Annual Report



 Auezov South Kazakhstan University





by Dean of the Higher

School of Management and Business



"31" _ _ _ May__ _ _ 2023г.







about the department's work
"Management and Marketing "
for 2022-202-2023 academic year






Reviewed at

Academic Council of the Higher School of Economics

Protocol No. 10 of"31" May 202.33г.

Head of the Department

__________________ Aidarov T. A.








Shymkent 2023г.





Quality Assurance Policy



Program development and approval



3 Student-centered learning, teaching and evaluation



Student admission, performance, recognition and certification



Teaching staff



Learning resources and student support system



Information management



Public awareness



Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of programs



Periodic external quality assurance







































  1. Quality Assurance Policy


The department is constantly working to improve the quality of the educational process, for this purpose, the department conducts all necessary activities, including:

- checking for the uniqueness of all types of work through the program "" (scientific articles, monographs of teachers, term papers of students, theses of students, dissertations of undergraduates, works of written examinations of students/undergraduates)

- conclusion of long-term contracts with employers through the UNPC, according to the contract, representatives of the employer can be: reviewers of the educational program, diplomas; participate in the work of the attestation commission; take part in meetings of the department to discuss the design and implementation of the OP; provide a basis for passing industrial practice, scientific internship, advanced training of teaching staff of the department-

- there are cathedral sites on social pages that provide information about the activities of the department and the internal quality assurance system of the educational program. The information on this website reflects the activities of the department, is constantly updated in order to improve it

- the teaching staff of the department, which ensures the implementation of the policy in the field of quality of educational programs, takes into account the interests of students, which are manifested by them in the formation of study groups based on the choice of elective subjects included in the individual plans of students.

- The main theme of the State Budget research project "Managing the socio-economic development of the Turkestan region and the city of Shymkent in the new reality" is being fully implemented (Code: B-21-03-09)".

- students and undergraduates of the OP are involved in research work. There are articles, certificates of participation, diplomas. Students of the department annually participate in various types of competitions (regional, National, International Olympiads, etc.).

- OP quality control is carried out in accordance with документамиthe university's regulatory documents.

- an annual survey of employers (external stakeholders) is conducted for satisfaction with the quality of implementation of the EP, an exampleof OM is, coordination of its content with employers who participate in determining the list of elective disciplines, providing databases of practices, final assessment of graduates, participation in annual fairs for graduates, and a survey of employers.

- when compiling the OP, the study programs of leading national and foreign (near and far) universities are taken into account to ensure student mobility and the opportunity to continue studying at other universities without a big difference in the subjects studied.

To assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the EP at the university through internal and external audits, the main processes of its life activity are constantly monitored, through which the activities of the university and faculties are implemented: educational, research, educational processes, management process, technical process.

The results of the evaluation are fully used to improve the program.

The main measures to maintain academic integrity, as well as the fundamental rules against academic fraud, are outlined as a red line in all regulatory documents of M. Auezov SKU (Academic Policy, Rules of Academic Integrity, Code of Ethics, Anti-Corruption Standard).

The degree of interaction between teaching, research and training in the quality assurance policy of the program shows that teachers who produce and serve the departments of this OP, undergraduates and students publish their works in the publications of KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; international publications of Scopus; international, regional and student conferences; participate in funded scientific research.

In the field of ensuring the quality of the educational program, it is mandatory for experts from among partner employers to participate in the discussion of the OP. Employers are directly involved in the design and implementation of the OP. Employers are required to attend AC meetings and make their suggestions to the content of the OP, academic programs of disciplines, and professional practice programs. In addition, the Center for Strategic Planning and Quality Management conducts a survey of employers ' satisfaction with the training of graduates, which is also taken into account when developing and updating the EP.

Due to the fact that the university has a strategic goal - to enter the League of Academic Integrity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a proctoring program is connected to the exam system, and all written works of students are checked through the "Anti-plagiarism"program. A "Regulation on the use of the Anti-Plagiarism system "and a" User's Guide "have been developed.

Information about the activities of the department and the internal quality assurance system of the educational program is available on the official website of the University ( In addition, a university website has.ukgu.kzbeen developed, Instagram auezov_management_marketing_management_marketing and Facebook is linked to the same Instagram.

Teaching staff of the department is periodically published in the mass media, local newspapers "Panorama of Shymkent", etc.

The Department annually engages an independent external audit, the results of which are published.

Information about the activities of universities is available for both applicants and students, as well as for graduates, other stakeholders and the general public.


  1. Development and approval of the educational program

The rules for developing educational programs include the program passport, justification, target indicators, content of disciplines, terms of study by level of education, and expected learning outcomes. At the university, the educational program is a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), forms of certification, which is presented in the form of a general characteristic of the OP, curriculum, academic calendar, modules, practice programs, assessment tools, and other components included in the OP. The educational program defines: the goals and objectives of the OP, the model of the graduate, the expected learning outcomes, the policy of evaluating academic achievements, methods and methods of implementing the organization of the educational process, the correspondence of the results of training in the OP to the graduate modules formed, information about the modules and disciplines, the working curriculum of the OP.

The University has developed the regulation "On the development and approval of educational programs" of the SCU QMS P 7.44-2021, which defines the form, structure, procedure for the development and approval of educational programs in the NAO "M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University" to ensure a unified approach in their construction. Educational programs are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 No. 319-III "On Education", orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of state mandatory standards of education at all levels"

The structure of the EP includes an introduction, which provides information about the scope of the EP, a link to the regulatory documents on the basis of which the EP was developed, and the concept of the EP. The passport of the educational program contains information about the purpose and objectives of the OP, the list of qualifications and positions in accordance with the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees of December 30, 2020 No. 553, the qualification characteristics of the OP graduate, which includes the scope of professional activity, objects of professional activity. subjects of professional activity. The OP specifies the learning outcomes (RO) that the graduate will have upon successful completion of the OP and a list of disciplines with a brief description of their content, the study of which will allow achieving RO in the OP.

The content of the OP is designed through the definition of modules/academic disciplines of the program. Modules are a self-contained, complete in terms of learning outcomes (RO) structural element of the OP, which has clearly formulated the knowledge, skills, competencies acquired by students and adequate assessment criteria. The disciplines of each module are arranged in a logical sequence. At the OP design stage, RO programs are formulated depending on the competencies focused on the level of training, the requirements of professional standards and(or) requirements/expectations of employers, as well as the university's development strategy. The ROS are formulated on the basis of the guidelines of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ETSs) and are based on the Dublin Descriptors. When designing a RO, developers take into account that the OP should equip graduates with two main types of competencies:

  • behavioral skills and personal qualities: self-learning and systems thinking; transdisciplinarity and cross-functionality;

ICT competencies; knowledge of languages; technological literacy; creativity; entrepreneurship; social intelligence, cooperation with team members; customer orientation, ability to work with consumer requests; work in a mode of high uncertainty and rapid change of task conditions (ability to quickly make decisions, react to changing working conditions, ability to allocate resources and manage your time) –softskills.

  • professional skills that allow each specialist to act clearly in any professional environment (hardskills).

ROS serve as the basis for determining the amount of labor intensity of the corresponding disciplines in academic credits allocated to the program within the framework of the OP. The total labor intensity of the OP corresponds to the State educational standard of the corresponding level.

The content of the EP includes the objectives and passport of the program, justification, target indicators, content of disciplines, number of credits, expected learning outcomes, including the competencies of graduates of programs based on the Dublin Descriptors, taking into account ECTS and the EHEA qualification framework, as well as opportunities for inclusive education.

The content of educational programs is focused on modern technologies of teaching and learning, including innovative ones, on various forms of their implementation and forms of education, as well as various categories of students, including those in need of inclusive education.

The university has created an expert commission from the Academic Committee, which includes leading teachers of higher education. Members of the commission conduct an independent examination of the quality of educational programs, and the results of the examination are submitted for discussion at the Educational and Methodological Council.

