Dear ladies and gentlemen,
the Department of Management and Marketing of M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University invites professors, doctoral students, undergraduates, scientists from universities in Kazakhstan and abroad to participate in the international winter school "The new trends in the development of management and marketing in modern realities" as speakers and listeners.
The winter school will be held from 01/15/2024 to 01/27/2024. in an online format (, Conference ids: 206 422 3024, Access code: 0000) Upon completion, certificates will be issued to all participants.
Working languages of the winter school: Kazakh, Russian, English
Republic of Kazakhstan, Shymkent, Tauke Khan ave. 5, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, main building, 4th floor, room 434, For all questions, please contact the executive secretary of the Organizing Committee of the winter school – Tuleeva Aigul Zhamankulovna.(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) Contact phone number +77011827087

Scientific-practical conference within the framework of the project "New Humanities Education. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language »
Responsible for Rukhani Zhangyru - Ainur Dzhetibayeva
The event was attended by: Acting director of the information and educational center Sauyrbaeva I.K., head. sectors Zhumabayeva B.A., Baltabekova S.K., Utegulova L.Zh.
Students of the EF-19-2k2 group took an active part: Orazbayeva Nuraim, Ergeshova Gulzhan, Oshakbai Dauletkhan Atysty.
At the conference, presentations of scientists and teachers of the university were presented to the attention of the audience.
The implementation of this project will provide an opportunity to resolve a number of important issues.
1. The 100 best textbooks on the humanities will be translated into Kazakh. Thanks to this work, an important vocabulary and scientific content will develop.
2. To receive education in accordance with the requirements of the time, those who receive education in the humanities will be provided with the necessary conditions. The content in our educational institutions and the academic level of analysis will reach the level of the world's leading scientific centers.
3. A large-scale translation project will strengthen the school of the Kazakh translation, create conditions for its improvement. Serves as a precondition for work in a new way to translators and teachers.

Students of the EF-21-4r group together with teachers - Temiri M. and Mustafayeva V. of the Department of Management and Marketing, visited the historical and cultural complex "Shym Kala".
In March 2021, a historical and cultural complex was created, and on April 14 this institution passed state registration under the name "Shym Kala" or unofficially "Kamal", which means "Fortress". As an archaeological site, the Shymkent settlement is an original. The creators of the complex tried to embody the historical design and architecture of the citadel. The original layout of various buildings, the fortification system, which was one of the necessary conditions for the development and maintenance of trade relations, have been preserved. The southern and western defensive walls were also explored. The builders reproduced the data obtained by the method of laying two parallel walls, spaced from each other at a distance of 0.8 to one meter, the space between which is filled with loose loam and construction debris. Round towers are erected along the walls.

For the purpose of lecturing and conducting seminars, scientific consultations, master classes for students invited E.V. Meshcheryakova, candidate of economic sciences, docent of the department "Management, technology of business and sustainable development" of the Belarusian State Technological University, Minsk. A lecture was held on the topic: "Digital economy, people management and not only ..." for the teaching staff and students of the Higher School "Management and Business", which touched upon all aspects of modern economic science. Mutual cooperation will continue.

The Republican Scientific and Practical Forum "Digital Economy" was held at the M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University on November 10, 2021 at 16:00 as part of the VIII International Annual Conference "Industrial Technologies and Engineering - ICITE-2021".
This event is held under the auspices of "30th Anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the time of Creation in the name of people" and timed to coincide with the World Science Day.The digitalization of the economy is an important component of the economic development of most countries and can become the institutional basis for sustainable growth in production and the standard of living of people in the future. The development of almost all sectors of the economy is subject to digitalization, to one degree or another. The purpose of the forum is to provide a platform for dialogue at the republican and international levels, as well as to discuss new digital transformation strategies and trends in the post-pandemic period.Dean of the Higher School "Management and Business" Marat Kanybekovich Seidakhmetov made a welcoming speech.
Presentations were made by foreign scientists, such as:
Iulian Romeo Ihnatov, Finance, Money and Public Administration Department, Associate professor, PhD, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
Chuprina Natalya Nikolaevna - Doctor of Economics, prof. Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology
Nazarov Anton Dmitrievich - Director of the Department for Science, Institute of Digital Economy and Law, Yekaterinburg RF
Dyrka Stefan - Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Upper Silesian University of Economics, Katowice, Poland
Afanasyev Oleg Evgenievich - Professor of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality of the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow
Mustafa Nursoy - PhD, Mugla Sytky Kochman University, Turkey, Mugla
The forum touched upon the issues of digitalization in such areas as: finance, tourism, education, small and medium business, etc. The forum was held in a mixed format, the reports of the scientists were relevant and caused a lot of questions from the audience. This event gave a new impetus to research and cooperation!

