Head of the chair
Tulemetova Aygul Sainovna
Candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor
Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke-khan 5, Department of Economics, Housing (HL), 422 office
Telephone: 8(7252) 211036
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Teachers' staff
Educational and methodical work
History of department “Economics”
The chair “Economy” has in its basis one of the oldest chairs of the Kazakh chemical- technology institute – "Economy, the organization and planning of productions". Being in structure of technological higher education institution, the chair conducted training of engineers-economists. The first release was in 1969.
The total number of teaching staff of the “Economy” chair was 26 people in the 2020-2021 academic year. The share of full-time teachers is 80.8%, since the department consists of 21 full-time teachers and 5 part-time teachers.
The share of teachers with academic degrees was 53.8% of the number of teaching staff in the 2020-2021 academic year. The department employs: 3 Doctors of Economics, professors, 1 Doctor of PhD, 10 Candidates of Economics (professors, associate professors, senior teachers), 8 masters (senior teachers, 1 senior teacher without a scientific and academic degree, 3 masters (teachers). The share of teachers who can teach classes in the State language is 88.5% of the full-time number of teachers. The entire staff of the teaching staff has a basic education corresponding to the profile of the specialty "Economics". The average age of the teaching staff is 48.2 years.
5 teachers of the department Alzhanova A. A., Dosmuratova E. E., Polezhaeva I. S., Esbolova A. E., Shevchenko I. I. conduct classes in English for economic and technical specialties.
Educational and methodical work
Methodological work is carried out in order to ensure and improve the educational process, develop and introduce new teaching technologies, improve the teaching skills of the teaching staff. Educational and methodical work is carried out according to the plan. The plan of educational and methodological seminars of the department is annually updated, analyzed and approved in accordance with changes in the field of education. Scientific and methodological seminars include plans and a system for further improving the efficiency of the quality management system. Due to the plan, the department of “Economy” organized scientific and methodological seminars that updated the topics of thesis according their relevance and scientific nature
Methodological seminars are held on the following topics:
• Implementation of educational programs and curricula in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Education and the QMS;
• Implementation of interactive teaching methods in the educational process;
• Methodological support of the educational process at the Distance Learning Institute;
• Organization of consultations on course work and anti-plagiarism procedure
• Organization of consultations on thesis and discussion of requirements for diploma and master's theses
• Discussion of the results on the implementation of acts on innovative teaching technologies in the educational process.
The plan of educational and methodological literature publishing of the Department of Economics for 2018-2021
2018/2019 |
2019/2020 |
2020/2021 |
Textbook |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Tutorial |
4 |
5 |
5 |
Lecture complex |
13 |
12 |
10 |
Methodical instructions |
40 |
51 |
28 |
Cases |
12 |
6 |
8 |
Business game |
- |
- |
- |
Electronic tutorials |
3 |
5 |
4 |
Videolecture |
15 |
10 |
15 |
Educational work on Economics chair is carried out according to the approved plan. Curators spend curator hours according to the schedule of curator hours brought in the schedule of studies. There are materials on each subject of curator hours according to the plan of educational work of the academic groups.
Curator hours and events were held in the following directions: public political, patriotic, international education, moral esthetic education, professional education, sporting events, fight against religious extremism, a subscription of mass media and work in the dormitory.
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Sсientific work
At the Department of "Economics" the work is carried out on the topic of GB RW-21-06-09 "Socio-economic problems of deepening industrialization and improving the efficiency of business activity in the region". Scientific supervisor: head of the department, candidate of economics, professor Tulemetova A.S.
The Department of “Economics”, including students, participates in the implementation of scientific research on projects funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This ensures continuity and involvement of students in scientific research.
From 2018 to 2020, the work was carried out under the AP05132706 project "Development of an economic mechanism for regional development in Kazakhstan based on financial regulatory instruments (in particular municipal securities) to ensure the investment attractiveness and high competitiveness of the territory". (Performer: candidate of economics, associate professor Abdikerimova G.I.).
