25 years to Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: its achievements and development prospects of tourism and service
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Students of SKSU named by M. Auezov on the specialty 5B090200 –“Tourism” actively participated in the International students’ scientific conference "25 years to Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan: its achievements and development prospects of tourism and service", which was held on 9th of November in 2016, ("Narxoz University", Almaty), They acted reports and presentations on the current themes according to tourism activities and took prize place and they were reward with charters for the second and third places.
Section1. Development prospects of inbound and outbound tourism in Kazakhstan. In this section were students Shaimerdenov D. and Aripov H. They were awarded with a charter for occupied II and III places.
Section2. The new trends of restaurant market services. In this section student Abdraman Zh. took a part and she was awarded with a charter for occupied ІІІ place.
II place: Student of 1 course EF-16-8r Aripov Kh. (Theme: Тourism sector of Kazakhstan: current condition and development prospects) - instructor Esenova А.Е.
III place: Students of 3 course EF-14-8а Abdraman Zh. (Theme: Restourant market of RK: trends and prospects of development) - instructor Zhumagulova А.М.
Shaimerdenov D. (Theme: Prospects of development of inbound and outbound tourism in Kazakhstan.) - instructor Tlevkeev Zh.