In honor of the International Day of Students, a student of our department Salimov Meyrambek, together with the director of the youth center - Zamanbek Orynbekov, gave an interview to the Tan Nury TV channel

Basketball competitions were held in the Turkestan region, a student of the EF-20-4R group of the Department of Management and Marketing - Kim Arthur took second place. Our congratulations!

In groups EF-18-3r, EF-18-2k1, EF-20-4r, EF-20-3r, EF-20-2k1, curatorial hours were held on the topic: "Seven pillars of statehood"
“By constantly strengthening the independence and preserving the integrity of the country, maintaining the value of the family and promoting national and spiritual culture, paying attention to the acquisition of deep knowledge and honest work, we will become a nation of creators. These are the seven main pillars of our State! "

On November 26, students of the EF-20-4r and EF-20-3r groups held an event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence. Reports, presentations and musical numbers were prepared, covering history, culture, sights, friendship, tolerance and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

Participants of the online week from November 21-28, 2021 of the Winter School for Young Leaders from M. Auezov Yunusov Emir, Prmashov Yerkebulan, Abdykadyr Balausa, Malabaeva Umida, Orazbay Alina, Sydykova Ayazhan and Kasymov Nurdaulet took an active part in the classes and received an indispensable communication experience.The guys attended the lectures of the speakers, where they learned everything about the individual development plan, and then visited the Moscow Kremlin with a tour. A meeting was also organized with RUDN Rector Oleg Alexandrovich Yastrebov and a member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission on Accessible Environment and Development of Inclusive Practices, Russian pop singer, public figure, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya.
It's been a busy week for the guys. They really enjoyed studying at the International Winter School

On February 12-13, 2022, for the first time in Shymkent on the basis of M. Auezov University was held a 2-day event on ABC Weekend, the formation and improvement of startup ideas, as well as the opportunity to participate in the ABC Incubation X TCA business incubation program.
ABC Incubation X TCA aims to launch its startups, create and sustain a sustainable business, and help start-ups, students, innovators and inventors in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.The event on the formation and improvement of startup ideas was organized by the NURIS Innovation Cluster of Nazarbayev University and the Department of Entrepreneurship and Commercialization of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
ABC Weekend was attended by 102 participants: undergraduates and students of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, students of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, students of city colleges and students of Nazarbayev Intellectual School.

Republican synchronous video lecture "Generations will not forget ...", dedicated to Thanksgiving Day on March 1. March 1 in the history of the country is the day of the creation of a unique constitutional institution - the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This year, the 27-year-old institute has contributed to the creative development of Kazakhstan and has become a spokesman for creative work.

Dear colleagues, dear students!
Congratulations on the spring holiday of Nauryz Meiramy! This holiday embodies the greatness of culture and the best traditions of our people. This is a wonderful time when not only the world around us, but also the person himself awakens and renews itself.
May Nauryz bring peace, tranquility and prosperity to every home! We wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness, kindness and prosperity!

Department "Management and Marking" together with the Department "Economic Theory" organized the event "Improving the Religious Literacy of Youth" in the hostel #2. The event was attended by the director of the charitable organization "Kamar" Oserbaev G., the head of the Youth Assembly of Shymkent Meirambekov N. and many others.

30.03-31.03.22 the XXV Republican student conference "Science and youth - a reliable guarantee of a successful future", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, was held. Conferences give students the opportunity to learn how to correctly express their thoughts, this is an excellent training for their eloquence. In the photographs, the conference participants who won prizes and their leader Ibraimova S.S.
Tastanbekov Adilet, a student of the EF-19-4tr group, took first place. Congratulations!

Defense of theses of 4th year full-time students of the specialty "Marketing".

Job fair

In accordance with the curriculum for the 2021-2022 academic year, on 06/03/22, a conference was held with students of 1-3 courses of EP 6B04120 - Management, 6B04150 - "State and local government", 6B04160 - "Marketing" on educational and industrial practice.