The content of the OP modules and courses meets the requirements of the credit technology of training. About the curriculumах of the SCU QMS P 7.36-2021

To train students in the framework of inclusive education, work is systematically carried out to replenish the OIC fund of educational and methodological literature, introduce new teaching methods for the educational process.

The structure of the OP programs of higher education 6B04120-Management, 6B04160-Marketing, 6B04150-GMU fully complies with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education dated 20.07.2022, as well as the supplement to the State Educational Standard (Order No. 21 of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 19.01.2023), they are developed and approved by УСthe University. The OP is submitted for discussion at the department's meetings, then sent for review to employers working in the personnel training profile, who must provide a review. The expert opinion is given by an expert group created at the higher school level from among the leading teaching staff. If there are comments and suggestions, the working group corrects the OP and sends it back to the expert group and employers. The OP with a positive expert opinion and review is submitted to the methodological council of the higher school. To be approved УСby the University's SC, it must first be reviewedМС by the University's SC, and sent there on the recommendation of the Academic Committee of the Higher School. Students are involved in the process of developing the OP, through the formation of their IEP, based on their choice of elective subjects.


  1. Student-centered learning, teaching and evaluation

Students are the main participants in the implementation of the EP, the organization of the educational process is aimed at taking into account their interests and is student-centered.

The implementation of the OP is based on a competency - based approach to training aimed at developing the professional competence of graduates, i.e. graduates should have not only knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the ability to apply them in their future professional activities, readiness for self-study and self-improvement. Respect for the individual and consideration of the needs of students in the framework of student-centered training is provided by forms of training aimed at the formation of personally significant qualities of students, their subjectivity, reflexivity and ability to self-development and professional self-realization.

To ensure broad awareness of students in the aspect of freedom of choice of disciplines and teachers, a QED is created, which reflects the content of elective disciplines. QED is formed by departments and brought to the attention of students. Moreover, the student, when determining the individual learning path within the university component and the elective component, chooses the disciplines of the main Major program, and the disciplines of the additional Minor program in order to form additional competencies. To select a Minor program for the university, a catalog of minor programs has been compiled.

The number of students enrolled in educational programsis shown in Table 1

2022-2023 academic year

Number of students (course)





















In order to better adapt students to the university environment, assist them in choosing the direction of scientific and social activity, the Institute of Advising works. The university has a form of interaction between the university's teaching staff with an individual approach to 1st-year students-curatorship.

The choice of academic subjects is carried out by the student voluntarily in accordance with individual educational needs. The right to choose is granted to all students, regardless of whether they have academic debts.

Registration of students for the study of the discipline is organized by the registrar's office and the adviser.

В практике работы преподавателей вInnovative teaching methods such as "inverted classroom", interdisciplinary and project-based learning, MOOCs, virtual laboratories, didactic innovation models (group learning, programmed learning, individual learning technology, communicative learning), interdisciplinary learning, STEM-methodology, application of project-based learning on real-world conditions) have become more widely used in the practice of teachers ' work at the Council of Europe. real-life examples, tools for increasing student engagement and motivation in online learning (video lectures, multimedia animations/package).

The teaching methods and tools used in the educational process are modern, effective and support the development of digital culture.

There is a database of digital interactive educational resources, including video courses of lectures by leading teachers.

The implementation of distance learning is provided by the university's educational platform, which hosts 1,119 video lectures, 1,789 electronic publications, more than 300 virtual works and 305 multimedia developments.

When organizing the DOT learning process, the following methods are used:

- equipment that has access to the telecommunications network (Internet), WiFi;

- network object-oriented control and training management system, modular software to support distance education;

- multimedia classrooms equipped with technical training facilities, an electronic reading room;

- educational content (UMCD on electronic and paper media);

- network learning management systems.

One of the trends in the field of methodological support of the educational process iselectronicе educationalе materialsы and multimediaе разработкиdevelopment. In the reporting academic yearбыли разработаны , 16,917 educational and methodological complexes of disciplines were developed in digital format, posted on educational portals, anduezov.,

Active work continues on the implementation of the global trend-mass openx online coursesов (MOOCs). On the international OpenEdx platform, 13 online courses were launched, and one online course selected based on the results of an external independent examination.

There is open access to the university's digital library. The collection of electronic documents includes more than 30 thousand items.

ОStudents have free access to Coursera, EDX, OpenKZ resources, Kazakhstan databases, as well as 17 other foreign databases.

The practical orientation of training means that their content is focused on the study of theory through specific methods: statisticaland economic, computational and constructive, balance sheet, economic and mathematical. Computer technologies are actively used in practical classes. In addition to traditional forms, practical classes use such methods as: training, debates, case studies, business games, round tables, brainstorming, which meet the needs of students identified during the survey, observation and questionnaire.

Each student independently forms their own educational trajectory based on the LIST and catalog of elective subjects: for compulsory subjects to free teachers, and for elective subjects, taking into account the number of students enrolled at the time of registration. If a student has not mastered the prerequisites of the discipline in the previous semester, they cannot be registered for this discipline.

The student's IEP-e presents all the components and elements of the educational program for the implementation of academic freedom and mobility of the student. The presented subjects for study are formed at the request of the student, except for the mandatory component. The number of credits completed at the end of the course is presented in the form of GPA points to identify the student's average academic performance.

If a student who has been transferred to the next course within the prescribed period has not formed his / her own PPI, then the PPI of this course is taken as the basis for his / her training, i.e. students who have not registered independently within the prescribed period without finding out the reasons, are registered by the registrar's office employees independently.

Individual training planning is carried out for the academic year under the guidance of advisors. Individual planning of training of undergraduates is carried out with the participation of their scientific supervisors (consultants).

Registration for academic disciplines (Enrollment) is conducted by the Registrar's office in an online format using distance learning technologies with the involvement of educational program advisors.

According to the provisions of the Academic Policy of the universityfor students who do not meet the academic requirements, as well as to meet the needs for additional training, eliminate academic debt or differences in curricula, study academic subjects and master credits by students in other universities with mandatory re-crediting in their university, increase the average score of academic performance (GPA). summer semester.

Criteria for evaluating students ' academic achievements include various forms of monitoring and certification – current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students, the frequency and duration of which is carried out in accordance with the curriculum and academic calendar.

ДTo ensure recognition of the results of monitoring students ' academic achievements, knowledge assessment is carried out according to the point-rating letter system.

УEven and analysis of students ' academic achievements (current and intermediate control) in the disciplinesof the m-OP course is conducted by the registrar's office. For all academic groups, the absolute academic performance and quality indicator are determined, and the registrar's office ranks students, academic groups, and courses by GPA level.

These internal regulatory documents provide the measuring instruments, assessment procedure, and criteria for evaluating students ' knowledge.

Syllabuses contain the criteria developed by teachers for evaluating the subjects studied.

Information oncriteria and methods for assessing students ' knowledge, including the procedure for conducting current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students, and the current methodology for evaluating student performance for rating grades in disciplines are presented in the Academic Policy of the University, theGuide Book, and syllabuses for disciplines. Information is provided via the university's, Smart through ads and recommendations on information stands.

In the university's educational portal, each student can view the schedule of classes and exams, current and intermediate academic performance, get acquainted with the established transfer points from course to course, as well as with the procedures for passing computer testing.

In order to ensure the objectivity and transparency of the progress of the intermediate certification of students, the rector of the University appoints a control commission from among the teaching staff of the departments; authorized PRS from among the AUP of the University; an appeal commission from among the heads of departments under the chairmanship of the deans of the Higher School/faculties; a coordination group from among the AUP, representatives of public organizations and the media.

The distribution of authorized representatives, members of the control commission and representatives of student assets is carried out according to the approved schedule and is brought to their attention on the day of the exam.

When conducting an interim certification online using DOT, proctors are appointed by the rector from among the faculty of departments, and compliance with the principles of academic integrity is systematically monitored by the employees of the Parasat compliance service and representatives of the student asset. If necessary, an electronic proctoring system is used.  

A student who does not agree with the result of the final control has the right to file an appeal application addressed to the chairman of the appeal commission in accordance with the form no later than the next day from the date of the exam.

