The International tourism and service



Head of Department “International tourism and service”

PhD, Associate Professor

Esenova Ayman Ermuhamedovna



Address: Shymkent, 5, Tauke khan avenue, M.Auezov SKSU, main corpus, room 435 and 441.
Phone: 21-15-26



Title page of the catalog of elective disciplines of the specialty 5В090200 "Tourism"

Catalog of elective disciplines specialty 5В090200 "Tourism"

General data, history of the chair

        The department “International tourism and service” is structural a structural subdivision of M.A. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University, which is a part of Higher School "Management and Business". The training of  bachelors is carried out in accordance with mission of the University is directed by the formation of a modern scientific and educational environment in which the training of highly qualified personnel on principles of integrating science, education and innovation is realized and consists the formation and development of tourism in the South Kazakhstan region and RK, scientific support of tourism policy implementations and the creation of a special layer graduates who are aware of the complex nature and specificity of tourism industry.


       Training of  bachelors on the educational program 5В090200 - "Tourism" is carried out since 1996 based of state license with an academic degree assignment - bachelor in the field of services; training of bachelors on the educational program 5В090400 - "Social - cultural service" is carried out since 2001 based of license with academic degree assignment - bachelor in the field of services and formulated in accordance with the needs of society, economy and labor market of South Kazakhstan region and Kazakhstan, where concentrated recreational resources of national importance and tourism enterprises.


       Educational-methodical work

The general aim of educational-methodological work is to create conditions that enhance the effectiveness and quality of the education process at the department. Methodical work is a complex of activities directed by: providing the educational process of educational - methodological complexes, improving the pedagogical skills of lecturers, improving the classroom and independent work of students. The solution of tasks ensuring the achievement of aim of methodical work is carried out at the department in the forms: "educational - methodical work" directed by improving the methodology of teaching disciplines, direct methodological support of the educational process, the introduction of recommendations resulting from the implementation of research work, pedagogical qualification of the teaching staff.

Over recent years the department staff published more than 170 scientific articles, including foreign publications with high citation index, magazines approved by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, magazines far, neighboring countries, and collections of international, national, regional and other conferences. Teaching staff annually publishes textbooks, manuals, monographs and other teaching literature. In addition, the faculty of the department is actively involved in international and national competitions grant funding for research.

"Scientific - methodological work", aimed at generalizing best practices, perspective  development of the learning process, improving its content and teaching methods, searching for new principles, regularities, methods, forms and means of organization and technology of the educational process; "Organizationa l- methodological work", covers activities to manage methodological work.

Research work

Science and international cooperation has been and remains one of the priority areas of activity and one of the main competitive advantages of the Department of International Tourism and Service.
The main areas of research activity in the department of International Tourism and Service are research in the field of tourism infrastructure and hospitality industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the development of a system for training young scientists, the development of research and business ties.
The department carries out fundamental, search, methodical and applied scientific research, which is an integral part of the training of specialists, organizes scientific seminars, develops research topics. Particular attention is paid to the involvement of students in scientific activities, active participation in the activities of the student scientific group "Tourist". The main directions of scientific research of the department: problems and prospects of development of service and tourism; hotel and restaurant business; sustainable tourism and the competitiveness of destinations; creation, advertising and promotion of competitive tourist products and brand in the international tourist market; development of tourist infrastructure, etc.
The department cooperates with higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, takes part in the work of international scientific and practical conferences.
The department cooperates with leading tourist organizations, with organizations in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business of the South Kazakhstan Oblast and Shymkent: Hotel RixosHadishaShymkent, FE HotelShymkent, Canvas Hotel Complex, Sael Tour LLP, Al Rapya LLP, SaparStandartHotel LLP, "AtlasTour" LLP, "Komek Tour" LLP, "Maximum Uyut" LLP, "Regional Youth Tourist Station" SCC, "NurAyi Ko" Air Travel Agency, "Syrdaria-Turkestan Memlekettik өңірлік табиғи парі" LLP, "Deluxgroup & Co" LLP, LLP DostyktourCompany, LLP Olimpusporttur, LLP Marzhan and K, Kuanysh LLP, Laim Tour LLP, ZhTsS GazTravel, GoldenTrav LLP el "in which students undergo training, production and pre-diploma practice acquiring practical skills. With the same goal, students develop practical skills while developing their creative potential and awareness of the social importance of the future profession, additional activities such as the organization of tours various directions and organization of events aimed at the preservation of cultural and historical monuments and sustainable development of tourism.

