Department history

History of the department "Accounting and Auditing"

The department of "Accounting and Auditing" was founded on May 7, 1992. From 1994 to 2004 the department was headed by Candidate of Economic Sciences. S.Zh. Zhakypbekov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, 2005-2006. B.I. Satenov, 2006-2012 Ph.D. GA Imanova, 2012-2016 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor D. Zhakypbekov, 2016-2017 Ph.D. Satymbekova KB, Candidate of Economic Sciences since 2017 ST Seitbekova is in charge. The purpose of the Department of Accounting and Auditing is to train competitive professionals with strong professional knowledge and skills, deep theoretical and practical experience, meeting the state educational standards in the specialty "Accounting and Auditing". Training is carried out according to the following educational programs:  Bachelor's degree in 5B050800 "Accounting and Auditing"  Masters in 6M050800 "Accounting and Auditing" (scientific-pedagogical and profile direction)

High-level teachers - doctors and professors, candidates of sciences and experienced specialists are involved in the educational process of the department. At present, the department is headed by Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan S.Zh. Zhakypbekov, Doctor of Economics, Professor AM Dzhumanov, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Satymbekova KB, Candidate of Economic Sciences S.Zh. Zhakypbekov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Member of the Association of Professional Accountants and Auditors of the Republic of Kazakhstan BI Satenov, Candidate of Economic Sciences Zh.K. Turebaeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences G.S. Berdibekova and senior teachers SS Akhmetova, DB Abdykulova, KA Atenova, DH Bastykov, VM Karibov, NK Sarkulova, R.Zh. Tulegenova, V.T. Tulebaeva, D.N. Suleimenov.

Accountant is a profession that has been preserved for centuries. Education in this specialty allows you to successfully work in any institution or enterprise. Study of disciplines related to the mechanism of functioning of a market economy, as well as issues such as international accounting standards, production cost accounting, sectoral features of accounting, discussion during training, work for graduates in government agencies, legal organizations of all forms, market structures, research institutions allows you to do.

The policy of the department in the field of personnel training is aimed at maintaining the core staff and attracting young staff and professional development of each teacher. Within the framework of academic mobility, regular contacts are established with other universities and their faculty is involved in the courses. M.V. Doctor of Economics, Professor Suits VP from Lomonosov Moscow State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences from PFUR Petrovskaya MV held lectures. Students Yerzhanov S., Assenov S. at Balikeser University in Turkey, Kydyrbaeva K., Arkharova R., Kablanova Sh. He studied at the University of Turiba in Latvia. The department is always proud of its graduates. Our graduates successfully work in various sectors of the economy as financial directors, chief accountants, heads of departments and divisions.


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