Research work

On the research work of students

1. number of full – time students-443
2.the number of students engaged in R & D-250 and R & D-125.
3. students who participated in the Faculty Conference-net
4. students who participated in the University conference -29;
5.number of students participating in the conference of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan - no.

5. number of students who participated in the conference of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan –no

 No. R / N university name of the conference (date) topic of the report of the student
(group) of the Scientific Supervisor
(diplomas, diplomas, etc.)  

6. number of students who participated in the conference of Universities of near and far abroad -1
 No. R / N university name of the conference (date) topic of the report of the student
(group) of the Scientific Supervisor
(diplomas, diplomas, etc.)  

7. the number of published works based on the results of R & D (including copyright certificates, preliminary patents, positive decisions), promotion of R & D to CJSC (full output data)-29
Published in the collection of works of the 26th scientific conference of students on Economic Sciences named after M. Auezov "creating a new Kazakhstan - in the hands of youth" - 29 articles;

 no. p / p title of the publication
    Where authors published number of pages type of publication
1. management of the personnel situation of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the 26th scientific conference of students in natural, technical and socio-economic sciences "the creation of a new Kazakhstan is in the hands of young people
Shymkent: M. Auezov training, April 6-7, 2023
    Kalshoraev Bakdaulet
Student of the group EF-20-3K, Ramashova A. K. E. N., associate professor 2 articles
2. ways to develop IT marketing in the Republic of Kazakhstan Muslim Bekzhigit
Student of the group EF-20-3K, Ramashova A. K. E. N., associate professor

    2 articles
3.improved organizational culture Aidarov A. T. – student of the group EF-22-4R, Aidarov T. A. – K. E. N., associate professor 2 articles
4. development of Management in Kazakhstan Student Of The Werner a – EF-20-4R group
Aidarov T. A.-K. E. N., associate professor 2 articles
5. analysis of the role and importance of using foreign experience in enterprise diversification Kalshoraev Bakdaulet
Student of the group EF-20-3K, Naribek B. K., master's teacher 2 articles
6. the current state of project management in Kazakhstan
Student of the group EF - 21-4K, Naribek B. K., master's teacher 2 articles
7. strategy for the development of market products at the regional level Khasanova m – EF student of Group 20-3K, Kulanova D. A.-K. E. N.,associate professor 2 articles
8.role and knowledge of digital marketing on the market of products and services Lisitsyn K – EF 20 – 3K student, Kulanova D. A. - K. E. N.,associate professor 2 articles
9. digital marketing channels and tools aibota Aiganym student of the EF20-2K1 group, Suleimenova I. A., Jetibaeva A. B. master senior lecturer 2 articles
10. the importance of social networks in marketing in modern times Sadyrbay Dias student of the EF-21-3K group, Jetibayeva A. B., Siyazbekkyzy B-master senior lecturer 2 articles
11. problems of Information, Communication and marketing network technologies
        Anvarbekova Diana EF19 - 2K1, Satypaldy Ayaulym-EF21 – 3K, Suleimenova I. A.-Master, senior lecturer 2 articles
12. effectiveness of state support for industrial transformation

        Seit Nurasyl-student of the EF20-2K2 group, Iskakov K. K.-senior lecturer 2 articles
13. measures to ensure food security of Kazakhstan Oralbek Zhomart
Student of the EF20-2K2 group, Iskakov K. K.-senior lecturer 2 articles
14. the role of corporate information in management Usimkhan zh, Yusupova D-student of the EF20-4R group, Atenova a.m.-K. E. N., St. PR 2 Article
15. rubber consulting as tools Management Tastanbekov a-student group EF – 20-4R, Atenova a.m.-K. E. N., St.  PR 2 Article
16. assessment of the effectiveness of the work of civil servants berdimuratova a-student of Group 19-2K1 Daurbaeva M. O.-candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
    2 articles
17. mechanisms of Modern Public Administration Yerimbetova a-student of the group EF 20-4K Daurbaeva M. O.-candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer
    2 articles
18. the effectiveness of the activities of regional authorities and its assessment Bakhytzhanovich student of the group s-EF-20-2K2, Moldogazieva G. M.-K. E. N., associate professor 2 articles
19. complex marketing communications for enterprises khasanova M-student of the EF20 - 3K group, Daribaeva A. S.-master, St prepod 2 articles
20. innovative marketing technologies Bolatbekova a-student of the EF20-3K group, Daribaeva A. S.-master, St prepod 2 articles
21. improving the competitiveness of the organization abdrasheva zh.-students of groups EF-20 – 4K ,Aben SH-EF21-2K1, Tuleeva A. zh. - senior lecturer 2 articles
22. advanced training of management personnel of the organization Rakhmanali N.-EF-20-4K
Students of groups utenbek N-EF21-2K2, Tuleeva A. zh. - senior lecturer 2 articles
23. business ethics of the manager

