P.Zhakeshova, A.S.Tulemetova, A.Esentaeva, N.беrymbekov, B.S.lbay

10. Analysis of the main indicators and ways to improve them in the construction sector of Kazakhstan. Oryndalғan gyly-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn Ondіrіske engіzu akіsі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P. Zhakeshova, A. B. Ashirbaeva

11. Kazakstandaғy toқyma өnerkәsіbіne saraptama. Oryndalғan gylymi-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn іndіrіske humanitarian pedagogyқ mamandytar ү і н ін енгізу актісі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P. Zhakeshova, A. B. Ashirbaeva

12. Kazakstandaғy toқyma өnerkәsіbіne saraptama. Oryndalғan gylymi-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn іndіrіske humanitarian pedagogyқ mamandytar ү і н ін енгізу актісі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P.Zhakeshova, E.Saparbayeva

13. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Analysis of the structure of monetary earnings of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan." Authors: Shorayev B.A., Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarova A.T., Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva, Aytymbetova A.N., Bigeldieva Z.A. (Act №064 08.02.2018).

14. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: “Priorietes for the development of the South Kazakhstan region”, Authors: Shoraev BA, Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov GA, Askarova A. T., Zhoshybayeva D.A., Kalbayeva N.T., Aytymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act No. 068 08.02.2018).

15. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Shakun zhane orta kәsіpkerlіktі damuyn Yntalandyru zholdary". Authors: Shoraev B.A., Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarova E.T., Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva N.T., Aytymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act № 071 08.02.2018).

16. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Optimization of the tax burden on business activities in the countries of the Customs Union", authors: Shoraev BA, Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarova E.T., Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva N.T., Aitymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act №063 08.02.2018).

17. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan: problems and ways to solve them", authors: Shoraev BA, Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarova A.T., Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva N.T., Aitymbetova A.N., Bigeldiyeva Z.A. (Act No. 066 08.02.2018).

18. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Present taxation potential of the South Kazakhstan for individual entrepreneurs", authors: BA Shorayev, T.Z. Saparaliev, G.A. Pazylov, E.T. Askarova, Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva N.T., Aitymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act №057 08.02.2018).

19. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Tax planning as a way to stimulate innovation in enterprises", authors: B. Shorayev, T.Z. Saparaliev, G.A. Pazylov, E.T. Askarova, D. Zhoshybayeva A., Kalbaeva N.T., Aytymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act №061 08.02.2018).

20. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: “Perfection of Government Control of Bank Activity”, authors: Shoraev BA, Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarov A.T. , Zhoshybaeva D.A., Kalbaeva N.T. Aytymbetova A.N., Nurseitova A.E. (Act №062 08.02.2018).

22. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: “The advantages of taxation of the individual entrepreneurs”, authors: Shoraev BA, Saparaliev T.Zh., Pazylov G.A., Askarova E. T., Zhoshybayeva D.A., Kalbayeva N.T., Aitymbetova A.N., Akniyazov B.E., Nurseitova A.E. (Act №060 08.02.2018).

23. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Improving leasing for the growth of the economy of Kazakhstan", authors: Seidakhmetov M.K., Bigeldieva Z.A., Kulbay BS, Duysenbekuly A., Askarova A.T., Zhoshybayeva D.A., Maulenkulova G.E., Mamutova K.K., Kalbaeva N.T. (Act No. 916 December 29, 2017).

24. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Modernization of forms and methods of tax administration and management in market conditions", authors: Seidakhmetov M.K., Bigeldieva Z.A., Shorayev BA, Mamutova K.K. (Act №893 12.28.2017).

25. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Financial analysis as a key element in increasing the profitability of a company", authors: Zhakipbekova DS, Seisenbaeva Zh.M. (Act No. 112 03/12/2018).

26. The act of implementation in the production process on the topic: "Foreign experience in lending to small businesses", Authors: Zhakipbekova DS, Seisenbaeva Zh.M. Act №111 12.03.2018).