In the case of distance learning, in case of appeal, the student submits an online application in his personal account with a description of the problem and attached screenshots of questions and answers that he considers erroneous. An application for an appeal based on the results of an interim assessment is submitted within 2 business days from the date of announcement of the results. All electronic applications are sent to the Secretary of the appeals Commission for registration and sent to the relevant departments for further processing. The commission makes a decision for the student to re-pass the test during the completion or refusal. The student also receives the commission's response in their personal account. The Appeal Commission is established for the period of the examination session (intermediate attestation) by order of the rector of the university.

At the university, once ayear, after the session-examination periods, a questionnaire "Teacher through the eyes of students" is conducted for those teachers whose rating is lower than the established norm (the university sets at its discretion – in SKU the threshold score is 3.5), a commission is created from the Inspection Commission of the faculty, university in order to attend classes and identify the reasons for the low rating.

The University Monitoring Department conducts a survey "Student satisfaction with the quality of the educational process organization"

The questions reflect points that can show the university or department from one side or another. Therefore, taking this into account, the rector's office, dean's office and departments devote more time to improving them. Every year, the percentage of student satisfaction with the quality of student organization increases.

An important element of the system for ensuring a high level of student training is regular monitoring of students ' satisfaction with the quality of organizing and conducting internships, which is carried out through questionnaires.

Currently в , Auezov SKU has more than 258 agreements and agreements with 25 countries of the near and far abroad. Academic exchange agreements are being implemented with 38 universities in Kazakhstan and 49 foreign universities in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries.

To organize and conduct all types of practical training, departments have developed practical training programs that are consistent with the main bases of practice, as well as educational and methodological recommendations for performing practical tasks. The program of professional practice is periodically updated and reflects modern achievements of science and technology, innovative technologies used on the basis of practice.

Place of practical training: Department of Management and Marketing of the South Ural State University named after M. Auezov.

Industrial practice is carried out on the basis of various enterprises and organizations, research and design organizations with various forms of ownership, the direction of work of which is related to the future professional activities of students. These are such organizations as АО «Altyn Dan JSC,Mirat InshaatLLP, Shymkent-Kashmir LLP,Asia Food CompanyLLP (more than 30 contracts).

An innovative element of the educational process is the training of students in educational, research and production complexes (UNPC), which are organized on the basis of leading enterprises, organizations and institutions of the region. The organization of the educational process together with the UNPC makes it possible to effectively use the material and technical base of enterprises, attract their leading specialists to the academic process, which contributes to improving the quality of specialist training and introducing the results of innovative activities into the educational process.

On the basis of UNPC, students are provided with a real opportunity to gain practical professional experience. Leading specialists of industrial enterprises take an active part in the educational process through lecturing on topical issues of production, conducting laboratory classes, master classes, managing production practice, course and diploma projects.

Each type of practice ensures the consolidation of already acquired theoretical knowledge and prepares the student for more successful development of the corresponding new disciplines of the specialty curriculum. In the course of practical training, the student forms and develops professional knowledge in the field of the chosen specialty; masters the necessary methods, skills and abilities in the specialty.

Professional practice should be considered not only as a means of forming professional adaptation and skills, developing cognitive and creative activity of future specialists, but also as a means of forming professional competencies, since due to its specifics it is most closely intertwined with social reality and serves as a link between the student's theoretical training and his future independent activity.

Academic mobility at the university is realized through internal and external mobility, summer and winter schools.

For students, the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility regularly organizes information days at the university's faculties/ higher schools.

Academic mobility of students ЮКУof Auezov SKUis carried out within the framework of interuniversity agreements/agreements or joint projects: a tripartite agreement/agreement of the student, sending and receiving university for internal academic mobility, and an invitation for international academic mobility.

В Трудах XXVІMore than 60 articles were published in the Proceedings of the XXVI-th Student scientific conference on natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences: "Creating a new Kazakhstan-in the hands of youngpeople" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. опубликовано более 60 статей.

Number of students who participated in subject Olympiads of the university – 3

Non /

a Name of the Olympiad (date)


F.Full name of students (group)

Full name of hands



(diplomas, certificates, etc.)


Student Olympiad on "Enterprise Economics" on the basis of the Higher School "Management and Business" of M. Auezov

SKU, 17.03.2022 Enterprise Economics

Safronov Roman

Sultanova Farangiz

Akhmadiyeva Aruana

(gr EF-21-4tr)

Kulanova D. A. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor


III place

Number of students who took part in the competitions of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 6, far abroad-no, near abroad-no

Non /

a Name of the Olympiad (date)


F.Full name of students (group)

Full name of hands



(diplomas, certificates, etc.)


Жаңа Қазақстан білікті тіректері» атты студенттік Аймақтық экономикалық олимпиадасы,

г.Шымкент, 27.03.2023г.


Kosmachev S

Yessentai A

Sosnina D


Атенова А.М.

к.э.н., доцент


2 место


START –UP KONKURS «MENIN ARMANYM - 2023» - Республикалық жастар бизнес-стартап жобасы байқауы

г.Shymkent, 20.04.2023 g


Werner A

Kim A

Yusupova D


Atenova A.M.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor


2nd place

The following students received certificates of intellectual property protection (patents, certificates) – 6

  1. Certificate of Intellectual property No. 36257 dated 22.05.2023, authors Aidarov T. A., Mustafayeva V. I., Aidarov A., Seidakhmet A., Tastanbekov A. B.

 Title: Improving the efficiency of environmental management at the enterprise

  1. Certificate of Intellectual property No. 36258 dated 26.05.2023, authors Aidarov T. A., Mustafayeva V. I., Salbek A., Sosnina D., Yusupova D. A.

 Title: Improving organizational culture at the enterprise as a factor of efficiency

  1. Certificate of Intellectual property No. 36375 dated 24.05.2023, authors Atenova A.M., Tursynkulova Z. M., Atazhanov D., Plyamina M., Vasyunkin

 Title: Improving the implementation of the export policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  1. Certificate of intellectual property No. 36345 dated 24.05.2023, authors Daurbayeva M. U., Zharylkap K. E., Oralkhan A.

       Название: Аймақтық шағын кәсіпкерлікті қолдау саясатын және оны жүзеге асыру тетіктерін құрастыру.

  1. Certificate of intellectual property No. 36346 dated 22.05.2023, authors Daurbayeva M. U., Nurmakhan N. Mamatai T., Esenova B.

       Название: Мемлекеттік қызметшілердің қызметін бағалауды жетілдіру

  1. Certificate of intellectual property No. 36363 dated 23.05.2023, authors Ramashova A. N., Ulanova T. U.

       Название: Экономикалық интеграциялық үдерстердің дамуы жағдайында инновациялық кадрлық әлеуетті қалыптастыру ерекшеліктері




  1. Student admission, academic performance, recognition and certification

Career guidance work at Auezov. Ауэзова SKU is conducted on an ongoing basis, with the main focus being on targeted search and training of capable high school students.

Admission is carried out in accordance with the "Rules of admission to the South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov", developed on the basis of the "Standard Rules of admission to study in educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate education", according to the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31.10.2018 No. 600 (as amended on 08.06.2020), they contain the admission conditions and are available and are published on the official website of the university The university's website also has all the necessary information for applicants: application deadlines, exam results, admission documents, admission deadlines, and a list of documents for comprehensive testing for applicants on a paid basis

The stability of admission of students for training in OP 6B04120 Management, 6B04150-GMU, 6B04160-Marketing is ensured by conducting planned career guidance works. Systematic career guidance work at the university is provided by the information and advertising Department and the Department of "Management and Marketing", where the following programs are implemented:,

Teaching staff of the department conduct career guidance and propaganda performances in educational institutions, at meetings with schoolchildren and their parents. On the Open Day, organized groups of schoolchildren conduct guided tours of аудиториям the department's classrooms, talk about the direction of "Management", about the issues of admission to the Auezov. АуэзоваSKU, and show a film about the university and the department.

