15th of November is a significant day for our country. It is a birthday of the national currency - Tenge!

15th of November is a significant day for our country. It is a birthday of the national currency - Tenge! On 12th of November in 1993, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the introduction of the national currency of the Republic of Kazakhstan” was issued. The first emission of Tenge was on 15th of November in 1993. Since then this day is considered the official Day of the national currency. Today, Tenge is the economic basis of independence, a symbol of sovereignty, and a full-fledged part of modern history and future of Kazakhstan. 15th of November is also considered as a Professional Feast for Financiers of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On November 14, 2019, Professors and students of the Department of Finance celebrated the Financiers Day in the student hostel No. 4 of M. Auezov SKSU. The teachers gave a presentation about the currency system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the end of which a quiz was organized among students about the national currency. The celebration ended with a concert organized by activist students of the Higher School of Management and Business.



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