27. The act of introducing the results of scientific research, Aidarova, T. A., Demesinova, A. A., Suleimenova, I. A. on the topic “Development of the system of distribution of goods in the agro-industrial complex on the basis of public-private partnership” - to Assel Firm, No. 881 of 03.10. 2018

28. The act of introducing the results of scientific research, Aidarova, TA, Iskakova, KK, Tuleyeva, A. Zh., On the topic “Personnel Management in the Agro-Industrial Complex in the Modern Management System” - at SEC “Bio-Agro”, No. 880 of 03.10. 2018

29. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Aidarova TA, Daribayeva A.S., Siyazbekkyzy B. on the topic “Improving the sales management process of poultry products” - at LLP “NUR & ADIL”, No. 879 from 03.10.2018

30. The act of introducing the results of scientific research, Aidarova, T.A., Daribayeva, A.S., Kulanova, D.A. on the topic “Strategic management - the basis of the sustainable development of the food market” - at ZBN Vizit, No. 883 of 10.22.2018

31. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Aidarova TA, Daribayeva A.S., Kulanova D.A on the topic “The market of food industry products in the context of the transition to the fourth industrial revolution” - to Shymkentmay LLP, No. 884 of 22.10 .2018

32. The act of introducing the results of scientific research, Aidarova, TA, Daribayeva, AS, and Kulanova, D.A. on the theme “Analysis of the production and marketing of agricultural products in the regions of Kazakhstan” - at Dani Nan LLP, No. 882, dated 22.10. 2018

33. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Tleukeeva ZH.A., Esenova AE. On the topic: "Ensuring the safety of the socio-economic systems" - on the NGO "Ontustk tourism".

34. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Duisembekova G.R. on the theme: “Organization of business meetings and negotiations” - at Alim TECH LLP.

35. Act on the implementation of research results Stamkulova G.R. on the topic: "Technology of production of tourist products" - at LLP "Nurai & Co."

36. Act on the implementation of research results Zhumagulova G.S. “Tourism salasyndagy өlketanu қyzmetіnің mәnі men massaty” - on LLP “Zhanar”.

37. Act on the implementation of research results Arapova G.M. “Foreign capital and state power in Kazakhstan” - at Zhanar LLP

38. Act on the implementation of research results Sadykov ZH.ZH. “Ecology tourism ң perekshelgі” - at Zhanar LLP.

39. The act of introducing the results of scientific research of Isakhov J. “Tourism damytudy naryқtyқ segment of the teedіn ңrekshelіkterі” - at LLP “Zhanar tour”.

40. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Esenovoi A.E. “Assessment of the potential for the development of ecological tourism in the South Kazakhstan region” - at Standard-Tour LLP.

41. The act of introducing the results of scientific research Tleukeeva Zh.A. "On the interaction of the Eurasian Economic Commission and the business community of the Eurasian Economic Community" - at Zhanar Tour LLP.

42. The result of research work Zhakipbekova S.ZH., Akhmetova S.S. "Auyl sharuashylyғyndagy accountants ісепті ұйымдастыру ерекшеліктері" was introduced into the production of the activities of LLP "Amankeldi" № 366 from 05.05.2018

43. The result of research Akhmetova S.S. "Memlekettik Audti Uyimdastyrudy She Sheldyk Tәzhіribesі" introduced in the production of the activity of the Akim of South Kazakhstan, No.37 dated 05.30.2018

44. Result of research work by Atenova K.A., Sarkulova N.K., Turebaeva Zh.K. "Ісімдік шаруашылығы өнімдерінің өзіндік құнын какаляцияляла орекшеліікері" was introduced into the production of LLP "Amankeldi", No. 370 from 05.31.2018

45. The act of introducing the results of research work in production for the humanities and pedagogical specialties, Ibraimova SS, Botabek M. undergraduate gr. MEF-16-7nk