We sincerely wish our graduates to find their own path in this life, successful professional self-realization, happiness and good luck in all endeavors!

Good evening, dear students! We hasten to remind you that the acceptance of documents for the specialties: "Management", "Marketing", "GMU" and "IT-marketing" is carried out until 25.08.22
We are glad to each of you!
Meeting with first year students!

New generation. EF-22-4r

The curator of the EF-21-4k group Naribek B. held the planned curatorial hour on the topic “MESSAGE
The students took an active part in the discussion of the message.

Kulanova D.A. conducted an excursion for the EF-22-3r group to the museum of the Yu. M. Auezov.
Having visited all the halls of the museum of our university, students received an unforgettable experience
On November 14, the teaching staff of the "Management and Business Higher School", the "Management and Marketing" department, on the topic "Eternal tomorrow is a healthy generation", the epidemiologist of the "AIDS prevention and control center" of the Shymkent health department. doctor Abdieva F.T. a meeting was held with his participation. During the meeting, it was concluded that every person can protect himself from AIDS if he lives decently, maintains family unity, avoids drinking alcohol, taking drugs, and having casual sex.

As part of the plan to improve the image of the university, the Department of Management and Marketing, together with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, held an international scientific seminar on the topic of Analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of management at the university.
The new reality requires new approaches to the organization of management in universities. Changes may affect various aspects of management from changing the organizational structure of the university and its divisions to restructuring the entire management system as a whole

A round table was held on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza under the organization of the department of "Economics", "Management and Marketing" of the higher school "Management and Business" of M. Auezov Educational Institution.

On November 15, 22, a course of lectures began for students of the Department of Management and Marketing from Nizamov Aslitdin Badreddinovich, he is the head of the magistracy department of the Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management

21.11.22 there was a meeting of students of all courses of the department "Management and Marketing" with a cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Shymyrkulov Erkinbek Oksikbaevich.
Erkinbek Oksikbaevich since 1986, an actor in the Shymkent city academic Kazakh drama theater named after Zh. Shanin. During the meeting, students were interested in creative achievements, future plans of our guest. At the end of the meeting Shymyrkulov E.O. a letter of thanks was presented on behalf of the Dean of the Higher School "Management and Business" Seidakhmetov M.K. for his contribution to the education of our youth.

Professor of the Department Kulanova Dana Askarbekovna completed a scientific internship at Mugla University (Turkey). There were meetings with the leadership of the university. Conducted guest lectures

Teachers and students of the department "Management and Marketing" visited the library named after al-Farabi of the city of Shymkent and the ancient city of Citadel to get acquainted with historical relics.

Mustafayeva V.I., teacher-master of the "Management and Marketing" department. Higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan actively participated in the lectures of Gazi University professor Dr. Yuzel Gelishli (Turkey, Ankara) held within the framework of the program of the Ministry of Science to attract foreign scientists to teaching and research activities.

29.11.22 Lectures by Dyrka Stefan, foreign scientist, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the Upper Silesian University of Economics, Katowice (Poland), for students of the 6В04120-Management education program, 7М04120-Masters of Management, doctoral students of the Higher School of Management and Business.

06.12. 22 doctoral students at the meeting of Dyrka Stefan, foreign scientist, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the Upper Silesian University of Economics in Katowice (Poland).

In October-November 2022, teachers of the Department of "Management and Marketing" of the University of South Kazakhstan named after M. Auezov took advanced training courses in "Technologies of project implementation and management" and "Modern technologies of project management". in the online format "Smart Marketing Center and Logistics" at the Department of "Business Technologies" of the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The course program contributed to increasing the competence of the department's teachers in the field of project management. At the end of the training, the trainees were given certificates.

Teaching staff of the department "Management and Marketing" took an active part in a seminar held by the staff of DAV on the development of innovative OP and improving the results of teaching disciplines.

On February 16-17, 2023, D.A. Kulanova visited Tashkent State Technical University (Almalyk branch) at the invitation of the university administration. Guest lectures for 12 hours were organized. Previously, the issues of mobility of teaching staff and students between our universities were discussed. Development and release of educational and methodological material, joint writing of articles in the journals of the Scopus and KOKSNVO databases.

Teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing visited the information center on the "Open Day", got acquainted with new books and electronic resources of the library.

Students of the EF-20-4p group took part in the student regional Economic Olympiad "pillars of education of new Kazakhstan" and took 2nd place. Congratulations! Head: Atanova A.M.