Активно The university's social media accounts are actively used for career guidance purposes:, Facebook:, advertising and informational booklets, calendars, as well as about the conditions of study, accommodation, benefits and discounts are published.

The website provides complete information about OP 6B04120 Management, 6B04150-GMU, 6B04160-Marketing, and publishes information about the educational, cultural and leisure life of students

Every day, the admissions committee holds consultations on all admission issues, both with prospective applicants, and with their parents, as well as with representatives of enterprises and organizations. During the pandemic, the admissions committee worked online, where e-mail correspondence was effectively conducted, and answers to questions of interest to applicants were regularly sent.

Educational institutions of the Turkestan region are assigned to the departments for conducting targeted propaganda and career guidance work.

The university has a Career Guidance Center with Call - center and Marketing and Career guidance departments.

The Marketing and Career Guidance Department regularly conducts seminars, webinars and master classes in online (using the Zoom platform) and offline modes with secondary school students in order to conduct consulting and explanatory work on university admission.

To attract the necessary number of students to the university at the beginning of the academic year,тan analysis is carried out by schools and colleges in the region, information is collected on their number and the numberу of graduates.

Every year, admission plans and career guidance activities of the university are developed, handouts are prepared in the form of information guides on admission and advertising and presentation videos, which contain in general all information about the activities and achievements of the university, structural divisions and educational programs in the context of higher schools and faculties.

To adviseя students onю university admission and the choice ofу educational programs,an«Open Day is regularly held» in online and offline modes using the ZOOM InternetplatformsZOOM and socialх networksей Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc..

Regional TV channels Kazakhstan-Shymkent "Ontustik", Kazakhstan – Taraz" Zhambyl", Kazakhstan - Kyzylorda" Kyzylorda", Otrar, Aigak regularly publish information about the university and speeches of the university's management, departments and divisions.

Also, the university has created research circles in the relevant areas of educational programs with the involvement of students of general education schools under the guidance of scientists, professors and teachers of the university on the basis of research institutes, centers and scientific laboratories of the university and educational and research laboratories of departments for conducting research work.

When accepting students for the OP, the department does a lot of work to motivate them to study. During the career guidance work, the faculty of the department conducts Olympiads, competitions among school students who focus on training in OP 6B04120 Management, 6B04150-GMU, 6B04160-Marketing. The University provides university educational grants to motivate students to study, and various categories of students are provided with significant benefits in terms of tuition fees. The rules for granting student benefits are available on the website

The presence of subject circles, interest clubs, sports clubs, the possibility of implementing academic mobility is also a motivation for studentsto study. The organization of the student scientific circle "Strategist", which involves students, also contributes to interest in studying. The work of the scientific circle is aimed at developing creative, creative, scientific potential along with mastering the necessary universal, professional competencies in OP.

At the beginning of the academic year at the university, the Department of Educational Work and Youth Policy, together with the staff of the Departmentof Academic Affairs and deans, hold meetings with 1st-year students of each faculty/high school, where they explain how the social life of the university, the educational process and extracurricular activities are organized. Также разъясняетсяThe Code of corporate Ethics-internal regulations, requirements for students and their rights-is also explained. Meetings are held with students of the hostel, the rules of accommodation in the hostel are explained.

Для быстройCuratorial support is available at the university to help students adapt quicklyподдержка. Each academic group is assigned a curator, who spends curatorial hours with the group at least once a week, where he discusses academic and extracurricular issues at the university, advises, and helps to adapt to the educational process.

When implementing the OP, a diagnostic assessment is provided that determines the ability and readiness to implement educational programs, as well as identifying possible problems in training. The university has an electronic database, which allows you to analyze the academic performance of students with different GPA, the results of completing and defending theses, data on graduates of the educational program and the results of their employment.

A quality control system is in place to monitor the effectiveness of the implementation of the OP. On a weekly basis, teachers of teaching staff classes in all disciplines ЮКУ им. Ауэзоваfill out a student progress log on the Auezov SKU portal, to which all interested parties, including students ' parents, have access. Monitoring of academic performance is carried out by group curators, curatorial hours are held based on the results of academic performance for each of the two ratings, and issues related to student academic performance are considered at department meetings.

One of the strategic priorities of the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University is social support for students left without parental care, students with special educational needs, implementation of socially significant projects, ensuring access of low-income students to quality education.

Students who are left without parental care are provided with financial support for the cost of daily meals, discounts for tuition feesя, and free accommodation in a hostel.

The University is working effectively to provide students with employment opportunities and help them find work in their free time as part of social support. The work includes the Dean's Office, curators, the Student Service Center( DSP), the Department of Employment and Monitoring of Graduates, and the Youth Center. During this period, the department conducts activities to create dual groups that will allow students to find employment in their free time.

Students are transferred from one course to another, from one educational organization to another, from one form of study to another, from one language department to another, from one specialty to another, from a paid basis to training under a state educational order.  Transfer and rehabilitation of students is carried out during the summer and winter holidays. The procedure for admission of students from other universities is carried out in compliance with the rules for re-crediting mastered disciplines with components for transferring to the desired OP. The student is transferred or reinstated to any university, regardless of the terms of deduction during reinstatement.

The analysis of students ' academic performance is formed on the basis of successful passing of the intermediate and final attestation (

Based on the results of the exam session, the average GPA score of the student is automatically calculated. All information about the student's achievements is stored and processed in the ISVUZ automated system.

Students studying in OP 6B04120 Management, 6B04150-GMU, 6B04160-Marketing at the end of the university receive a state-issued diploma with information about the awarded qualification, including information about the achieved learning outcomes.

Graduates of the M. Auezov SKU are issued a European - style Diploma Supplement after successfully completing an individual trajectory and mobility in a specific educational programDiploma Supplement. The Diploma Supplement contains complete information about the level, content and status of training.

Students of the Higher School of Management and Business defended their theses offline in 430 classrooms. In the period from 17.05.2022 to 7.06.2022

Students of the Institute of Innovative Educational Technologies defended their education remotely via the ZOOM digital platform.

Students prepared presentations and a short report on the content of the thesis. After the presentation, the commission asked questions about the research topic.

The level of training and knowledge shown by students of OP 6B04120-Management, 6B04150-State and local administration, 6B04160-Marketing meet the requirements of the state mandatory standard of education (bachelor's degree).

Scientific supervisors and the subject of theses on the basis of the minutes of the department meeting were approved by the university order No. 348c dated 02.11.2022. The update rate of the topic compared to the 2021-2022 academic year was 30%.

The degree of preparation of graduates for practical work in modern conditions, as well as the level of problems considered and solved, both theoretical and practical, correspond to the Dublin descriptors of level 1 of training.

The ability of graduate students to formulate arguments and solve problems in the field under study, form conclusions and generalizations, and offer recommendations for improving economic mechanisms at different levels of economic and industrial management characterize them as trained specialists

The proposed recommendations have practical significance, which can be applied by the management of domestic enterprises.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the number of graduates was 120 students. Of these, 59 defended their PHD, and 61 students took two comprehensive exams each.

According to the results of the defense of theses, the following results were obtained (Table 2).

Table 2-Results of protection of theses

Название OP title

Defended your thesis (project)

Including the

average score














Full-time Department













6B04150-State and Local administration
























  1. Teaching staff

The quantitative and qualitative composition of teaching staff is formed based on the needs for effective implementation of the educational program. The staff of the teaching staff is determined and approved annually. The main indicators of changes in the quantitative and qualitative composition of teaching staff for the 2022-2023 academic year are shown in Table 3:


Table 3. Quantitative and qualitative composition of the department's teaching staff

Years All g o Professors Associate Professors Senior teachers Teachers Doctor of Economic Sciences Candidate of Economic Sciences Candidate of Economic Sciences



Associate Professors

Senior Teachers


Doctor of Economics

candidate of Economic Sciences

candidate of Economic Sciences

without uch. st

Candidate of Economic Sciences/PhD



's degree without acad .st















In order to acquire new, as well as deepen and improve previously acquired professional knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies, to improve the quality of work, university employees, according to the annual work plans of the university for professional development and retraining of personnel, plans of faculties, departments, individual work plans of teachers, employees are sent to advanced training courses.