46. ​​The act of introducing the results of research work in production for the humanities and pedagogical specialties, Ibraimova S.S., Auytov A.A. undergraduate c. MEF-17-7pr

48. The act of implementing the results of research work in production for the humanities and pedagogical specialties, Ibraimova S.S., Sembaev B. graduate student gr. MEF-17-7pk

49. The act of introducing the results of scientific internships in production No. 096 of 03/05/2018, Ibraimova S.S.

50. “Innovations forsight and Nezgiznde OҚO kәsіpkerlіk ryrymdarynyң bәsegegeқabіlettіlіgіn қamtamasasyz etu” Oryndaan: undergraduate Ahmet R.Ә., left zhytekshіs D.Ph.D.

51. Assessment of the competitive position of the production of vegetable oil in the food industry of Kazakhstan, undergraduate Zh.A. Makhanbetov, under the guidance of Art. teacher, Ph.D. Narkulova Sh.A., PHD by Dr. Zhusipova E.E.

13. The results of research, implemented in the educational process - 47

The results of research works have been tested at scientific conferences and published in the open press, and are also used in the educational process in the performance of diploma and term papers, lectures and practical exercises, namely:

1. The results of advanced training Saparbaeva E.M. summary of the lecture on the discipline "Kasіpkerlіk kyzmet negіzderі"

2. The results of the G / B NIR B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Kazakhstan Respublikasynyk rylys materialdary salasyyn ңnerkәsіptegі ryny), executed by the candidate of economic sciences, professor Aidarova AB, master Saparbayeva E.M., undergraduate Zhusupalieva Zh.T. implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Krylys materialdar Innerkisіbіnіn economics".

b) in the thesis "Aimaktyk rylys ұyymdarynda bекsekege қabіlettіlіktі zhokarylatu zholdary"

3. Results of G / B SRW B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Kazakstannyk koliktov infrakrylymyynyzh zhaddayyn taldau zhane damytu (Temirjol Mysylynda), performed by Ph.D., Professor Aidarova AB, Master M. Alieva E.M. Undergraduate N.S.

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Economics zhene Endіrіstі Uyymdastryu".

b) in the thesis "Aimaktyk tasymaldau logistics қyyesіn Kalyptastyru іrdіsіn zhetіldіru"

4. Results of G / B SRW B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Kazakstannyk koliktov infrakrylymyynyzh zhaddayyn taldau zhane damytu (Temirzhol Mysylynda)), performed by Ph.D., professor Aidarova AB, master Saparbayeva EM, master Sadybek EK implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Kіsіpkerlіk kyzmet negіzderі."

b) in the thesis "Agroөnerkәsіptіk keshendegі kәsіpkerlіktің Kazіrgі zadғadayy men damu bakyttary"

5. The results of the G / B SRW B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial and innovative development of the region." (Effective use of investments in regions of Kazakhstan), performed by Ph.D., Professor AS Tulemetova, Master S. Ashirbayeva, Master E. Dosmuratova E.E. implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Industrial economics".

b) in the thesis "Aimaktyk investments ңs-әreket tiimdіlіgіn arttyru zholdaryn taldau"

6. The results of the G / B NIR B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Problems of ensuring the socio-economic sustainability of the region), performed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Polezhaeva IS, Master Shevchenko II, Master Bekmanova G. U. implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures on the subject "Planning and forecasting of the economy."

7. The results of the G / B NIR B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of sectors and sectors of the economy in terms of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Development of industrial production in South Kazakhstan as the basis for the growth of the production potential of the region), performed by Ph.D., associate professor Kolotaeva L.P., Ph.D., professor A.B. Aydarova, undergraduate Z.M. Uteuliyeva implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes on the subject "Economics of the building materials industry".

b) to the thesis "Analysis and improvement of the state of the production and economic potential of SKR"

8. The results of the G / B NIR B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial-innovative development of the region." (Kіsіporynnyң bәsekege Kabіlettіlіgіn zhogarylatu zholdary), made by Ph.D., Professor AB. Aydarova, undergraduate Zhusupalieva Zh.T. implemented in the learning process (the act of implementation is attached): a) in lectures and practical classes on the subject "Krylys materialdar Orkerkisіbіnіn economics".

