About higher school

Dean of the Higher School of Management and Business
Seidakhmetov Marat Kanimbekovich
 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Address: 160000, Shymkent, Tauke Khana, 5, SKU named after M.Auezov, Higher school of "Management and Business"
Phone: 8 (7252) 21-36-68
Fax: 8 (7252) 21-36-68
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs: Dr. Phd, Senior Lecturer Kulbai Bauyrzhan Susarovich

Deputy Dean for Higher School Science: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Urazbayeva Gulnar Zharasovna

Deputy Dean for Social and educational work master, teacher Kalbaeva Nursulu Tanatovna

Secretary of the Council of Higher Education: Master, Senior Lecturer Zhoshybayeva Dariga Abdrakhmanovna

website: www.ukgu.edu.kz
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



General information
      Higher School of Management and Business of the South Kazakhstan University. M. Auezov is the main supplier of economical personnel, the release of which has been conducted since the beginning of the sixties. This is one of the flagships of economic education, which has a consistently high reputation and rating in the educational market. Starting from September 1, 2017, the faculty was transformed into the higher school of "Management and Business".
        The primary goal of the higher school is the qualitative training of specialists, which will be in demand today in the labor market.
       Personnel training is conducted in the direction of social sciences and business on 8 educational programs of the bachelor's degree and 6 educational programs of the magistracy. Training is conducted in 3 languages: Kazakh, Russian, English.
       Our students
       Currently, the higher school of "Management and Business" provides all areas of the economy of the region with personnel in the economic profile.
    Every year, a growing contingent of students of higher education in all forms of education, which are provided by a fund of educational and methodical literature, computer classes and software, a sufficient auditorium, sports halls, stadiums and swimming pools.
     For the advanced part of the student youth of our higher school, groups with teaching of a number of disciplines of the curriculum in English are opened, where teachers with a good language base, trained in special language courses, and also in the linguistic center of the university are conducting classes.
     In the higher school there are permanent creative collectives of various orientations: choreographic ensembles, KVN, students are members of the debating club "Akikat", there are 6 scientific circles, the sports team of the higher school is the repeated winner of many student sports days.


Teaching staff
        154  teachers works in the faculty among them 10  doctors, 62 PhD, 22 Magisters.
For entrant
Duration of training: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Economics 

Scope and content of professional activities: Specialist of the profile can take the position of an economist, specialist and analyst. 
Bachelor of Economics can perform such professional activities as planning, economic development strategy of the enterprise, the implementation of economic analysis, design, technical and economic analysis, regulation of labor, controlling, management innovation and investment management expertise of project, project documentation regarding its compliance with international standards, introduction of innovations in material and immaterial production. 
Place of employment:   organizations and businesses regardless of their activity, size, ownership (large, medium, small enterprises); organization of environmental protection and management, educational organization (school, colleges) and research institutes.
6В04120-5B050700 - Management 
Duration of training: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Management 

The scope and content of professional work: specialists can perform functions such as development of operational plans for enterprise development, development management solutions, aimed at the efficient operation of enterprises and organizations, solving practical problems in the economic activity of enterprise and organization management, selection of variants of the most effective development of economic entities, promoting of staff, increased innovation, forming the optimal organizational structure of enterprise management, analysis and assessment of the status and prospects of development of commercial and nonprofit organizations in a market economy and tough competition, horizontal and vertical linkages in the apparatus of control and on this basis the adoption of best management decisions, ensure their effective functioning and development.
Place of employment: managers of enterprises, managers, sales and trading, advertising of industrial enterprises and organizations in all spheres of economic and non-productive sphere, state authorities; educational organization (school, colleges) and research institutes.
6В04130-5B050800 - Accounting and Auditing 
Duration of training: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Accounting and Auditing 