From the analysis of the presented table, there is a slight trend in the decline in the percentage of graduation due to a change in the qualification requirements, according to which the calculation of graduation is made from the total number of teaching staff (including part-timers), while the graduation rate is preserved.

The faculty is represented by Doctor of Economics, Professor (Beisenova M. U.); candidates of Economic Sciences, associate professors of KKSON (Higher Attestation Commission) (Aidarov T. A., Kydyrova Zh. Sh., Seidakhmetov K. M., Moldogazieva G. M.; candidates of Economic Sciences without the academic title of associate professor (Daurbayeva M. U., Atenova A.M.), Doctor of PhD (Ramashova A. N.) masters (Iskakov K. K., Suleimenova I. A., Siyazbekkyzy B., Daribaeva A. S., Tuleyeva A. Zh., Temiri M. I., Mustafayeva V. I., Narbek B), engineer-economist without an academic degree (Karabayeva Sh. A.), part-time production workers (Ibishev M. A., Sadykbekova A, Abdrakhmanova A., Statsenko O. A., Turalina S. M., Daurbaev M. Sh., Shalginbaeva G. B.)

The department has a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the title "Best University teacher" (Beisenova M. U.,Seidakhmetov M. K., Kydyrova Zh.Sh., Kulanova D. A.).

  1. K. Seidakhmetov was also awarded the Gold Medal established by the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium Awarded the Gold Medal of the "European Quality" and the Order of LABORE ET SCIENTIA (Labor and Knowledge) established by the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium.

In 2023, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor T. A. Aidarov was awarded a diploma from the "Amanat" party.

The share of teaching staff who teach classes in the state language is 85% of the total number of teaching staff. All teachers of the Department of Management and Marketing have a basic economic education.

The analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the educational program at the department showed that the quality indicator of staffing has changed, but, despite changes in the share of teaching staff with academic degrees and titles, the indicator corresponds to the standard established by the license.

When applying for a teaching staff position, a mandatory condition is that the applicant has a higher professional education, an academic master's degree, a candidate's or doctor's degree, a PhD, a correspondence of education to the profile of university specialties, etc.

When appointing to positions, compliance with the Standard Qualification Characteristics of positions of teachers and persons equated to them, competence in the field of the intended field of activity, and work experience are taken into account.

Information about the activities of the faculty is available on the University's website in the Department of Higher Education "Management and Business" section.

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing corresponds to the Regulations on the graduating department.

The teaching staff involved in the implementation of educational programs meets the qualification requirements, and the degree of teaching staff of the OP is over 45%.

Every year, by order of the rector, commissions are formed that carry out work on a comprehensive review of departments, checking theses, the quality of course work, reports on types of practices.

The requirements for the competence of teaching staff presented at M. Auezov SKU are formed taking into account the requirements of the Standard Qualification Characteristics of positions of teachers and persons equated to them, the industry framework and the National Qualifications Framework.

SKU named after M. Auezov is responsible for its employees and provides them with favorable working conditions. The survey results reflect the most important areas of activity for teaching staff

The OP has relevant specialists in the profile of educational programs: their basic education, code of specialty, academic degree and academic title, advanced training courses for at least 6 months or practical experience in enterprises meets the requirements of the university system. The qualification level of the teaching staff corresponds to the positions held.

Planning of university teaching staff activities is carried out on the basis of an individual teacher's work plan (IEPP), compiled for each academic year. IUP of teaching staff includes the following types of work: planning of the educational load, implementation of the educational load, educational and methodical work, research and creative work, organizational and methodological work, educational work, advanced training, implementation of the program "Rukhani Zhangyru". Each section of the teaching staff IEP is coordinated with the supervising departments of the university in accordance with the strategic development plan, annual and long-term plans and other indicators of the university. The report on the IEP of teaching staff is held twice a year publicly at meetings of departments in the presence of the dean of the faculty/higher school, where, based on the results, a conclusion is issued on the implementation of all sections of the IEP.

The pedagogical activity of the University's teaching staff includes educational, scientific, methodological and organizational-educational work.     

The teaching load of teaching staff is carried out in academic hours and is approved by the decision of the Academic Council. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the teaching load is 680 hours (protocol of the Administrative Code No. 15 of 29.04.2021).

The IEP reflects the academic load of teaching staff by semesters for the academic year.

The ratio between classroom and extracurricular work by teacher category is shown in table 4


Table 4. Correlation between classroom and extracurricular work by teacher category


staff Classroom work,

no more

Extracurricular work,

no more

Doctor of Science






Senior Lecturer






The University has created all the necessary conditions to ensure the necessary balance between all types of activities of teachers implementing the EP.

The analysis of teachers ' workload shows that in the learning process, the learning load is distributed evenly. The distribution of the academic load by semester is made in accordance with the regulatory requirements, which specify all types of training sessions, SRSP consultations, management of theses and internships, etc.

Teachers 'participation in improving the curriculum is carried out through updating the educational program taking into account the requirements of stakeholders, the labor market and advanced scientific achievements; planning the amount of credits for studying elective subjects; determining the course policy; planning the schedule for passing control tasks; organizing students' knowledge control; adjusting the forms and methods of teaching disciplines taking into account the results of quality monitoring; reviewing the topics of theses participation in Scientific and Methodological Council of the university, methodological and state attestation commissions.

Teachers of educational institutions are involved in the internal system of ensuring the quality of education through the QMS system, which allows you to monitor the constant level of high-quality provision of educational services.

The University constantly evaluates the activities of teachers through control visits to classes, sociological surveys.

In order to improve the quality of the educational process and training sessions at the beginning of the academic year, the department draws up a VCC plan for the academic year.

In addition, the assessment of the quality of teaching and the methodological level of teachers is carried out through the analysis of the results of examination sessions, control cross-sections of knowledge, and final certification.

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of quality control of preparation and conduct of training sessions of the department's teaching staff in the 2022-2023 academic year are presented in Table 5


Table 5. Quantitative and qualitative indicators of quality control of preparation and conduct of training sessions of the Department's teaching staff in 2022-2023 academic year

Attendance of training sessions of the department's teaching staff for the purpose of quality control of training and conducting, including:

The number of classes

in planu




The number of classes in scoream

is lower 3,55

3,6 – 3,9




·         Lectures






·         practical exercises













All visits to classes are discussed at meetings of the department at the end of each semester with specific suggestions, as well as methodological seminars are systematically held at the department in order to improve the quality of training and conducting training sessions.

Based on the results of conducting methodological seminars and discussing the classes attended, all recommendations are implemented in a timely manner, which allows us to talk about improving the quality of training and conducting training sessions

Advanced training of teaching staff of the department is conducted in accordance with the plan of the higher school and university in various areas in order to strengthen the scientific, pedagogical, educational and methodological levels of training of teaching staff. Various forms of professional development are provided: passing courses on educational and methodological activities at leading universities, theoretical seminars and field profile seminars.

In the current 2022-2023 academic year, the department's teaching staff underwent advanced training in the following areas:

1.Digitalization of organizational and managerial activities at the Odessa National Polytechnic University (72 hours) – Aidarov T. A., Iskakov K. K., Sulymenova I. A., Siyazbekkyzy B., Narkulova Sh. A., Tuleyeva A. Zh., Karabaeva Sh. A., Moldagazieva G. M., Daurbayeva M. U., Kulanova D. A., Daribaeva A. S., Atenova A.M., Dzhetibayeva A. B., Kasymova Z. K., Mustafayeva V. I., Ramashova A. N. (Odessa, 03-27. 01. 2023)

  1. "Management" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (72 hours) - Aidarov T. A., Iskakov K. K., Sulymenova I. A., Siyazbekkyzy B., Narkulova Sh. A., Tuleyeva A. Zh., Karabayeva Sh. A., Moldagazieva G. M., Daurbayeva M. U., Kulanova D. A., Daribaeva A. S., Atenova A. M., Dzhetibayeva A. B., Kasymova Z. K., Mustafayeva V. I., Ramashova A. N. (Almaty, 13-26. 10. 2022).
  2. "Economics and management by industry" in the "National Company of KTZ" (72 hours) - Ibishev M. A., Abdrakhmanova A. Zh., Daurbaev M. Sh., Shalginbaeva G. A.
  3. SMM Marketing in the "Scientific and Methodological Center ZIAT" (72 hours – - Statsenko O. A. (Shymkent, 09-28. 01. 2023)

For all planned professional development, there are certificates of implementation in the educational process.