9. Results of G / B SRW B-16-09-07 "Socio-economic problems of industries and economic sectors in the conditions of industrial and innovative development of the region." (Kazakstan Respublikasyny transports dқlіzderі Boyynsha Zhүretіn transititik tasimaldardy taldau), performed by Ph.D., Professor AB. Aydarova, undergraduate N.S. Nurkeeva implemented in the educational process (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Economics zhene Endіrіstі Uyymdastryu".

b) in the thesis "Aimaktyk tasymaldau logistics қyyesіn Kalyptastyru іrdіsіn zhetіldіru"

10. Act No. 1850 of the introduction of the results of research work the educational process for humanitarian, technical and pedagogical specialties Koldasova L.S. (the act of implementation is attached):

a) in lectures and practical classes in the discipline "Economics of Negzdі."

11. Electronic textbook "Project Management". Act: Creation and implementation of innovative pedagogical technologies in the educational process No. 807 dated 11/17/2017 g. Aydarov TA Abdikerimova G.I. Kulanova D.A.

12. Electronic textbook "Advertising Management". Act: Creation and implementation of innovative educational technologies in the educational process No. 808 of 11/17/2017. Aydarov T.A. Abdikerimova G.I. Kulanova D.A.

13. Electronic textbook "Marketing Innovation". Act: Creation and implementation of innovative educational technologies in the educational process No. 809 of 11/17/2017. Aydarov T.A. Abdikerimova G.I. Kulanova D.A.

14. Electronic textbook "Marketing in the trade." Act: Creation and implementation of innovative educational technologies in the educational process No. 810 dated 11/17/2017 g Aidarov TA Abdikerimova G.I. Kulanova D.A.

15. Kasiporin economics pioneer MOOK. ACT № 133 of 03/15/2018, the introduction of the results of advanced training in the educational process. Abdikerimova G.I.

16. Apsenbetova G.Т. Act of implementation in the educational process. SKSU them. M. Auezov, Department of "Economics"

17. Әуе кеңістігін қорғаудың әлеуметтік-экономлылық мәделелі. Oryndalғan gyly-zertteu zhұmystarynyң nңtizhelerіn about қ process engіzu akіsі. M.Auezov at.OҚMU, 2018. A.P. Zhakeshova

18. The act of implementation on the subject “Economics of Negzadi”, Ph.D., Associate Professor A.T. Mergenbaeva on lecture lesson on the topic number 8: “Firm zhane kәsіpkerlіk theories. Ksіporynnyң (Firmanyң) shyғyndary men tabysy ”for students of all specialties, No. 18-48 from 30.05.2018.

19. The act of implementation on the discipline "Fundamentals of Economics", Ph.D., associate professor G.T. Utemissov, for practical classes on the topic number 3: "Property and economic systems" for students of non-economic specialties, No. 18-49 from 30.05.2018.

20. The act of implementation of the discipline "Economics negіzderі", senior teacher L.S. Koldasov, for practical classes on the topic number 12: "Economikanyң cycddyғy. Inflation is not for women of all specialties, No. 18-50 of 05/30/2018.

21. The act of implementation of the discipline "Economics negіzderі", a senior teacher G.A. Maulenberdiyeva, for practical classes on topic No. 14: “Fiskaldy Sayasat. Уleumettik Sayasat ”for students of all specialties, №18-51 from 30.05.2018.

22. The act of implementation of the discipline "Economics negіzderі", senior teacher B. І. Ospan on practical classes on the topic number 11: "Economical қ tepe-teңdіk zhәne economy

35. "The implementation of the program of development of active types of tourism completed, Ph.D. Yesenova A.E. introduced into the educational process (the act of implementation is attached): a) in the lecture and practical classes on the subject "Technique and tactics of active types of tourism."