        Kalu Yerkezhan-student of the EF21-5k1 group, Siyazbekovna B.-master, senior teacher 2 articles
24. problems of Career Planning and management of civil servants Eshmak Dulat student of the EF-20-2K1 group, Karabaeva Sh. A. - senior lecturer 2 articles
25. features of state decision-making in agriculture Abdysalamova Karlygash-student of the EF-20-4K group, Karabaeva Sh.A. - senior lecturer 2 articles
26. marketing in the context of the digital economy Sattarov D.-student of the group EF-20-3K, Kasymova Z. K. teacher, Master 2 articles
27. marketing of consumer goods Sattarov D.-student of the group EF-20-3K, Kasymova Z. K. teacher, Master 2 articles
28. Zarubezhny experience uparvleniya Utkurova G-student of the group EF-22-4R, mustafaeva V. I. teacher, Master 2 articles
29.personality management in the agro - industrial complex Narmetova Yu-EF-22-4R, student of the group Mustafaeva V. I. teacher, Master 2 articles

8. number of students who took part in subject Olympiads-net
 no.P / P name of the Olympiad (date) discipline Full Name (group) of students Full Name (group) supervisor Full Name (group) Note
"I don't know," he said..)
1 VI international external Olympiad Management Usimkhan Zhanel, Yusupova Diyara, Plyamina Marina
EF20-4R candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer Atenova a.m.    
2 Republican Youth Business Startup Project My dream Management Usimkhan Zhanel, Kamachev Vladlen, Plyamina Marina
Yessentai Abay
EF20-4R candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer A. M. Atenova    

3 student regional economic Olympiad" qualified pillars of the New Kazakhstan "Management M. Auezov educational team" cultural heritage " candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer A. M. atenova    

9. number of students participating in subject Olympiads at other universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan –

 name (date) of the Olympiad
(group) of the Scientific Supervisor
(diplomas, diplomas, etc.)  

10. number of students participating in subject Olympiads in the nearest and foreign universities-no;

 name (date) of the Olympiad
(group) of the Scientific Supervisor
(diplomas, diplomas, etc.)  

11. the number of students who took part in the annual Republican research and development competition is 3;

 Student's Full Name
(group) title of the Competition name of the supervisor A. zh.t.
1. Tastanbekov Adilet
EF19-4tr management-consulting, its role in strategic planning firm
    Republican competition of R & D candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer Atenova a.m.
2. Enlik Bauyrzhanovna, Aziza Omarova
EF21 - 2K1 Republican competition for the development and implementation of the state social policy in the Republic in the field of Labor and employment senior lecturer
Iskakov K. K.

12. other competitions of R & D of the Republic of Kazakhstan, near and abroad-10
 no. P / P contest name, university, state ,city (day) topic of work student's full name.
(group) of the Scientific Supervisor
(diplomas, diplomas, etc.)

13. number of SSS,SSS,SSS; number of SSS,SSS, SSS members;
SSO-1, SSO number of members-20
14.the number of students who have completed a diploma work (project) with the inclusion of the R & D element is 80, including 44 from the correspondence Department, 4 from the evening Department.
15. number of students who participated in the implementation of research on the topic M/K,M / B-no;
16. the work of the faculty on patent research activities of students-no;
17. results of R & D of the Department:
      Research work of students at the department was carried out in accordance with the approved R & D plan. At the SSU "strategist" at the Department, under the guidance of leading teachers of the department, students conducted seminars, opinions were exchanged, prepared for competitions, conferences, etc.
It should be noted the active participation of students in the 26th student conference at the university level on April 6-7, 2023. According to the results of the conference, 29 scientific articles were published together with student leaders.

        At the 26th scientific Student Conference (April 6-7, 2023), the following students will be awarded diplomas of I, II and III degrees at the university level for the best reports:

1. the importance of social networks in marketing in modern times Sadyrbay D. student of the EF-21-3k group. Scientific supervisor: master's teacher A. B. Jetibaeva

II place

1.improvement of organizational culture.  Aidarov A. student of the group EF 22 - 4p. Scientific supervisor: candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Aidarov T. A.

2. problems of Career Planning and management of civil servants Nuraly A. - student of the group EF 20-4K Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Karabaeva Sh.a.              

III place ethics of the manager. Stay Yerkejan. Student of the group EF-21-5k1 Scientific Supervisor: Senior Teacher Siyazbekovna B.
2. improving the competitiveness of the organization Musaliyev D. student of the group EF-21-2K1 Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Tuleeva A. zh.
3. the current state of project management in Kazakhstan Saparbek Dastan student of the EF-21-4K Group Scientific Supervisor: Master's teacher Naribek B. K

The Department of" management and marketing " together with research centers, universities and organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation develops international relations, supports scientific and creative contacts with leading universities of near and far abroad.
The active scientific activity of all teaching staff creates an interest in science and research, as well as helps students acquire professional skills.
18.examination of the activities of the Department for the prospective development of R & D.
1. ensuring the active participation of students in competitions for the best work, subject Olympiads and scientific conferences
2.preparation of student scientific developments taking into account achievements in the field of Science and technology.
           "Management and marketing" Aidarov T. A.             
            head of the Department


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