The international cooperation

International cooperation at the department "International tourism and service"

The tasks of internationalization of the Department of International Tourism and Service are determined by the Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 of Auezov South Kazakhstan University and are aimed at strengthening the position of the department in the international educational space. Among the priorities of internationalization are increasing the share of foreign students, developing joint projects with foreign universities, increasing the share of scientific and pedagogical workers teaching in English, increasing joint educational programs with foreign universities with the issuance of double diplomas.

The department "International Tourism and Service" develops international relations based on the principle of equality of all partners - participants in international cooperation and academic exchange and within the framework of existing agreements on scientific and educational cooperation with government and international organizations, foreign universities and research centers. The development of partnerships with universities in Europe, Russia, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan is aimed at the development of academic mobility and joint educational programs.

More than 100 foreign students from neighboring countries of the world visit us annually to study, improve their qualifications, participate in scientific internship programs.

Within the framework of the programs of inclusive education, students are sent abroad annually. An actively developing area of ​​international cooperation of the Department of International Tourism and Service is the creation of joint educational programs with foreign partners. Currently, the department is developing a joint educational program with the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow), the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow).

The department "International Tourism and Service" seeks to develop cooperation with representatives of the scientific and academic community, universities, public organizations around the world. The doors of our department are open to foreign applicants, students, trainees and teachers.


Academic mobility

The tasks of internationalization of the department "International Tourism and Service" are determined by the strategic plan of the university for 2020-2025 and are aimed at strengthening the position of the university in the international educational space. Among the priorities are the development of joint projects with foreign universities, an increase in the share of scientific and pedagogical teachers of the department, an increase in joint educational programs with foreign universities with the issuance of double diplomas.

The department develops international relations, proceeding from the principle of equality of all partners - participants of international cooperation and academic exchange and within the framework of existing agreements on scientific and educational cooperation with the "Varna University of Management" (Bulgaria), "Upper Silesian University of Economics. V. Korfantogo in Katowice ”(Poland), Lodz University (Poland), Jasi University. A.I. Kuzy, Almaty Technological University, Kazakh University of Technology and Business (Nur-Sultan). A significant achievement of the department is the signing in 2021 of a memorandum of cooperation in the field of opening a joint two-degree educational program with the Russian State University of Tourism and Service (Moscow).

Students of the Department of International Tourism and Service have the opportunity to undergo internships abroad and in Kazakhstan in accordance with the existing memorandums with Turiba University (Latvia), Lodz University (Poland), Varna University of Management (Bulgaria) and within the framework of internal mobility with the Kazakh University of Technology and business (Nur-Sultan), Almaty Technological University (Almaty).

In general, the department has observed a positive dynamics of increasing the growth of students' internships, both in the far abroad and in Kazakhstan. In fact, in the checked period over the past 3 years, within the framework of internal mobility at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business and the Almaty Technological University, students of the department have passed: Ismailova A., Kulimbetova A., Bazarbek A.M. Burlibaeva A.N. Nurғalikyzy. In the universities of the far abroad: the University of Lodza (Poland), the University of Management "Varna" (Bulgaria), the University of Turiba (Latvia), during the period under review, over the past 3 years, the following internships were carried out: Ablataeva D., Aripov H., Sadu N. , Asilov M. On internal outgoing academic mobility within the framework of the winter school in 2020, internships were completed: Mamyrova A., Shin Yu., Kulimbetova A. ,, Ybyrai A., Kyrykbai A.



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