Review of female students who went to Turkey for academic mobility:
"I am a student of Abdysalamova Karlygash EF 20-4k and my classmate Ilyas Akerke, from 25.09.2022 to 03.02.2023 went to study at the University of Halich in Istanbul, Turkey, on academic mobility. Yale University is considered one of the best educational institutions in Turkey. It was a great experience for us, we further improved and developed our English and learned Turkish. We have made many foreign friends. We thank our University named after M. Auezov and the Center for Academic Mobility for this opportunity."

Students of the EF-20-4p group took part in the Republican contest of youth business startups "My Dream" among higher educational institutions, college students and undergraduates and were awarded diplomas.
Head: Atanova A.M.

For the contribution and active activity in the field of science on the way to the perfect development of our sovereign country, the head of the Department of Management and Marketing, associate Professor - Aidarov Tofik Alikovich, was awarded by the executive secretary of the Shymkent city branch of the Amanat party Zh. Bektaev.

A 2nd-year student of the Department of Management and Marketing became the champion among adults in the Sports Contest of the Republic of Kazakhstan, winning a ticket to the PRC competitions in Guangzhou.

On May 25, 2023, the International scientific and Practical conference "Auezov Readings -21: New Kazakhstan- the future of the country" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the educational institution was held at the M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.

02.06.23 responsible and managers of educational and industrial practice held an introductory conference for students of the department "Management and Marketing" for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Before the start of the new school year, I would like to share photos of our 2023 graduates! Dear first-year students, we assure you that 4 years of your student life will fly by very quickly, so enjoy every moment and treat your studies with great responsibility!

Meeting of curator M.U. Daurbaeva with first-year students, group EF-23-2k.
We wish you success in your studies!

Meeting with 1st year students.

09/07/23-09/08/23 the defense of industrial practice reports for 3rd and 4th year students took place.

First year students of EP 6B04120 “Management” with the head of the department T.A. Aidarov visited the museum of our university. Students were told about the history of the university and outstanding personalities who made a huge contribution to its life and development.

“SUPERVISION: A COMBINATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE” FIRST FORUM OF UNIVERSITY TEACHERS On November 7, 2023, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, the Center “Personal Development and the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan” was created under the organization of the Department of Education and Youth Policy. The first forum of curators was held at the university under the title “Curatorship: a meeting of knowledge and experience”.

Ng Kiam Chiang Benny, a guest from Singapore, gave a lecture from the teaching staff of the Department of Management and Marketing The lecture was held in the form of a discussion and was aimed at identifying the connection between the university and businessmen.

In honor of the 80th anniversary of Auezov University, a number of lectures and meetings with foreign guests are being held. One of them is Alexander Vladimirovich Sidorovich - economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, director of the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow State University, vice-rector of Moscow State University.

We took a photo as a keepsake. Our university is 80 years old! Dear colleagues, students, parents, congratulations to all of us!

Annual basketball competitions were held in Shymkent. 4th year student of the Department of Management and Marketing Kim Arthur took part and took 3rd place with our university team. Congratulations!

15.01.24 The opening of the international winter school
"The new trends in the development of management and marketing in modern realities" was held. The
introductory and welcoming speech was given to Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova Rosa Kalmanbayevna, Dean of the Higher School of Management and Business M.K. Seidakhmetov, Head of the Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor T.A. Aidarov, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kydyrova Zh.Sh., Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor Satymbekova K.B., Doctor of Economics, Professor of Gzhel State University – State University of Education. Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Allahverdieva Leila Madad kyzy
- Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Corporate Economics and Management" Tashkent State University of Economics Karakulov Farkhod Zaipudinovich

From January 15 to 27, 2024, the international winter School – 2024 “New trends in the development of management and marketing in modern conditions” was held on the basis of M. Auezov SKU (Department of Management and Marketing).
The Winter School was attended by speakers and listeners from 7 countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Turkey, Poland, Belarus and Azerbaijan), 19 universities.
At the closing ceremony, speakers and listeners expressed gratitude to the organizer of the winter school, the Department of Management and Marketing of the M. Auezov South State University, the Center for the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility.

Under the program of preferential housing loans for young scientists with the support of the state, a young scientist, PhD from the Department of Management and Marketing, Aizhan Amangeldievna Yesentaeva, received a three-room apartment. Congratulations to our colleague!