Submitted for grant funding 2021-2023 projects:
1. "Formation of a model of a regional food hub as a horizontally integrated structure in order to ensure food security (on the example of the meat cluster of the Turkestan region)". Head: candidate of economics, associate professor Abdikerimova G.I. Performers: Doctor of PhD Yesbolova A.E., candidate of economics, associate professor Alzhanova A.A.
2. AP09260675 "Research of the potential of economic cooperation of the Central Asian countries, development of the mechanism of integration interaction of the states on the basis of strengthening of the leading role of Kazakhstan in the region". Performers: candidate of Economics, associate professor Abdikerimova G.I., doctor of PhD Yesbolova A.E., candidate of economics, associate professor Alzhanova A.A.
3. For the competition for grant funding of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023. a project was submitted on the topic: "AP09058212 Development of an economic mechanism for the development of the poultry product complex of Kazakhstan in the context of food security". Head: doctor of PhD Yesbolova A.E.
4. The contest of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy was submitted to the project on the topic: "The labor market in the conditions of transformation of employment of the population of a modern metropolis(on the example of Shymkent). Head: candidate of economics, associate professor Alzhanova A.A.
The work is carried out on the following projects:
- "Formation of a model of a regional food hub as a horizontally integrated structure in order to ensure food security (on the example of a meat cluster in the Turkestan region)" Head: candidate of Economics, associate Professor Abdikerimova G.I. Performers: doctor of PhD Yesbolova A.E., candidate of economics, associate professor Alzhanova A.A.
- Erasmus+ for 2018-2020 project "Economy, Ecology and infrastructure on high-speed railways". Performer: candidate of Economics, associate professor Alzhanova A.A. Customer: Dresden Tech. University.
Participation in international scientific publications Scopus, foreign journals and conferences contributes to the growth of professional activity of teaching staff by presenting their results, gaining experience, and establishing scientific contacts.
At the department, 9 faculty members have the H-index for published articles in international scientific publications.
Every year, the best of the student’s works are presented in the framework of department are published in the collection of the republican student scientific conference on natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan university.
In 2018-2021 academic years, the number of students participating in the university conference increased by 29.6%. The number of students engaged in scientific work at department increased by 48% or 152 students during the reporting period.
An important area of educational and research work of students is participation in subject Olympiads. The Department of Economics actively participates in the organization of subject Olympiads.
In 2019, the Department of Economics held the subject Olympiad “The Future of the Country - Educated Youth” on discipline “Economics” among students of 2-3 courses of the Higher School “Management and Business”.5 teams took part in the Olympiad: team “Time” of “Management” specialty, team “Three Musketeers” “Economics” specialty, team “Active” of Accounting and Auditing specialty, team “Bolashak”of Miras University, team “Sunkar” of Miras University. The work of the Olympiad was carried out in Kazakh, Russian and English.
In February 2018, the students of the department took part in the I Republican Olympiad on the basis ofNarxoz University (diploma, 3rd place).
In May, 2020, the students of Economics department participated in the XII Republican student’s Olympiads on 5B050600 -Economy, held on the basis of the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State university (Petropavlovsk) and took the 3rd place.
On the basis of the Departmentof Economics of Higher School “Management and Business” of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University on April 28, 2021, an international student online Olympiad on Economics was held. The theme of the Olympiad: “The economy of developing countries in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”.To participate in the Olympiad, applications were accepted from universities of the Russian Federation (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), Ukraine and Kazakhstan (M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, Miras University, Silkway International University, Ivan Franco Lviv National University). In general, 12 teams took part in the international subject Olympiad: teams “Resource”, “Rakurs”“Energy”, “Kalimba” (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), team “Region 15” (SKU), teams “Bolashak”,“Capital”, “Flame”, “Innovation” (SKU), team “Miras” (UM). During the Olympiad, students actively participated and exchanged views to solve problems in the economies of developing countries in a pandemic.
Students of the department actively participate in various scientific and creative competitions of grants: the annual republican competition of research works of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; “Болашағың өз қолында!/ Your future is in your hands!” from Single funded pension fund www.enpf.kz; Start Up Bolashak and others.
For 2018-2021 academic years, the number of students in the specialty 5B050600-Economy who entered the master’s degree increased by 11%, where students continue research activities, thereby providing 3-level training of higher education.
