The international cooperation

7.12.23-8.12.23 at the Department of Management and Marketing, a meeting was held with representatives of the following universities: Tashkent State University of Economics, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the Belarusian State University of Economics. During the meeting, issues of scientific and methodological cooperation were discussed. An agreement was reached on the joint implementation of innovative projects, the publication of scientific articles in rating journals and mutual participation in events held by universities.


In honor of the 80th anniversary of Auezov University, a number of lectures and meetings with foreign guests are being held. One of them is Alexander Vladimirovich Sidorovich - economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, director of the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University, vice-rector of Moscow State University.


Ng Kiam Chiang Benny, a guest from Singapore, gave a lecture from the teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing The lecture was held in the form of a discussion and was aimed at identifying the connection between the university and businessmen.


29.11.22 Lectures by Dyrka Stefan, foreign scientist, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the Upper Silesian University of Economics, Katowice (Poland), for students of the 6В04120-Management education program, 7М04120-Masters of Management, doctoral students of the Higher School of Management and Business.


Mustafayeva V.I., teacher-master of the "Management and Marketing" department. Higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan actively participated in the lectures of Gazi University professor Dr. Yuzel Gelishli (Turkey, Ankara) held within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Science to attract foreign scientists to teaching and research activities.



Professor of the Department Kulanova Dana Askarbekovna completed a scientific internship at Mugla University (Turkey). There were meetings with the leadership of the university. Conducted guest lectures


As part of the plan to improve the image of the university, the Department of Management and Marketing, together with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, held an international scientific seminar on the topic of Analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of management at the university.

The new reality requires new approaches to the organization of management in universities. Changes may affect various aspects of management from changing the organizational structure of the university and its divisions to restructuring the entire management system as a whole

At the university level, more than a hundred agreements on international cooperation and exchange of students and teachers have been signed with leading universities of the CIS countries and far abroad. Every year, students, undergraduates, teachers of the department study and improve their skills at the CIS Network University (Peoples ' Friendship University), the University of Cadiz (Spain), the Upper Silesian University of Economics (Poland), the Balikesir University (Turkey), the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, etc.
A number of students of the department within the framework of the academic mobility program have completed internships in the USA, Luxembourg, Turkey, Poland, Spain, etc. Among them - Seisengalieva M., Sairambay E., Svirko K., etc.
As part of the European Summer School program, a number of students took part in an international conference organized at Erasmus University (Belgium).
Every year, online international scientific conferences are held, in which students and teachers of the department and the teaching staff actively participate.
Every year, professors from leading foreign universities are invited to give lectures and conduct master classes. Visiting Professor of the Pittsburgh State University Chong Lee (USA) gave a course of lectures on the disciplines "Economics", "Management". The visiting professor of the Upper Silesian University of Economics (Poland) takes an active part in the work of the department) Stephen Hole.
Much attention is paid to the study of foreign languages at the department. Currently, associate professors Moldogazieva G. M., Kydyrova Zh.Sh., Aidarov T. A., Ibraimova S. S., many students and undergraduates of the department have a good level of English.
Employees take part in international scientific conferences, which are held annually. Dean Seidakhmetov M. K. has repeatedly participated in international conferences organized at the Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Erasmus University (Belgium), Cyprus University, Balysekir, etc.
Associate Professor G. M. Moldogazieva took part in an international seminar organized by the University of Newcastle (England).
Associate Professor Kydyrova Zh. Sh. was held at the International Center of the University of Dusseldorf (Germany) and Jalal-Abad State University (Kyrgyzstan)


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