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The highter school "Manadgement and business" of South Kazakhstan  University  named after  M. Auezov is formed on the basis of chair  "Ecоnomy, Organization of Production and Planning" of the Kazakh chemical institute of technology in 1992.

Today the structure of highter school "Manadgement and business" includes 6 chairs: "Economy", "Management and marketing", "Finance", "Account and audit", "The economic theory",  "The international tourism and service".

Preparation of high skilled  in specialists on   economic specialties are requirement of modern life. In this regard at faculty are conducted  preparation of the specialties which  having demand in the market:

6B04110-5B050600 - "Economy";

6B04140-5B050900 - "Finance"

6B04130-5B050800 - "The account and audit";

6B04120-5B050700 - "Management";

6B04150-5B051000 - "The public and local administration";

6B04160-5B051100 - "Marketing";

6B11110-5B090200 - "Tourism";

6B11111 - "Сatering and hospitality "

6В04170 - "Evaluation "

At faculty doctors and candidates of science, teachers, masters of sciences are engaged in scientific and pedagogical activity. Among them there are owners of the state grants "The best teacher of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION", the professor-teachers which have passed a scientific training in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of America and Europe.
Since 2004  a magistracy on the following specialties are open:

7М04110 - "Economy",

7М04160 - "Marketing",

7М04120 - "Management",

7М04140 - "Finance",

7М04130 - "The account and audit",

Besides, at highter school "Manadgement and business" since 2014 the magistracy in "MBA – the Master of Business Administration" has opened.

Since 2010 at highter school work on training of doctoral candidates in the specialty 8D04110 - "Economy" is conducted.

Educational process is organized on the basis of modern technologies: credit system, case technology, interactive and innovative methods of training.
The highter school publishes every year more than 150 textbooks, manuals, methodical instructions, from them 75% in a state language.

Students of highter school have an opportunity to be trained at military department and on the academic mobility according to which they can get an education during one semester at foreign universities.

Starting from September 1, 2017, the faculty was transformed into the higher school of "Management and Business".
Graduate School "Management and Business" SKSU them. M.Auezov's training in accordance with international standards, creates all conditions for the diversified professional development of young people. Our main task is to provide a quality education and a concrete direction for the future of purposeful youth!

Training higher school "Manadgement and business" in South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov in compliance with the international standards, creates all conditions for versatile professional development of youth. Our main task – to channelize quality education and concrete in the future of purposeful youth!

                       Dean of the Higher School of Management and Business,, associate professor Seydakhmetov M.K.


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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

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Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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