The scope and content of professional work: specialists can perform functions such as bookkeeping and making finance reporting of the consolidated financial statements, tax reporting and filling in tax declarations, collecting records and statistical information, data processing and preparation of its leaders to use for making management decision, investors, creditors, external and internal users, analysis and evaluation of alternative solutions to pricing, methods of production, investment, management and control of enterprises in general, checking compliance with the accounting legislation, regulations, and providing advisory services (audit and consulting activities).
Places of employment: graduates can work as a specialist, an accountant at the enterprises and organizations, an economist on the methodology of accounting and auditing work, the auditor (assistant auditor), researcher in the field of accounting and reporting, economic control and audit at the Research Institute, a teacher at universities , secondary education professors.
6В04140-5B050900 - Finance 
Duration of training: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Finance 

The scope and content of professional activities: Bachelor of Finance engaged in the management and organization of finance, the conduct of monetary and fiscal policies at the micro and macro levels. Bachelors in this profile should analyze the financial condition of the company, help to increase revenue, minimize cost and risk, satisfying must satisfy the market needs to provide quality financial services. The functions of the specialist of this profile include collecting and reporting statistical information, data processing and preparation its leaders to use for making management decisions , investors, creditors, external and internal users, analysis and evaluation of alternative financing solutions, lending, borrowing, pricing, investment, production techniques, management and control of financial and financial-economic activities of enterprises and institutions of public and private sectors of the economy as a whole, checking compliance with the organization and management of financial and credit relations legislative and normative acts, as well as providing consultation services, development of regulations governing financial relations between economic agents.
Places of employment: graduates can work as a financier in the banking sphere, in financial institutions, the Ministry of Finance, insurance institutions, the Office of Economy and Budget Planning, Bank of Kazakhstan, in the financial market and financial organizations in the securities market.
6В04150-5B051000 - State and Local Government 
Duration of training: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Public Administration 

The scope and content of professional activities: During the professional bachelor's degree the following functions: implementation of management activities in various spheres of economic and social development of the administrative-territorial units (districts, cities, provinces) and the Republic of Kazakhstan, a comparative analysis of indicators characterizing the process of social and economic development areas, administrative areas and regions in order to draw conclusions and proposals for the improvement of administrative and economic mechanisms of the positive impact on this process and the adoption of science-based business solutions, tailored to local factors and conditions for their implementation, subject to the priority of national interests, carrying out planning and forecasting calculations for the scientific substantiation perspective economic and social development of appropriate administrative units in the mixed economy and enhance its competitiveness;
Place of employment: Staff and Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK); apparatus of the Kazakh Parliament, the structural units of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; controls Economics and Finance (ministries, departments and agencies), local governments (governorates districts, cities, provinces) and of the executive bodies ; national public and private companies, corporations, corporations.
6В04160-5B051100 - Marketing 
Course duration: 4 years
Qualification is Bachelor of Marketing 

The scope and content of professional activities: Specialist of the profile is designed to perform functions such as the development of the planning, forecasting, cost management and logistics, logistics, marketing, implementing marketing research and market segmentation, participation in the development of strategies and tactics of the service budget Marketing and business plan of the enterprise, organization, planning and coordination of company management and formation of a market strategy firm; Implementation of marketing analysis and control, management of trademarks and trade marks, logistics, implementation of examination of goods and services.
Places of employment: the position of marketing for industrial, construction, retail and advertising businesses, associations, concerns, holding companies, firms, exchanges, customs, tourism and hotel industry in the area of foreign economic activity. 
6В11110-5B090200 - "Tourism" 
Terms of training: 4 years
Qualification of the specialist: Bachelor of Tourism.

Place of practice and future work - governments (ministries, governorates, regional units and structures), public and private companies engaged in tourism business, consulting companies tourist profile, marketing services of the tourist enterprises, educational institutions, research organizations, advertising agencies, an organization of their own business.
6В11111 - "Restaurant and hotel business"
Terms of training: 4 years
Qualification of the specialist: Bachelor degree in the field of services.

Place of practice and future work -Head service divisions hotels, tourist and sports complexes, businesses, trade, hotel business, catering, educational institutions, research organizations, public and private companies, public service providers, advertising agencies, hotel-tourist complex and sports facilities, cadastral and real estate activities.

6В04170 - Evaluation




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