Teachers of the department additionally undergo industrial training at employers ' enterprises, UNPC

Every year at the meetings of the department, the results of advanced training of teaching staff are discussed.

In order to realize the creative potential of teaching staff, the university management provides its employees with the opportunity to participate in academic mobility programs.

Associate Professor D. A. Kulanova completed an internship

- at the "Mugla" University (Turkey) with lectures (08.11.2022-15.11.2022)

-Almalyk State Technical University (Uzbekistan) with lectures (16.02.2023-23.02.2023)

Research Report

  1. 1. Subject of research performed on state budget topics.

Topic " Management of socio-economic development of the Turkestan region and

city of Shymkent in the new reality " (code: B-21-03-09).

  1. Subjects of fundamental, applied and risk research funded by Ministries and development institutes
  2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Kulanova D. A. is the executor ofthe project onthe topic: AP09261075 Formation of a model of a regional food hub as a horizontally integrated structure in order to ensure food security (on the example of the meat cluster of the Turkestan region) for 2021-2023 in the amount of 34 million tenge. The amount for 2022 is 11,292,296. 28 tenge.

Priority: Research in the social sciences and humanities. Fundamental, applied, and interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences

By sub-priority: Modernization and sustainable development of the national economy in the context of new global challenges and trends in Industry 4.0.: economic policy, investment and financial system, structural, technological and spatial development, management and business.

The total number of publications is 152 articles, including 5 articles in journals with an impact factor, 8 articles in republican journals of the KKSON(HAC), 15 articles in other journals, including RSCI, 1 article in proceedings of international conferences of near and far abroad, and 63 в XXVІarticles in proceedings of international conferences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. More than 60 articles were published in the XXVI student scientific conference on natural, technical, social, humanitarian and economic sciences: "Creating a new Kazakhstan-in the hands of youngpeople" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan Universityопубликовано более 60 статей

Publication of scientific monographs – 1

Transformation of the modern economy of the republic of Kazakhstan: mechanisms and main trends / Monograph . Transformation of the modern economy of the republic of Kazakhstan: mechanisms and main trends  -Шымкент: «Әлем», 2022 -  388 с.

R & D results put into production (confirmed by the act) -7

Asel Company (authors: Aidarov T. A., Ramashova A. N., Tuleyeva A. Zh., Act No. 319 of 13.12.2022)

SEC " Bio-Agro "(authors: Aidarov T. A., Karabayeva Sh. A., Siyazbekkyzy B, act No. 321 of 13.12.2022)

ТОО «NUR&ADIL LLP, (authors: T. A. Aidarov, K. K. Iskakov, I. A. Suleimenova, Act No. 320 of 13.12.2022)

ZBN Visit, (authors: Aidarov T. A., Daribaeva A. S., Kulanova D. A., Act No. 322 of 13.12.2022)

Stroy Group-2020 LLP (authors: Aidarov T. A., Daurbayeva M, Atenova A.M., Act No. 323 of 13.12.2022)

Dani NAS LLP (authors: Aidarov T. A., Daribaeva A. S., Kulanova D. A., Act No. 316 of 13.12.2022)

ТОО «MD Construction LLP» (authors: Aidarov T. A., Daurbayeva M, Kydyrova Zh. Sh., Act No. 324 of 13.12.2022)

For methodological support of the educational process, according to the long-term and annual plan of the UML publication, the department develops educational and methodological literature in all disciplines. All teaching materials published by teaching staff are used in the educational process and are available on the SKSU educational portal, the library's://portal.ukgu.kzwebsite,,

For the implementation of educational programs, the leading teachers of the department develop educational and methodological complexes of the discipline. UMKD – educational and methodical documents that disclose the planning, organization and conduct of classes in a particular discipline.

Textbooks and manuals (in Kazakh, Russian and English) on the subjects are developed and produced by the teachers of the department and play an important role in the preparation of students. During the current period, professors and associate professors of the department published textbooks, including: "Information Marketing", "Digital Branding", "Personnel Management", etc. Every year, outside of the methodological work plan, the department's teaching staff develops and publishes textbooks and manuals to strengthen and design the competitiveness of the OP.

Coordination of the provided educational services with the interests of employers makes it possible to realize a socially significant goal – professional adaptation of university students and graduates to the constantly changing trends of the labor market.

The Department of Management and Marketing relies on the wishes of students and employers when developing the elective component of the educational program. From the point of view of students, the modernity and attractiveness of the discipline, knowledge of the laws of the market economy is also important.

Employers who propose to include new disciplines in the EP, adjustments to the content of the EP, taking into account the development of the economy and the needs of the labor market of the region and the country, participate in the formation of the EP.

Stakeholders also carry out external expertise of the OP

Teachers of the department undergo research and production training at the enterprises of UNPC stakeholders and partners, on the topic of state-funded research and implement the results of research: Nur&Adil LLP, BioAgro SEC, Asel LLP, Prodgroup LLP, Perizat - 2030 LLP,MD Constraction LLP,»Dani Nas", "Shymkent Mai" LLP, " Visit.

In the educational process of teaching staff, modern pedagogical methods of teaching and innovation are constantly applied, the results of which are introduced into the educational process

The creative potential of the department, the level of implementation of modern pedagogical technologies is also shown during the annual methodological forums. Teachers of the department demonstrate their pedagogical skills in open classes, applying new pedagogical innovations: lectures using video and audio materials, video lectures, practical classes in the form of business and intellectual games, etc.

The graduate department has educational materials on magnetic media, electronic textbooks, etc.

The Department works on attracting highly qualified specialists from leading organizations and industries in the profile of the educational program in addition to full-time teaching staff.

Managers of the following stakeholders are regularly invited to review theses, chair the work of the attestation commission, teach and consult the disciplines of the educational program, discuss meetings and round tables in order to analyze the state and developmentof the economy:NurAdil LLP, BioAgro SEC, Assel LLP, AvtoAina LLP, AutoAina LLP.Barlas Oil", "MD Constraction" LLP, "Dani Nan" LLP, "Shymkent Mai" LLP, ZBN "VISiT"LLP


  1. Training resources and student support system

Financing of educational programs is formed at the expense of:

- budget funds in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 16, 2018 No. 199 and the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2021 No. 253.

- extra-budgetary funds (including paid educational funds, research services). M. Auezov SKU is financially stable..

The university purchases modern software products for studying both university and profile components.

To support students, we have created service centers to meet their educational, personal, and career needs. The university has a registrar's office, an educational and information center, research institutes, dormitories, canteens and buffets, medical offices, and sports complexes.

The university has a Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility, which supports students in the implementation of academic mobility in order to acquire additional experience and competencies in the form of credits in universities of the country, near and far abroad.  This center has clear proceduresами for admission of students from other universities, recognition and crediting of credits acquired during academic mobility.

The university has 83 lecture halls, 200 practical and special classrooms, 159 laboratories and workshops, 71 computer classes, 2 linguistics rooms, 9 multimedia rooms, 2 self-knowledge rooms, 3 resource centers, etc. The classrooms are equipped with modern equipment and devices necessary for conducting classes. Updating of the material-and technical base is carried out at the request of departments.

The university forms a library fund and provides operational access to the maximum amount of information resources to ensure the educational process, scientific research, cultural development and self-education. There is a collection of rare and valuable books, a fund of reference publications: encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books on various branches of knowledge. Traditional educational publications are supplemented by electronic materials: textbooks, laboratory works, lectures by teachers, reports, student papers, essays, and graduation projects. The trend of recent years is an increase in the number of available educational and scientific electronic resources on university topics.