36. The technology of production of national tourism products, made by Ph.D. Stamkulova M.U. introduced into the educational process (the act of implementation is attached): a) in the lecture and practical classes on the subject “Technology of mobile and outbound tourism”.

37. Outbound tourism: problems and prospects made by Sadykov Zh.Zh. introduced into the educational process (the act of implementation is attached): a) in lectures and practical classes on the subject “Technology of inbound and outbound tourism”;

38. The main stages of preparation for the reception of tourists, performed by G. Arapova. introduced into the educational process (the act of implementation is attached): a) in the lecture and practical classes on the discipline "Planning and organization of tourist business."

39. The result of research work Atenova K.A., Sarkulova N.K. "Budgetary ұйымдардағы of the pelvis of activeness, kapitaldy zhane balanstan thousand shottards Esepke alu Erekshelіkterі" was introduced into the educational process for a lecture lesson in the discipline "Budgetary ұйымдардағы бухгалтерлік екепеп" №221 22.05.2015

40. The result of research work Atenovoj KA, Sarkulova N.K. “Esep Sayasat Kәsіporyndagy Accountantіl Eseptіk Zhлyenі alypttastyru retino factors” was introduced into the educational process for a lecture lesson on the discipline “Kәsіpornyynyen Esep Zhene salyқtyt Esep Sayasat” №222

41. The result of the research work of Atenova K.A., Sarkulova N.K., Turebaeva Zh.K. "Өсімдік шаруашылығы өнімдерінің өзіндік құнын какуляцияляууререшшеліктері" was introduced into the educational process for a lecture lesson in the discipline "Auyl sharuashylyғyndagy accountantlіk esep" №223. From 22.05.2018

42. The act of introducing SRW of the state budget theme code B-16-09-01 "The effectiveness of entrepreneurship in economic sectors and its impact on the socio-economic development of the region" in the educational process, Ibraimova S.S., Botabek M. master student c. MEF-16-7nk

43. The act of introducing SRW of the state budget topic code B-16-09-01 “The effectiveness of entrepreneurship in economic sectors and its impact on the socio-economic development of the region” in the educational process, Ibraimova S.S., Auytov A.A. undergraduate gr. MEF-17-7pr

44. The act of introducing SRW of the state budget theme code B-16-09-01 "The effectiveness of entrepreneurship in economic sectors and its impact on the socio-economic development of the region" in the educational process, Ibraimova S.S., Beguliev N.R. undergraduate gr. MEF-17-7pr.

45. The act of introducing SRW of the state budget theme code B-16-09-01 "The effectiveness of entrepreneurship in economic sectors and its impact on the socio-economic development of the region" in the educational process, Ibraimova S.S., Sembaev B. graduate student gr. MEF-17-7pk

46. ​​“Innovation forsight kәsіpkerlіk құrylymdardyң bәsekege n қabіlettіlіgіn damitu құraly retіnde”, undergraduate Ahmet R., ғ ымиlymi zhetekshіsі a жa oқytushy, (PhD), ylymi zhetekshіsі aғa oқytushy (PhD), (PhD)

47. “Study of the investment attractiveness of the construction industry (on the example of SKO)”, undergraduate A. Bibolova :, Zhadigerova G.A.

14. Promotion of research work, publication in the media - 30

R & D of teachers is published in journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, international, republican and regional collections of works, as well as in periodicals.

1. Dungelengen day Republikanskaya newspaper of the party Nur Otan number 20 (572) of 30 05 2018. "Tourism for Damitu Bolashaky bіlіktі kadlarda." The staff of the department "International Tourism and Service"

2. жаза 01стан жолдары 01.06.2018g. "The development of the tourism cluster: problems and prospects." Tleukeev ZH.A., Esenova A.E.

