The international cooperation

 The main areas of work of the Department of Economics in the field of international cooperation are:

- carrying out activities to expand and strengthen international contacts and cooperation, as well as intensifying interaction with international and regional organizations, foreign universities and programs;

- organization of mutual exchange of teaching staff, PhD students, undergraduates and students in the development of contracts and projects of programs of long-term cooperation with foreign partner universities;

- inviting domestic and foreign scientists to give lectures, conduct master classes and organize research work.

The department is working to expand international cooperation with higher educational institutions of FSU and beyond, such as the PadovaUniversity (Italy), M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University named (Russia), Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (Russia), Silesian University of Economics (Poland), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Mugla University (Turkey), Marmara University (Turkey).

For the period 2018 – 2021 years, the foreign scientists gave lectures with using Zoom platform: Doctor of Economics, Professor of Tashkent State University of Construction and Architecture (Uzbekistan) - Dzhabriev A.N. The topic of the lecture: Competitiveness of industrial and construction materials enterprises/Real estate valuation practice in Uzbekistan for groups EF-18-1p1, EF-18-1k1. PhD of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) - Elena de la Posa Plaza. Topic: “Research methods in economic analysis”.

At the same time, the department implements the academic mobility of students. In 2019, 2 students of EF-17-1p1 group studied at Gedimina Vilnius Technical University (Lithuania), Turiba University (Latvia). Also 2 students were trained at the Istanbul Institute of Culture (Turkey) in 2020.

Teaching staff of the department Economy actively participates in international programs and projects. In June 2019, as part of the Erasmus + program, PhD Yesbolova Ainurcompleted an internship at Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain).

From 2019 to the present, PhD, Associate Professor Aigul Alzhanova is a member of the FNIR Erasmus + “Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure of High-Speed Rail Transport”.

In September 2021, Associate professor of the Department of Economy Abdikerimova G.I. plans to undergo an internship at State University of Management (Moscow, Russia).within the framework of the project AR 09261075 –“Formation of a model of a regional food hub as a horizontally integrated structure for ensuring food security (using the example of the meat cluster of the Turkestan region)” funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

One of the areas of implementation of the agreement of the participants of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization University at M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University is the joint master's educational program “Economy”. This partnership provides for the receipt by students of state model on the education of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University and a certificate in the form of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “National Research University” Moscow Energy University (Moscow, Russian Federation).


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