Educational work

Our students study well, successfully engage in research and social activities, and have high results in sports. We are proud!

Dias Nurlanuly EF-21-3k
Perdebay Ayaulym EF-21-4k


On 17.09.23, the most important sports event of the city of Shymkent took place. Master's teacher Mustafaeva V. of the "Management and Marketing" department, our student and employer.
Let's go to my new sports victory!


On 02/28/2023, the Department of Management and Marketing of the Higher School of Management and Business held an event related to February 11 – "International Day of Women and Girls in Science", organized by students of OP 6B04150 - State and Local Administration and OP 6B04120 Management. The purpose of the event is to introduce young people to personalities who follow the path of science and their works to society.

As a guest of the event, a meeting was held with the honored veteran of the state, university, science, economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Niyazbekova R. K. During the event, an overview of the life path of our sister Rosa was conducted through visual slides. He shared his life experience with the students and gave advice to the teacher. Students



Together with the Department of “Business Technology" at the National University.Al -Farabi organized a round table with the participation of the Department of Management and Marketing Higher school “Management and Business" of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University. The faculty of the department and students were present. "Student youth: socio-economic components of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of Kazakhstan”

Nuraly Amina, a student of the IF-20-4K group, took part in this topic.

Kalshoraev Bakdaulet, a student of the IF-20-3k group, presented his presentation. The head is the senior teacher Karabayeva Shynar Auezkhanovna and the responsible master of research teacher Dzhetibaeva Ainur Bimurzaevna.


21.11.22 there was a meeting of students of all courses of the department "Management and Marketing" with a cultural worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Shymyrkulov Erkinbek Oksikbaevich.

Erkinbek Oksikbaevich since 1986, an actor in the Shymkent city academic Kazakh drama theater named after Zh. Shanin. During the meeting, students were interested in creative achievements, future plans of our guest. At the end of the meeting Shymyrkulov E.O. a letter of thanks was presented on behalf of the Dean of the Higher School "Management and Business" Seidakhmetov M.K. for his contribution to the education of our youth.


A round table was held on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Sherkhan Murtaza under the organization of the department of "Economics", "Management and Marketing" of the higher school "Management and Business" of M. Auezov Educational Institution.



Department "Management and Marking" together with the Department "Economic Theory" organized the event "Improving the Religious Literacy of Youth" in the hostel #2. The event was attended by the director of the charitable organization "Kamar" Oserbaev G., the head of the Youth Assembly of Shymkent Meirambekov N. and many others.

The educational work of the Department of Management and Marketing is carried out in the following areas: civil-patriotic and legal education, spiritual and moral education, professional and labor education, the formation of religious tolerance, physical education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle, environmental education, the development of intellectual and communicative culture, cultural and aesthetic education, the development of student self-government and youth initiative. The main goal of educational work is to form students 'national identity, increase the level of spiritual thinking, raise a patriotic, intellectual nation with high culture and intelligence, and develop students' creative abilities. The Department of educational work closely cooperates with the students of the teaching staff. Educational hours are held on topical issues, various events are implemented. To create an educational environment in the educational institution named after M. Auezov, many opportunities are provided for students: participation in student self-government; membership in student construction groups and "Zhasyl El" teams; Participation in the implementation of the state youth policy of Kazakhstan, membership in the organization" Youth Wing "of the" NurOtan " party.
        For the purposes of cultural and aesthetic, patriotic, and spiritual education, open mentoring hours are held. All conditions are created for students to gain knowledge and develop a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                       State and Local Management", "Management and" Marketing»
                                                                        students of the specialty hold a large-scale event in the hostel


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