3. Tauelsiz Kazakhstan № 11 (39) 05/25/2018 "Tourism salasyyny bolashagy - bilіktі kadlar dyayndau." Sadykov ZH.ZH.

4. Tәuelsіz Kazakhstan № 11 (39) 05/25/2018 "Why I choose the specialty" Tourism ". Duisembekova G.R.

5. Head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. published an article in the newspaper “Оңтүстік Kazakhstan” on the topic: “Damyan melekat shynayy bәsekeden Korykpaydy” (04/26/2018).

6. The head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. and PhD Kulby BS published an article in the newspaper "Tәuelsіz Kazakhstan" on the topic: "High-quality education: the basis of the competitiveness of the development of the state" (05.05.2018) № 11 (039).

7. Associate Professor of the Department Z.A. Bigeldiyeva published an article in the newspaper “Tauelsiz Kazakhstan” on the topic: “The financier is a demanded specialty” (05.05.2018) № 11 (039).

8. Senior Lecturer G.A. Pazilov published an article in the newspaper “Tauelsiz Kazakstan” on the topic: “Johns bilim tourbied bastalady” (05.05.2018 No. 11 (039)

9. The head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. published an article in the newspaper "Panorama of Shymkent" on the theme: "The demand for culture: financial and investment" (10.26.2018 №85 (1624).

10. Head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. published an article in the newspaper “Atalar sіzi” on the topic: “Glory saқattylyқtyң zhokary deңgeіі - halyқtyң әl-aukatynyk өsu kepіlі” (13.10.2018 No. 19 (396).

11. Head of the department Aytymbetova A.N. published an article in the newspaper “Tauelsiz Kazakhstan” on the theme: “Happy anniversary, beloved Alma Mater” (09/29/2018 No. 19

24. Esirkepova A.M. "Anything can a woman ..."

25. Esirkepova A.M. “What will give Shymkent and Turkestan a new status?”

26. Esirkepova A.M. Response to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 5.10.18.

27. Esirkepova A.M. Special report. Turkestan and Shymkent in the new status. South Gambit.

28. Esirkepova A.M. Arnai reportage. Shyraily shakardyң kemel keleshegі

29. The article “Memlekettik қzymettің zhaңa model lini лайyty mamandar қazhet” // Тәуеліз азақстан. №11 (039) dated May 25, 2018, p.1 (Authors: Kydyrova Zh.Sh., Iskakov KK)

30. Article "The role of management and marketing in modern conditions" // Tauelsіz Kazakhstan. # 11 (039) of May 25, 2018, p.5 (Author: Kydyrova Zh.Sh.)

15. Personnel of the faculty (division) (Appendix B)

16. Conferences held at the Faculty (Appendix D).

17.Statistical data on departments (Appendices D, E, F, I, K, L, M, N, P).

18. Awards, prizes for scientific achievements

Ph.D., Associate Professor A.T. Mergenbaeva was awarded the diploma of akim of the Turkestan region for his contribution to the development in the field of education and spiritual development of young people.

D.Sc., Professor Sakhar Zhakypbekov Zhakypbekuly for special achievements in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan was awarded the breastplate "Bіlіm ісінің құрметті қызметіі", October 26, 2018.

Ph.D., associate professor Aidarova AB awarded the badge “Y. Altynsarin ".

By the order of the rector of the SKSU named after M. Auezov of 28.11.2018, No. 374 were awarded the medal "75th anniversary of the SKSU named after M. Auezov"

- Seidakhmetov M.K.

- Mergenbaeva A.T.

- Kydyrova Z.Sh.

- Satimbekova K.B.

- Tulemetova A.S.

- Ilasheva S.A.

- Kuttybaeva D.A.

- Abdikerimova G.I.

- Esenova A.E.

- Seitbekova S.T.

Deputy Dean of Science ______________________ G.ZH. Urazbayeva

“___” _________ 2018









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