Educational programs

Code and name of EP


Awarded qualification


6В04140 «Finance»

The purpose of the EP: Preparation of competitive bachelors-financiers, possessing theoretical and practical knowledge, the necessary methods and tools, capable of assessing and analyzing the current state of development of the financial sector

Learning outcomes: The educational program 6В04140 "Finance" is determined by the preparation of competitive bachelors in the field of management and organization of finance, the activities of commercial banks, the organization of financial and corporate risk management of institutions.

Bachelor of Business and Management on the educational program 6В04140 "Finance"


7М04140 «Finance»

The purpose of the EP: Preparation of highly qualified undergraduates of the scientific and pedagogical direction with conceptual knowledge in the field of finance and mechanisms of anti-crisis financial management.

Learning outcomes of the educational program consist in the development of the competencies of highly professional masters of the scientific and pedagogical direction of study.

The sphere of activity can be institutions and enterprises of state and financial regulation, research organizations, second-tier banks, consulting firms, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, financial and analytical departments of institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership.

Master of Economics in the educational program 7M04140 "Finance"


7М04142 «Finance»

The purpose of the EP: Preparation of a master of a new formation with broad fundamental knowledge in the field of financial and economic relations.

Learning outcomes of EP 7M04142 "Finance" are aimed at training highly professional masters of business and management.

The sphere of professional activity, which is the real sector of the economy, the financial and banking system, insurance companies, stock exchanges, government bodies.

Master of Business and Management on the educational program 7M04142 "Finance"



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160012, Shyment City, Tauke khan avenue, 5


(8-725-2) 40-08-99

(8-725-2) 27-38-52


Chancellery(8-725-2) 21-01-41

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