The unified information and Library Fund на 0as.12.2022of 0.12.2022 amounts to more than 2,000,000 copies, including 1,000,000 copies in the state language and 100,000 copies in English. all types and types of publications. Every year, a subscription is issued for scientific journals in the profile of the university, including in electronic form.

The library's collection is reflected in the electronic catalog available to users on the site is available on-line 24 hours, 7 days a week.

The program "IRBIS 64" is used as software, which provides comprehensive automation of all library processes, consisting of 6 modules: "Picker", "Cataloger", "Reader", "Book security", "Book Issuance", "Administrator".

A modern reference and bibliographic apparatus is provided for users: an electronic catalog (EC), an electronic file of articles, an electronic file of dissertation abstracts.

Work with catalogs is carried out in electronic form. The OIC EQ reflects the book stock from 1998 to the present, increasing annually by an average of 15,000 entries. The electronic catalog consists of 9 databases: "Books", "Articles", "Periodicals", "Proceedings of the SCSU Teaching Staff", "Rare books", "Electronic Fund", "SCSU in print", "Readers"of" South Kazakhstan Region". It is being edited in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003, and a planned retroconversion is being conducted from the library's collection. 

For distance learning обеспечен о, offline access is provided from any device 24/7 via external links:, university portal http://ро://роrtal.ukgu. kz, portal of the Institute of Distance Learning A remote access information channel is provided via a virtual help desk with a mobile communication specialist on duty, via email, WhatsApp.

Insocial networks, https: / /www. facebook. com/ profile.php?id=100026630640550 and on the library's website, employees remind you about their existing subscription to educational and scientific electronic resources, as well as regularly update information about the availability of new sources.

The collection of electronic publications consists of morethan 2-3 thousand documents, including more than 14 thousand documents in the state language, and more than 4 thousand documents in English. Educational literature on digital media is -1909819098 doc., including 10167 doc. in the state language,and 1,750 English750. The list of electronic publications is reflected in the catalog "Electronic Fund" on the library's website

The carelessness ofthe UML for the cycles of basic and profile disciplines was 100% at the standard of 100%, which corresponds to the qualification requirements for licensing (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 14.07.2021, No. 339 p. 66).

The University's Digitalization Department has created an ITtraining ground that uses the latest computer technology and advanced IT technologies.

Over the past six months, the following sites have been opened on the basis of the IT polygon:

  • VR-laboratory (virtual reality laboratory).
  • ICT Academy together with Huawei;
  • robotics cabinet;
  • center for situational management and big data processing.

The university operates 6 resource centers and 152 classrooms with interactive whiteboards.

The equipment of modern computer equipment is intended for direct use in the educational process in order to increase the effectiveness of the quality of training and the use of information resources.

The computer class of the department has 16 computers, all of them are directly involved in the educational process, 8 computers are used in the computer class, 8 – by teachers. All computers have licensed software products installed: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, MS Office 2003, 2007, 2010. All computers have constant access to the Internet.

For students, there is a computer class (430 audience) with an interactive whiteboard and Internet access, which is connected to the local network of ISVUZ for logging in to the personal account of teachers and students, setting weekly ratings, etc. The available information resources are constantly updated, improved and the information base is being expanded.

The corporate information and educational network of the university includes 87 computer classes located in academic buildings and student dormitories of the university.

The university uses several electronic platforms: ISVUZ, Smart UKY (university), Prometheus, Microsoft Teams, Platonus. Mobile versions have Microsoft Teams, Prometheus (iOS, Android), IS UNIVERSITY (web application). These platforms have a technical lockdown function. The Microsoft Teams platform has access to the video stream service, and the ZOOM and WEBEX platforms are also used.

The platforms have cloud-based perpetual storage of video recordings, as well as written works such as theses, master's theses, and coursework.

ISVUZ automated information system consists of virtual workstations for the administration of the educational process, the office registrar mode, the teacher's personal account, the HR department, the test center, deans ' offices, departments with a centralized database and computers of the educational institution united in a single space through a corporate network, as well as for remote work with access from the external environment.

Starting from the 2022-2023 academic year, the entire 1st year learning process was transferred to the new Smart UKY automated system. The new Smart UKY system includes the following areas of the educational process: curriculum, working curriculum, individual curriculum, academic calendar, educational and methodological complex of the discipline, schedule of independent work, student achievements, exam schedule, final grades, grading log, student data, information for processing documents for submission and passing practices

There is an educational information portal for students All students have personal accounts on the platform combined into a single educational system. The user's page is called the Student's Personal Page, which contains information about the educational process: Personal data; Exam schedule; Online applications; List of classes; Academic performance; Rating; UMCD class schedule.

Students take exams through their personal page during sessions and immediately see the test result. If they disagree, they can apply for an appeal online and receive messages about the result of the appeal after a certain time.

Distance education portal is a mass media outlet in the field of university education

Wireless Internet access is available in every academic building and dormitory in YUCU. Free access to the Internet (wi-fi) is provided in all atriums of academic buildings, as well as in the university library. For the convenience of teaching staff and students, 25 wi-fi points are installed in the main building of the university, and 10 wi-fi points are installed in other buildings of the university. There are 5-10 wi - fi hotspots installed in university dormitories for students.


  1. Information management

To automate the process of collecting and analyzing information, the Department of Management and Marketing of Yu. a. M. Auezov implemented and operatesthe following systems for collecting, analyzing and managing information based on the use of modern information and communication technologies and software tools: information management within the framework of the official website of the university (; management of educational and methodological information in within portal.ukgu.kzthe framework of The system provides opportunities for managing the academic calendar, forming individual plans, placing the UMKD, forming exam sheets, current testing of students in training sessions, and questionnaires.

Publishing data on social networks Instagram/Facebook (auezov_management_marketing_management_marketing) ensures the availability of educational resources and support systems for students, obtaining information intended for operational and strategic management of students ' questions.

The Department of Management and Marketing has a transparent approach to ensuring the format of information submission. The system of indicators and activities of the department is open to the public. To get acquainted with the work of each teacher, a separate series of publications has been introduced in social networks Instagram/Facebook (auezov_management_marketing_management_marketing), where the teacher's photo shows the years of his work in various organizations. This gives the student the opportunity to learn more about their teacher.

To advise students, the department's website contains contacts for calls and WhatsApp messages and e-mail for written requests.

Incoming information is monitored daily. The following information has been updated for the department: personal pages of teaching staff, scientific and creative achievements of teaching staff, teaching materials of teaching staff.

The information and feedback system is aimed at students and employees and includes information stands at the department, the functioning of the official website in three languages.

All events held by the department are published in social networks Instagram/Facebook (auezov_management_marketing_management_marketing) with a brief description.

The priority direction of the Department of Management and Marketing is to focus on students: identifying their requirements and assessing the degree of compliance with the established requirements.

While working on improving the speed of our website, we have done a lot of work to track how it changes over time. We monitored the speed of the mobile page. In addition to monitoring the loading time on the desktop, we paid special attention to how well our site loads on mobile devices, since so many students visit the site through their phones.

It was in our best interest to provide a fast and convenient website for mobile users. Each time, more and more efforts are being made to improve the site as a whole.

The Department, in its turn, carries out work on updating, updating and analyzing the information posted on the department's page, presented on the university's website.


  1. Informing the public

The University demonstrates the constant development of educational programsы, adaptation to the trends of education in the world through the implemented information policy. To ensure the effectiveness of information activities, the university uses all available channels and technologies, including the website, mass media and social networks.

Information about the university's activities and implementation of the EP, their goals and expected learning outcomes is fully presented on the university's website.

The university informs the public about the possibility of obtaining higher education in an educational institution according to the educational programs of the department by publishing advertising videos, booklets, information leaflets and at various mass events in the mass media.

