Career guidance work

Career guidance work

In the 2020-2021, 2021-2022 academic year, the Department of Finance held online-offline meetings with employees, students and parents of schools in the Turkestan region and Shymkent. In the schools of the Sairam, Saryagash, Tulkubass, Makhtaral districts of the Turkestan region, Shymkent, Kentau, vocational guidance work was carried out by employees, students and parents of schools in accordance with the epidemiological and sanitary regime, i.e. through the zoom platform. In particular, online meetings were held in 15 schools in the Sairam region, 9 schools in Kentau, 13 schools in the Saryagash region, 8 schools in the Tulkubas region, 10 schools in the Makhtaral region, and 8 schools in Shymkent. In addition, in the schools of the city, a dedicated department on 05/25/2021. participated in the solemn meeting "The Last Bell", presented EP 6B04140 - Finance, and also handed out specially prepared booklets. All meetings were published on the pages of the higher school in Instagram "Basqarubiznes" and Facebook "Basqaru zhane Business", as well as booklets on the educational program were published.

In the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of Finance published the following articles in the media:

Article title

Mass media

Media location

release date

Authors of the article


Tenge - elimizdin karzhilyk tauelsizdiginin ayrynsha belgisi

Ар-дақ, Республикалық қоғамдық- саяси, ақпараттық басылым

Shymkent city

№42 (874), 13.11. 2020

Kalbayeva N.T. Kaltayeva D.B.


Finance as the basis of national industrialization in the post-pandemic period

Ғажайып Қазақстан, Республикалық қоғамдық, саяси, ақпараттық басылым

Shymkent city

№05(005), 5.05.2021

Aitymbetova A.N.



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