Research work, NIRS

Research work of the Department  "Accounting and Audit"
In the 2020-2021 academic year, the research work of the department is carried out on the topic of state budget research.-16-09-03 "Research of problems of management, tax accounting and reporting, as well as audit and analysis".
The department carries out research work under the grant financing agreement:
Contract No. 79-KMU2 dated 01.03.2021 for the implementation of scientific, scientific and technical projects under grant funding AR09057884 " Разработка инновационной технологии получения органоминерального удобрения качества двойного суперфосфата пролонгированного действия из техногенных отходов для почв закрытого грунта ". Scientific supervisor: PhD Nazarbek U. B. (amount 33,322,360 tenge).

In the 2020-2021 academic year, Candidate of Economics Satenov B. I., senior teacher Tulegenova R. Zh., senior teacher Tulebaeva V. T. published an article on the topic: «Economic Impact of the Transition to a Free-Floating  Exchange Rate in Kazakhstan», VI International Scientific-Practical Conference «Quality Management: Search and Solutions» 25-27 November 2020, Los Angeles (CS, USA), Volume 1

Published joint scientific articles with foreign scientists of the near abroad, such as:
a) joint scientific articles on the topic: "Tax audit in innovative development of the energy sector of the economy: Gobal trends" by Ph. D. Satymbekova, Ph. D. in Economics, Professor L. Sembieva (South Ural State University, Russia), Journal of water and land development, e-ISSN 2083-4545, 2021, No. 48 (I-III): 70-80; 136148 (SCOPUS)
b) joint scientific articles on the topic: "The use of real options in the implementation of high - risk projects on the example of metallurgical companies" PhD Zhadigerova G. A.-PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Filin S. A. (Professor of the Department of Organizational and Managerial Innovations of the Faculty of Management of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics), PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Yakushev A. Zh. (Senior Researcher of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) PhD student Kolesnik E. E. (PhD student of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics) VO Russian State University of Economics named after G. V. Plekhanov), in the Scientific Journal "Economics: Strategy and Practice" of the Institute of Economics of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, No. 3 (15), 2020.
c) joint scientific articles on the topic: "Evolution of socio-scientific and technological development of Human civilization", PhD, Associate Professor Uskenova M.-PhD, Associate Professor Filin S. A (Professor of the Department of Organizational and Managerial Innovations, Faculty of Management, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics), in the Scientific Journal "Economics: Strategy and Practice" of the Institute of Economics of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, No. 2 (15), 2020
d) joint scientific articles on the topic: "The main ways to improve the financial situation of the enterprise" by Ph. D. in Economics, Associate Professor Satymbekova Ph. D. in Economics, Professor Maisigova L. A. (Ingush State University, Magas, Russia)


Student research work
The number of students participating in the R & D program for the 2020-2021 academic year was 87% of the total contingent (297 students in total) of the specialty 5B050800-Accounting and audit and 6B04130 – Accounting and Audit.
1) On the basis of the letter of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 14-2/331-1-VN dated 22.02.2021, the University "Narkhoz", as the basic university for conducting the annual Republican competition of Research and Development in economic Sciences in higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the number of students who participated - 2 people, were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan-2 and 3 degrees:

2 place-diploma 2 stepeni
1. features of accounting and application of the methods" Abzorpshn "and" direct costing "in calculating the cost of production of Shymkent Kus LLP, Abenova N., student group EF18-7k2, Scientific Manager Senior prepodavatel Sarkulova N. K.
3 Place-Diploma 3 stepeni

2. features of classification and calculation methods of costs for the production of products, work performed and services rendered, Rustem B., student group EF18-7k2, Scientific Supervisor Senior Lecturer Atenova K. A.
2) in the 2020-2021 academic year, students demonstrate their strength and creativity in debates, seminars, conferences and scientific competitions at the University and faculty, as well as at the international level, and at the same time:
- students of EF 18-7k1 groups Abenova N. G., Aidar B. N., Rustem B. B. and EF18-7R groups Shushakova I. S. took part in the international International remote Olympiad on accounting at the Institute Mardana Saparbayeva together with the NGO "Association of accountants" and engaged second place.
-students of groups EF 18-7k1 Abenova N. G., Aidar B. N., Rustem B. B. and groups EF17-7k3 Zhumalieva zh.B., musakhan D. B. took part in the International subject online Olympiad on accounting at the Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumileva and engaged the third place and received the nomination of Creative Artists in the competition.

3) number of students participating in international and Republican conferences-58, including:
- International student scientific and Practical Conference "student science 2020", Miras university, December 10-11, 2020.
- International scientific and Practical Conference "student science: Creative Economy 2020", Shymkent university,December 10-12, 2020.
- International student scientific and practical online conference "modern trends in the development of Science and Technology", international humanitarian and Technical University, December 24-25, 2020.
- at the end of the XXII Republican student scientific conference on natural, technical, social and humanitarian Sciences: "scientific views of young people to the global challenge of modernity" (12-13.03. 2020) - 6 students were awarded diplomas:
1st place
1. Міндетті медициналық сақтандырудың тәртібі мен есебін ұйымдастыру
Kurymbaeva Zhuldyz, student groups EP 18-7k1
Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Akhmetova S. S.
2 places
1. Аймақтық шағын және орта бизнесті дамыту жолындағы инновациялық саясат
Abdikadir A., student group EF 19-7k1
Scientific supervisor: K. E. N., Senior Lecturer Zhadigerova G. A.

2. Бюджеттік мекемелердегі кассадағы қолма-қол ақша есебін ұйымдастыру
Kadirbek U., student group EF 19-7k1
Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Atenova K. A.
3rd place
1. Жылдық жиынтық табыс пен шегерімдердің салық аудиті
Mohammedarifovna F., Sakitzhanova A. students of EF19-7k1 group
Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer N. K. Sarkulova,


2. Өндірістік қорлар экономикалық категория ретінде және олардың өндіріс процесінде рөлі

Abenova N. student group EF-18-7k2
Scientific supervisor: K. E. N., Senior Lecturer Turebayeva zh. K.

3. Қазіргі заман жағдайында бухгалтерлік есептін даму мәселелері
Kasymkhanova Arailym, student groups EF-20-7k1
Scientific Supervisor: Senior Lecturer Ayazbekova zh.





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