Materials about OP graduates are posted on the university's website in the Faculties section (Higher School of Management and Business), and are also monitored with the support of the SKU Alumni Association.

The University has an official website in Kazakh, Russian, and English, which includes information about the university's history, mission, Strategic Plan for University Development, Quality Policy, Code of Ethics, information about collegial bodies, structural divisions and faculties, teachers, university competitions, international projects, academic mobility programs, and portals.

The website provides timely updates and publishes information about the educational program being implemented, teaching, training, assessment procedures, passing scores, expected learning outcomes (competencies), and assigned qualifications.

One of the main indicators of the quality of personnel training is the demand for graduates in the labor market. The University's website regularly publishes:: information about организациthe organizationand monitoringof employment of young professionals; analysis of trends in the labor market development; creation and support of information resources for professional career and employment; establishment and support of direct contacts with potential employers; conducting master classes, trainings and seminars among students and graduates on training in successful employment skills.

In order to implement the program "Improving the image of the University", the Department for Educational Work and Youth Policy has created a PR service that publishes news materials about the activities of structural divisions in social networks, for which links have been created: instagram @auezov_university, Facebook, contact @auezov_university, telegram @auezov_u, Twitter @AuezovU, YouTube channel: Auezov TV FM

Currently, work is underway to improve the quality of the university website, update data and facilitate the search for information. 

Graduate employment is reviewed and discussed annually by the Academic Council of the University, where decisions are made to optimize and improve the processes of effective career start and employment of graduates.

Information on the results of monitoring the employment of graduates for the reporting period is shown in table 6


Table 6. Information on employment of graduates



Total for OP


according to UAPF data


Enrolled in the Master's program/






Those on parental leave

Total graduates



















































In order to increase the efficiency of employment of graduates and improve relations with employers, the PCiT center annually holds a job fair "Young Specialist", which is a fairly promising method of employment for young professionals who have no other work experience than professional practice, as well as a digital job fair on the domestic платформе BEAM platform (, where students can create their own profile in their personal account, create a portfolio in the form of a resume, pass tests, respond to vacanciesи and receive an invitation. The employer's dashboard shows full information on the profile with vacancies, internships and internships, the ability to add testing and receive feedback, access to the selection and invitation of students on the appointed day. Theuniversity can monitor the process and keep statistics, track feedback from employers and graduates. All information is also published on the social pages of the University, the Career and Employment Support Center, and the Higher School of Economics/faculties (auezov_university_university, uku_center_pkit_center_pkit, etc.).

Graduates of the OP are employed in enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership : JSC "Eurasian Bank", JSC "Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan", LLP "Assel", LLP NUR&ADIL, LLP "Senim", LLP "Steel Impex", LLP "Komesh Balyk", LLP "Kazagrostroy", LLP " Altyn- Mira", "Nauryz-S." LLP.M", "Kaz Acs" LLP, "Center Tech Oil" LLP, "Adilet zher project" LLP, etc.. For this purpose, events were held for the employment of graduates, for example, "Career Week" Instagram: ukgu_ management_marketing_mba


  1. Continuous monitoring and periodic evaluation of programs

In accordance with the task of improving the quality of the educational process, the educational program was modulated on the basis of a competence-based approach. The content of educational programs is harmonized with the National Qualification System, Dublin Descriptors, and the European Qualification Framework. The practice of coordinating educational programs with employers has been introduced.

The department monitors the labor market, taking into account the requests of employers and international experience, the atlas of new professions makes proposals to the academic committee. The Academic Committee reviews the OP received from developers, discusses its content, and makes suggestions for improving its quality.  OP's undergo internal and external expertise. Internal expertise is carried out by an expert commission established under the academic committee, which includes leading professors, associate professors and senior teachers who provide training in this area. External expertise is carried out by an employer specializing in the relevant field. In case of a positive examination, the OP is reviewed by the Academic Council and recommended for consideration by the Educational and Methodological Council (UMS). The UMS of the University reviews and recommends the EP for approval by the Academic Council and for its inclusion in the Register of the EP of the ViPVO.

The University systematically evaluates and reviews the OP. The Center for Strategic Planning and Quality Management annually evaluates the quality of educational programs, modules, and disciplines by students, employees, and employers. The results of the survey are discussed at the AK in the areas of training, which include students and employers in the field of training. In order to provide educational programs with the current content of education, the list of specialized and elective disciplines developed at the department is systematically revised and supplemented, and changes are made to the content of practices. As a result of this work, adjustments are made to the OP to ensure their relevance. The results of the completed work are drawn up in the form of a protocol for updating the OP in accordance with the regulation of the SCU QMS P 7.44-2021 "On the development and approval of educational programs". 

One of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of educational programs is the demand for graduates of educational institutions in the labor market. The demand for specialists in the field of economics is confirmed by the analysis of employment of graduates of this specialty and the dynamics of the allocation of state grants in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Graduates of the specialty are always in demand in the labor market.


  1. Periodic external quality assurance

The structures of OP 6B04120-Management, 6B04160-Marketing, 6B04150-GMU were developed and approved by УСthe University's US. The OP is submitted for discussion at the department's meetings, then sent for review to employers working in the personnel training profile, who must provide a review. The expert opinion is given by an expert group created at the higher school level from among the leading teaching staff. If there are comments and suggestions, the working group corrects the OP and sends it back to the expert group and employers. The OP with a positive expert opinion and review is submitted to the methodological council of the faculty. To be approved УСby the University's SC, it must first be reviewedМС by the University's SC, and sent there on the recommendation of the Academic Committee of the Higher School. Students are involved in the process of developing the OP, through the formation of their IEP, based on their choice of elective subjects.

An annual survey of employers (external stakeholders) is conducted for satisfaction with the quality of implementation of the EP, an exampleof OM is, coordination of its content with employers who participate in determining the list of elective disciplines, providing databases of practices, final assessment of graduates, participation in annual fairs for graduates, and a survey of employers.

To monitor customer satisfaction, processes are defined, categories of consumers are specified, relevant process indicators are identified, research methods are selected (for example, a survey in the form of a questionnaire), questionnaire forms are approved, and those responsible for conducting the survey are identified. 

The purpose of sociological research is to:

 - identification of the peculiarities of students 'subjective assessment of the set parameters of teachers' professionalism;

 - determination of the requirements of applicants and students, employers for the educational program;

 - quality control of the educational process;

 - analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the external and internal environment of the university;

For conducting sociological research, a psychological verbal - communicative method is used, in which a specially designed list of questions – a questionnaire-is used as a means to collect information from the respondent.

Coordination of the provided educational services with the interests of employers makes it possible to realize a socially significant goal – professional adaptation of university students and graduates to the constantly changing trends of the labor market.

Participation of experts from among partner employers in the discussion of the OP is a mandatory procedure. Employers are directly involved in the design and implementation of the OP. Employers ' participation in the implementation of the educational program is carried out through coordination of the list of elective subjects, management of professional practice, reviewing programs and methodological developments of teaching staff, participation in the work of the Academy.

The Department of Management and Marketing relies on the wishes of students and employers when developing the elective component of the educational program. From the point of view of students, the modernity and attractiveness of the discipline, knowledge of the laws of the market economy is also important.



  1. Achievements of the Department

For the academic year 2022-2023, the department achieved the following results:

  1. The full faculty of the department has completed courses on the international platform Coursera
  2. Employees of the department 100% completed advanced training courses at Odessa State Technical University and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  3. The number of visits of foreign scientists to give lectures to students on the educational programs of the department has increased
  4. Obtaining certificates of implementation of research work in the educational and production process
  5. Passing on the basis of the Department of pedagogical practice of undergraduates from leading universities of the country
  6. Reading foreign guest lectures by leading teachers of the department
  7. Increasing the number of students ' participation in scientific and subject Olympiads
  8. Increasing the number of memoranda of cooperation with both enterprises and foreign educational institutions
  9. Fourth place in the rating of NGO "Atameken" educational program 6B04160-Marketing
  10. Increasing the number of employer representatives in the educational process




Head of the Department _____________________ Aidarov T. A.




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