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To enrollee
“Economy” chair provides training at three levels of education (bachelor's – master's-doctoral).
Implemented educational programs:
- Bachelor's degree
6B04110 - Economy
6B04170 - Assessment
- Master's degree program
7M04110-Economy (scientific and pedagogical direction, training period:2 years)
7M04112-Economy (profile direction, training period: 1 year)
- Doctoral program
Educational Program 6B04110 – Economy
The uniqueness of the EP 6B04110 "Economy" is the integration of knowledge and skills, allowing the graduate to qualify for a wide range of official positions and career growth, both in government bodies and in organizations, enterprises, institutions of various legal forms; in the use of high material, technical and personnel potential of the university, which allows to teach innovative disciplines. This, in turn, allows for the training of highly qualified specialists for enterprises and organizations of the real economy and services.
The graduate of this EP is awarded the degree of "Bachelor of Economy".
Bachelors in the specialty 6В04110 "Economy" can hold primary positions as economists, analysts and other employees in the field of economy and statistics, financial and economic departments, analytical departments, enterprises and organizations of any organizational and legal forms without presenting requirements for work experience.
Educational Program 6B04170 – Assessment
The uniqueness of the EP 6B04170 "Assesment" is the integration of knowledge and skills, allowing the graduate to qualify for a wide range of official positions and career growth, both in government bodies and in organizations, enterprises, institutions of various legal forms; in the use of high material, technical and personnel potential of the university, which allows to teach innovative disciplines. This, in turn, allows for the training of highly qualified specialists for enterprises and organizations of the real economy and services.
A graduate of this EP is awarded a Bachelor of Business and Management degree.
Bachelor 's degrees in 6В04170 "Assessment" can be held by primary officials, investor relations specialists, Analysts, real estate managers, movable and real estate valuation consultants, Land, Environment and Natural Resources, Financial and Non-Financial, Intangible Assets without Job Experience Requirements.
Educational Program 7M04110 – Economy
The uniqueness of the EP 7M04110 - Economy is a serious theoretical preparation, the study of the vast practical experience of scientific research, communication with highly qualified teachers. This EP equips graduates with a broad outlook, the ability to think outside the box and bold original solutions. The educational process in EP 7M04110-Economics is based on the principle of integration of academic science and higher education, taking into account a practice-oriented approach.
A graduate in this academic degree is awarded the degree of “Master of Economic Sciences”.
Master in EP 7M04110 -Economy may hold the position of chief economist; the head of various departments of enterprises of various forms of ownership and industry, without presenting requirements for work experience.
Educational Program 7M04112 – Economy
The uniqueness of EP 7M04112 - Economy is determined by the learning outcomes that are formed on the basis of Dublin descriptors and are expressed through competencies: knowledge and understanding of the economy, the application of knowledge and understanding in the economic activities of business entities, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of the economic activity of enterprises of various forms of ownership.
A graduate in this EP is awarded the degree of “Master of Business and Management in EP 7M04112-Economics”.
Master in EP 7M04112- Economy may hold the position of chief economist; the head of various departments of enterprises of various forms of ownership and industry, without presenting requirements for work experience.
Educational Program 8D04110 - Economy
Uniqueness of EP 8D04110 – Economy:
- high level of theoretical training in the fields of science, production and socio-economic spheres that are of priority importance for the development of the Republic;
- high level of language training;
- development of skills in research, teaching and expert activities;
- optimal ratio in the educational process of theoretical and practical training;
- a personal-oriented approach to the educational process, focused on developing a responsible attitude to the results of their professional activities;
- the aspect of self-development with an emphasis on providing the educational process with information and material and technical resources necessary for high-quality conduct of research work, including through the organization of scientific research of PhD students in the framework of larger research projects on basic and applied research programs, joint research projects on grants from the state, international organizations, etc.
- Degree "The doctor of philosophy (PhD)" on the specialty 8D04110 - Economy To the graduate of this educational program is awarded.
Doctoral candidates in the specialty 8D04110 - Economy can hold senior positions: the head on scientific research in the field of economy; heads state and regional authorities; heads on marketing, productive and economic questions, also the financier the expert.