Educational work

Educational work of the department "accounting and audit"

Educational work of the department” accounting and audit " is carried out on the basis of the approved plan in the following areas:

-organizational work
-civil-patriotic and legal education
-spiritual and moral education
-professional labor education
-formation of religious tolerance
-physical education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle
-environmental education
-development of intellectual and communicative culturecultural,
-aesthetic and multicultural educationd
-evelopment of student self-government and youth initiatives
Every year, in accordance with the tradition of the department, the "week of Accountants" is celebrated in honor of the day of accountants. The week will be attended by professional chief accountants and leading specialists of large enterprises of the region.For cultural and aesthetic, patriotic, religious literacy and spiritual and educational purposes, various events are organized in the University and hostel, where representatives of law enforcement agencies, mass media and specialists from the spiritual administration of Muslims of Kazakhstan are invited.The teams "Balans kz" and "Shanyrak", consisting of students of the department, were awarded the II place in the student subject Olympiad.Student Of group EF-13-7R Abdualieva ZH. won the nomination "the most tender girl" in the competition "Miss SKSU". Students of the department took the first place at the Universiade in volleyball. Teaching staff participates in charity events and provides assistance to orphanages in Sairam. At all times, the department participates in the education of high civic responsibility and patriotism in the future generation.



Meeting with Chief Accountants "on the occasion of the day of accountants" (from right to left-Chief Accountant of the DKD for South Kazakhstan region N. M. Sarybayev, Chief Accountant of" Shymkentchimmontazh " LLP G. T. Tengebayeva,Accountant of the state institution" State expertise of South Kazakhstan region " Baizhanova B. zh..)

Active students of the department are studentson the day of self-government

Meeting on the topic:" prevention and fight against religious extremism and terrorism"

At the Seminar-conference " my rights”


Event dedicated to the Independence Day in Hostel No. 4







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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


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