Research work of students

Students take part in the Republican Olympiads of various levels, as well as in international student conferences, held both at the university level and in other universities with the subsequent publication of scientific papers in collections of works.
Upon completion of the training, students acquire such professional competences in the field of tourism as project, production, technological, organizational, managerial, service and research, which enables them to further qualify to work in various areas of the tourism and hospitality industry.
An important factor in the quality of student preparation is academic mobility, which provides for the study of a number of disciplines by the students of the curriculum, the passage of practices and internships in other universities of the country and abroad, for the purpose of integration into the world educational process. The procedure is enshrined in the standard of the University of PR QMS SKSU 7.11-2012 "Organization of academic mobility of students." There are agreements on cooperation with such universities as: University of Turiba (Latvia), University of Balikesir (Republic of Turkey), Verkhne-Silesian University of Economics named after L.V. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), Akdeniz University (Republic of Turkey), Llandrillo College, Conway, North Wales (UK).
The department cooperates with such universities as the University of Turiba (Latvia), the University of Balikesir (Republic of Turkey), the Upper Silesian University of Economics named after LV. Korfantogo, Katowice (Poland), as well as in the provision of educational and consulting services for consultations, workshops, seminars and lectures with the University of Akdeniz (Republic of Turkey), Llandrillo College, Conway, North Wales (UK) .


Educational work
At the department there are all conditions not only for education, but also for harmonious education and development of the student's creative abilities, education of patriotism in the unity of ethical norms and aesthetic values, respect for the laws of the country, its history, peoples living in the republic, our common cultural heritage and civil rights of the individual.
In all academic groups for the new school year, plans for educational work, consisting of 10 areas, have been developed.
 Curators are working on the approved plan. Weekly scheduled hours are spent curatorial hours, the protocols are filled.
 Students of the department take an active part in university activities, concerts and productions. Particular attention is paid to the discipline in the groups and the content of the classrooms in the purity of the classrooms. The progress of students is checked based on the results of the control weeks.
 Every year the department "International tourism and service" organizes a round table in honor of the day of international tourism.
And under the guidance of curators, there are open curatorial hours on the theme "Youth against drugs", "A sound mind in a healthy body", etc. The goal of open curriculum hours is the formation of a healthy life style of the student, the development of healthy personal growth, , protect from bad habits.


The department, using advanced educational technologies, experience of the real sector of the economy of the region, the country, international trends in the development of the service industry, prepares highly qualified specialists in the field of tourism and hotel services. As part of the training of specialists in the service sector, the department implements educational programs of higher education: "Social and Cultural Service and Tourism", "Tourism". Given the intensive development of the hospitality industry in the region, the University in recent years is focused on training specialists in the field of hospitality by world standards.


Unified approaches and recommendations of professional practice of students of the specialty “Tourism”


Educational practice

- knowledge about the educational program content of the specialty “Tourism”

- knowledge about the peculiarities of specialty, types, functions and tasks of the future professional activity

- ability to independently organize tourist trips;

- ability to conduct a tourist trip;

- analysis of the preparation and conduct of the tourist campaign.

- ability to obtain fundamental knowledge about the tourism industry, to carry out their preparation for an exciting career in the field of tourism.


Production practice

- knowledge about the role and main functions of the state in the economy, the formation of the financial policy principles, the directions of the state socio-economic and tourism policy;

- knowledge on the methods and skills for conducting monetary transactions, processing visa documents, negotiating with partners and interacting with government agencies;

- knowledge about the goals and objectives of the professional activity of the tourism manager and the requirements of the labor market and the needs of potential employers;

- having an idea of ​​the economic and tourist zoning of Kazakhstan;

- ability to organize the reception and dispatch of tourists, planning and organizing work on transport routes.

- competence and skills in the organization of labor of the future employee of the tourist industry;

- organization of active tours and work with a tourist group on the route;

- ability to work with people applying to tourist companies, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of tourists;

- ability to make programs of tourist and excursion services;


Pre-graduate practice:

- having the practical skills in the field of hospitality and provide tourist services, work with tourist documentation and office work;

- ability to put into practice modern information technology and technology promotion of the tourist product;

- knowledge about the main quantitative and qualitative indicators characterizing the recreational zones of Kazakhstan;

- ability to organize a tourist enterprise, planning its activities, maintaining financial documentation and financial statements, performing the duties of the leaders of tourist groups;

- knowledge of the main characteristics of the tourism infrastructure; the role of transport in the transportation of tourists;

- ability to make programs for serving tourists and organizing informational conversations;

- knowledge on the methods and techniques of specific studies in the field of tourism;

- ability to make advertising brochures, brochures and other promotional materials;














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